The Concept/Off the Ground a sign from Christ?/ Dec. 27, 2012



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Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the
return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future
before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific
details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this
generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to
subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of
Planet Earth December 1, 2012 Edition written by Frank

I am
currently taking a break until the new year but I had to show you this video.
One of the keys to knowing our generation can be found in Daniel 12:4 as you see
below.  The generation who has seen the explosion of this increase in knowledge
is the exact same generation who saw the rebirth of the nation of Israel which
is another major sign of the last days.  The generation who would see Israel's
rebirth, and increase in knowledge would also be known as the drug generation as
seen in Rev. 9:21.  Not only that but the genertion who would see the rebirth of
Israel, increase in knowledge, be known as the drug generation, that same
generation would see the same signs as seen during Noah's generation.  If you
don't know the signs of Noah's generation you may want to Google this because if
you do you will discover that the same things Noah's genertion did just prior to
the flood, our generation is doing the exact same things and Jesus told us this
genertaion would not pass away until all these things be fulfilled.  Wait, I am
not finished.  Our generation was not only to see the increase in knowledge, the
rebirth of Israel, be know as the drug generation, see Noah's signs again, but
God showed us that when Israel was reborn they would form a great army! (Read
Ezekeil chapter 37).  Anyone want to mess with Israel lately?  Israel may be one
of  the smallest nations on the planet but they are ranked as one of the best
military's on the planet.  Speaking about an army, did you know one of the major
signs added to all the signs I just mentioned is the last days sign of a 200
million man army from the East?  Never before has the world seen a single army
which would number the 200 million which Jesus warned us about in Revelation
9:14-16.  If you read my book I have shown you documents showing you that China
alone has a Regular army that numbers 200 million men.  Wait, there is more! 
Not only did Jesus show us the would be an army that numbers this many people
but He also shows us when this army would make a major move.  In Revelation
16:12 Jesus shows us the Euphrates River will dry up and this 200 million man
army from the East will cross over the dried River.  Guess what? Not only is
there an army of 200 million but you may want to do another Google search on the
major drought in the Middle East that has been drying up the Euphrates River. 
These are all major signs that Jesus is about to come back for His Church. Wait
there is still more!  Do you want to know more?  Scroll back up to my Dec. 1,
2012 book and read it.  I have been getting some emails from people who tell me
that there is no prophecies that really show we are in the last days. This much
I know. The people who are saying this have not read the Bible from Genesis to
Revelation.  The last day signs I just wrote you about are only the tip of the
iceburg.  Look, my book is free. download it today and see what Jesus is showing
you about Himself via His prophecies.  Let me bring out one more major sign for
the last generation. That is the sign that our generation would not only
increase in knowledge but they would travel back and forth.  Never before in the
history of man has so many people traveled back and forth as ours.  This is a
fact!  Now
let's have some fun.  I want you to see a good example of how our increase in
knowledge has given us a new way to move back and forth.  Watch the video below
because your going to be blown away.  The concept car. See you in 2013 everyone.




    • Kenneth Acushla on December 28, 2012 at 10:38 am
    • Reply

    Those who say they do not see the SIGNS are wilfully blind. In the Gospels our LORD Yahshua gave the Signs to the Jewish people re the Days of NOAH and the Days of LOT. Record Breaking Flooding Rainfalls now taking place which will be followed by Fire and Brimstone. Global Warming not human made but the SUN will be searing burning HOT drying up the surface water. Israel is the first great Sign of the last days with Jerusalem the visible sign of all that is happening these days in this Age of Violence. The USA will no longer be a world FORCE on Planet Earth but this Great Satan will be under attack and invaded even as the little satan will be attacked but never defeated. This Age of Violence against human kind includes the economy with the price of milk in the USA going up to $8 a gallon whih is already happening in other countries. With Businesses and politicians the love of money is the root of all EVIL. The Children will be worst affected which will never be forgotten by Yahweh. Their pain will be visited on the perps in Eternity. “Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

    • Bill on December 29, 2012 at 11:42 pm
    • Reply

    You are right on target my brother. Keep up the writing and don’t forget to look up.

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