Step that will bring on a One World System/Obama is not the Antichrist reasons why/War signs/April 21, 2010


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I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17.  In my first post today I talk about how ten leaders of ten unions may be the leaders Jesus warned us about in Revelation 17:12-13. There are many things that could cause this one world system to speed up.  The most pressing right now is the world economy.

Let us look at it this way.  If the global economy were to get much worse and it will, then we will see steps taken to bring about a whole new system.  Right now the U.S. and now the European Union is fighting off huge debts that will cause nations to go bankrupt.  The USA Today report gives us some insights on this problem.

“Ballooning government debt poses the greatest risk to global financial stability and threatens to overshadow the improving health of major banks, according to a stark new warning from the International Monetary Fund.

"Concerns about sovereign risks could also undermine stability gains and take the credit crisis into a new phase, as nations begin to reach the limits of public sector support for the financial system and the real economy," the IMF said.

The IMF warning comes as government, or sovereign, debt fears are rattling Europe. Greece is moving toward formally asking for up to 30 billion euros (or $40.3 billion) in European Union loans along with additional IMF money. The Greek foreign minister is due in Washington on Friday for meetings with the IMF on the possible rescue plan.

Investor unease Tuesday was reflected in rising Greek government bond yields. The yield on Greek debt closed at 7.87%, up 0.25 percentage points. The spread over rock-solid German debt widened to 4.77 percentage points.

Financial tremors from countries such as Greece "could have cross-border spillovers," the IMF said. Banks in heavily indebted countries could have trouble obtaining enough money to support adequate lending to businesses. Starved of credit, those economies could spiral into decline. Likewise, banks outside Greece could suffer punishing losses on their Greek loans.”

This morning I warned you to watch for nations and business to begin to fail.  This afternoon I read this report and it ran parallel to what I warned you about in my first post.  In the coming months you will see just how bad our global economy will get.  When they happens, if you don’t believe now maybe by then you will have opened your eyes to what the Holy Spirit is showing us in these last days.  Christ’s children will not be in the dark!

As many people are taking notice that governments are moving quickly to this One world Government people are beginning to say that Obama is the Antichrist.  If you study the Bible you will learn there is no way Obama fulfills this prophecy.  Hal Lindsey addresses this issue in the video below.  After you watch the video I will give you some other reasons why Obama is not the man Jesus warned us about.

See full size imageThe Antichrist does not come as a Politican in a three piece suit but as a "savior" wearing a white robe. Antichrist comes as a spiritual figure, the "Messiah" or Christ of all religions, faiths and creeds, and it is thru religion (not politics) that Antichrist will conquer the world.  Daniel warns us this man will use peace to kill off much of the world.  I quote Daniel 8:25 “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.”  Jesus Christ came riding into Jerusalem as a Messiah of peace not war and the Antichrist will do the same thing.  At the present time all major world religions await their savior. Muslims await Iman Mahdi, Jews await The "Messiah", Buddhists await the fifth Buddha (MAITREYA), Hindus look for the 9th Incarnation of Khrisna and Catholics and many Protestants await the "Second Coming" of Christ. The world’s stage set for the master of lies to appear and Jesus warned you about this as well. II Thessalonians 2:11 we see this warnings. “ And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”

See full size imageThose who say Obama is the Antichrist fall to see that if he were the Antichrist and we are already in the tribulation period, Obama would have already told the world he way the way to life. The Antichrist will step (or land) onto the world scene, AT A TIME OF GLOBAL WAR, CHAOS AND ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and claim to be the "savior" of all religions, the same person called by many names and titles. And thru religion (not politics) Antichrist will UNITE the world, "together as one". One important fact is that Obama would never be accepted by the Muslim world as "Iman Mahdi" in any shape or way to the Muslim world. To the Muslim world, Obama is worse than an Infidel, because he was raised Muslim and converted to Christianity, a conversion worthy of death in much of the Muslim world.  The Bible shows us the Antichrist will be a friend of Israel but Obama has taken side with the PLO and is working with the EU to divide up Israel and the Israeli people do not care for Obama. One pastor notes: “ISRAEL will never accept Obama as their "messiah" or even trust him to help bring peace. He is viewed as a United Nations supporter who is linked to Louis Farrakkan, an inverted NAZI who is the leader of the black Muslim hate group, "nation of Islam" that is the ENEMY OF ISRAEL.”

