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Someone sent me a link to a rapture forum where they are talking about my web site and what I am teaching.  I noticed that one person by the name of Miggy wrote the following: “However, later on he started veering into what I took as a belief in a work-based salvation. I stopped reading there (when the article became a WALL OF TEXT), so I can't comment on anything after that.”

If anyone can please quote any of my 604 posts, which implies we are saved by works, I want to see it!.  As an X Jehovah’s Witness I can assure you all we are only saved by the grace of God and not by anything we can do.  I have stated this many times in my posts.  Say what you will about my misspelled words because I admit I don’t catch all the mistakes do the length of my posts, but don’t ever say I have even leaned toward a works based salvation.  This would be a lie and that is one thing I will not stand for.  For the past 33 years I have been on the front line to defend the Word of God and have done what I can to warn people about trying to work their way into heaven.  I am sited both on TV and radio as saying no one will make it into heaven by their works. 

I challenge this person to quote the piece of work in which they think I am teaching salvation by works!  Email me at fjdimora@gmail.com and I will post what you send me.  If you cannot quote me please remove your statement from that forum because it is a out and out lie!  I am beginning to wonder if the Lord’s enemy is working in these forums to discredit not only myself, but others as well who are trying to keep people informed about the last days.



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    • Brenda Gunde on December 21, 2009 at 11:24 pm
    • Reply

    Brother Dimora,
    We thank God for these people, this could be the Devil trying to stray you away from Gods purpose by worrying about what others are saying about you. BUT we believe in what our LORD JESUS CHRIST told ud that they will persecute you, they will say evil things about you but worry not, because If God is for us who can be against us.
    Its God who vindicates us no matter what people say.
    May God continually bless you with his wisdom to understand prophecy we also learn and understand prophecy through what God is investing you.
    May the Lord God be praised always.

    • kathleen on December 22, 2009 at 5:14 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank,
    I must comment on this before I continue reading your post today. I am offended by the allegation that you preach/teach a works-based salvation. I have read EVERY SINGLE ONE of your posts since 2008 including your online book. If you had ever preached works-based salvation, I wouldn’t have continued to read your posts.
    Satan, obviously, wants to side-track you, upset you, and keep you from being the effective soldier for Jesus that you are. He will NOT get an advantage over you by this or any other tactic. We are standing in prayer for God to continue to pour out His Spirit upon you to overflowing. He, the Lord God of Israel, will perfect that which concerns you, my dear brother!
    Love in Christ Jesus,

    • kathleen on December 22, 2009 at 5:41 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank,
    It’s me, again…Kathleen. I would like to request prayer once again for my brother and his family. He and his family have been J.W.’s since the 1960’s. I have been praying for them since I was saved in 1978. I firmly believe the Lord WILL reach them somehow.
    Please post this as a prayer request. They live in Washington State and I hardly ever see them, but I love them deeply. I would appreciate everyone praying for them to come out of that horrible deception and into His Marvelous Light – JESUS!!!!
    Thank you so much!

    • carol ann gillies on December 22, 2009 at 5:59 am
    • Reply

    what does it matter about the spelling,as long as we get what you are saying is the most inportant thing.im glad we have someone like you telling us how it is.THANK GOD.

    • Uithoven family on December 22, 2009 at 8:08 am
    • Reply

    Frank – in the two years I’ve been coming to your site I’ve never once “heard” you say that salvation is works based! Always that salvation is a gift from God that we can choose to receive – and it is by faith and grace alone that we are saved!!
    Keep up God’s work brother.

    • carol ann gillies on December 22, 2009 at 9:49 am
    • Reply

    ill write again,who cares about the spelling,as long as we get what your saying thank god someone like you is keeping us informed.keep up the good work,frank.ps big thank-you.

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