Special post for Saturday June 28, 2008-DiMora’s global radio interview on The Edge with Gina Romano

If you want to hear my radio interview which was on The Edge yesterday, click to the link below.  When you get to that site you will see what looks like a TV screen.  Scroll down till you see the exact thing I have in blue below.  You will see the click play, click that and it will start the interview. My interview starts about 66 minutes into the show, if you want to hear my interview only, just fast forward to to where my interview is. My interview will follow the American Journalist talking about Palestine.  Half way through my interview there will be a music break, fast forward to where I am talking again.  This is a powerful interview which proves this generation is running out of time and Christ is returning soon. This is a powerful interview which proves this generation is running out of time and Christ is returning soon.


  There is information you have never head and need to know.


Img_2685Img_2715Signs of Jesus 2nd coming are everywhere click to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZYsi3j-xRA&feature=related


This is what you are looking for when you get to The Edge site.


26th June, 2008 8:00 PM EST

What the US isn’t told about the Palestine Israel Conflict – The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – Secret Google Earth Footage – Is The Earth Expanding? – and much more

This show runs for 3 hrs 18 min



                                                                      click play


Go to the edge site by clicking link below


The Edge: http://www.theedgeam.com/thursdays.htm.


Radio host of The Edge Gina Romano


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