  • Daniel 7:24 states that that the Antichrist will rise from among ten kings, and he’ll put down three of them. Revelation 13:1-2 shows that the ten nation union that the Antichrist leads will become a world government that he will dominate.  If anything Obama could become one of the ten kings who hand over his power to the Antichrist once the One World Government is set in place.  People are striving to fit pieces together to make Obama fit into scripture but it won’t work.
  • Revelation 13:11-12 is understood to predict that the Antichrist will have a false prophet – a miracle working partner – to promote him. Satan will use this false prophet in much the same way as John the Baptist was used to interduce the real Savior JESUS.  At the present time the one person who is pushing Obama the most is Nancy Pelosi, and she is not prophet. It’s clear that Obama doesn’t have a false prophet out there promoting his alleged upcoming world domination and consequently the Antichrist is NOT Obama.
  • Revelation 17:11 – he will be the eighth ruler; coming from a group of seven rulers. That doesn’t apply to the United States but it very well could have something to do with the European Union or the Ten nation Islamic Union which is at the present time headed by Iran’s President.  To understand more about the 7 kings and the 8th that is yet to come I sugguest you read my Oct. 27, 2009 post. The link to that post is below:
  • Daniel 8:23  One of the warnings in Daniel has to do the way he looks and Obama doesn’t have a fierce or bold countenance, so rule this out for Obama, plus Obama certainly doesn’t understand riddles or have any special brilliance as Daniel warns us. Fact is, Obama is considered a very weak President and much of the world sees him that way.  This is not the signs of the Antichrist man at all. Reasons why Obama is not the Antichrist: 1) The Antichrist does not come as a Politican but as a "savior" wearing a white robe.  Keep in mind, Satan will try to duplicate everything Jesus did when he came.  Antichrist comes as a spiritual figure, the "Messiah" or Christ of all religions, faiths and creeds, and it is thru religion (not politics) that Antichrist will conquer the world.

    See full size imageAll major world religions await their savior. Muslims await Iman Mahdi, Jews await The "Messiah", Buddhists await the fifth Buddha (MAITREYA), Hindus look for the 9th Incarnation of Khrisna and Catholics and many Protestants await the "Second Coming" of Christ. With this stage set, Antichrist will step (or land) onto the world scene, AT A TIME OF GLOBAL WAR, CHAOS AND ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and claim to be the "savior" of all religions, the same person called by many names and titles. And thru religion (not politics) Antichrist will UNITE the world, "together as one". Obama would never be accepted by the Muslim world as "Iman Mahdi" in any way. To the Muslim world, Obama is worse than an Infidel, because he was raised Muslim and converted to Christianity, a conversion worthy of death in much of the Muslim world. Israel will never accept Obama as their "messiah" or even trust him to for that matter and you can see from the current news reports I have put up at my site. Obama seen as a United Nations supporter who has been linked to Louis Farrakkan, and we all know Farrakkan is no friend of Israel’s either.

    If you are looking at Obama as the man Jesus warned about you are barking up the wrong tree!  Israel and the U.S. are drawing further and further a part as the weeks go on and it is because of Obama’s obsession of dividing up Israel.  News today should help you see this rift between Israel and the U.S.. I quote, “Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk said on Wednesday that if Israel is a superpower that manages alone, then it can make decisions alone. In an interview with Army Radio, Indyk said that if Israel sees itself as a superpower that does not need any aid from the United States, then it can make its own decisions. However "if you need the United States, then you need to take into account America's interests," said Indyk.” "The shift in America's Middle East interests means that Netanyahu must make a choice: Take on the president of the United States, or take on his right wing. If he continues to defer to those ministers in his cabinet who oppose peacemaking, the consequences for US-Israel relations could be dire," wrote Indyk in the New York Times article.”  Does this sound like the Israeli people are flocking to Obama as their savior?  The Antichrist is coming but he is not in the White House!

    See full size imageFor a man the world is suppose to fall head over heels for, hardly anyone trusts Obama and this goes for the people who just voted for him.  When the Antichrist comes there will be no question as to the powers he will have.  The Bible tells us he will do great miracles.  “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders” II Thessalonians 2:9.  Who knows maybe Obama did do a miracle when he got what many believe to be a fake U.S. birth certificate.  In any case Arizona plans to stop Obama buy  a new vote. I quote, “The Arizona House on Monday voted for a provision that would require President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate if he hopes to be on the state's ballot when he runs for reelection. The House voted 31-22 to add the provision to a separate bill. The measure still faces a formal vote. It would require U.S. presidential candidates who want to appear on the ballot in Arizona to submit documents proving they meet the constitutional requirements to be president.”

    See full size imageProphecy Sign:  This is what we know is coming.  Psalm 83 tells us a war will be fought between Israel and her bordering nations of which Syria and the PLO will be numbered.  Signs of this war are in the news every week now and here is more of that news today. “The West should use resolution 1701 to roll back Hizbullah's effective take-over of the Lebanese gov't. The summoning by the United States of Syrian Deputy Chief of Mission Zouheir Jabbour for a review of Syrian arms transfers to Hizbullah is the latest evidence of the serious basis to the recent tensions in the north. Syria has continued to deny recent reports suggesting that it permitted the transfer of Scud-D ballistic missiles to Hizbullah.”  Syria, Hizbullah, the Lebanese, and the PLO are moving arms around for the next war with Israel.  If you don’t know what the Psalm says you won’t even know this news means anything to prophecy.  Wake up!

    Here is a second report showing how Hizbullah’s arms are a real danger to Israel. “Following last week's uncertainty surrounding a reported Syrian Scud missile delivery to Hizbullah, a senior US senator said Tuesday that the guerrilla group most likely obtained the weapons and that its missiles posed a real danger to Israel. "I believe there is a likelihood that there are Scuds that Hizbullah has in Lebanon. A high likelihood," Senate Intelligence Committee chair Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, told AFP."The rockets and missiles in Lebanon are substantially increased and better technologically than they were and this is a real point of danger for Israel."

  • Earthquake news below:

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    MAP  5.9   2010/04/21 17:20:30   -15.109   -173.256  35.0   TONGA
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