The (Daniel Factor)/ Say Goodbye to 1,100 dealers/Peace & Safety talks and what that means/Noah’s signs/May 15, 2009


I will be the guest speaker at the men’s conference in Yucaipa at the Glen Oaks Conference Center at 39364 Oak Glen Rd. in Yucaipa, CA 92399. The conference starts on May 29-May 30th.  If you are interested in attending you can contact Clarke Trevor at the following number between the hours of 8:00 to 8:00pm. (714) 474-7452 Money to attend the conference would have to be in to Trevor no later then May 26 as he will have to notify Oak Glen of the increase.

Part 3 of (The Revived Roman Empire) is now airing on The Edge International Internet Radio Show. To watch part 3 click below to this link . You can also view my videos at The Edge on the Coming Attack Against Israel & the Revived Roman Empire.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009



Prophecy Sign: (The Daniel Factor) What is the Daniel factor.  God gave Daniel the complete outlook for all the world empires from Daniel’s time all the way to the 2nd coming.  Daniel never mentions the United States as any kind of strong empire in the last days.  I call this the (Daniel Factor).  The fact that the U.S. isn’t mentioned at all still provides this last days generation with information.  That information is, something had to happen to America because God left her out of Daniel’s book.  God was very specific as to what empires would rule one after the other and God made it a point to tell Daniel the Roman Empire was going to return and they would be the last world empire standing at the time Jesus Christ returns to take His seat a King in Jerusalem. My regular readers are aware that the European Union is almost a carbon copy of the first Roman Empire. In my new book I will show you two sections of nations from the Old Roman Empire that could be the 10 nations Jesus said would give all their power over to the Antichrist. Here is the point, the Old Roman Empire has already returned again which tells us we are very close to entering the last 7 years.  At the same time the modern day revived Roman Empire is standing, America is rapidly declining and I know why.  Daniel didn’t have to write anything about America being the greatest Superpower in the world because by the time the last days came around America would have already fallen away as major superpower.  I believe one of the main reasons why God is bringing down America is her new position against Israel.  She is now opposing God’s warnings as to dividing up Israel into two states and handing over God’s chosen city Jerusalem to the PLO.  Part of this (Daniel Factor) can be seen in the news now everyday. I have been writing about it every week in my warnings about the decline of America.  If you aren’t a believer in the Lord yet I don’t expect you to believe what I am about to say. However, it will only be a matter of time before you see for yourself what I had warned you. 1977 was the first time I spoke out for Christ.  I began to warn people back then that the dollar was going to crash and America would fall away from being a superpower. In 1977 I told the people to fix your eyes on the European Union and those nations that used to be in the Old Roman Empire because they were going to fulfill prophecy and become the last world empire to rule at the time Jesus comes back.  I have to admit, it took a little longer than I figured it would take but  since September of 2008 these events have accelerated.  Since September 2008 the entire world knows America is in deep trouble and they are preparing for her collapse.   Since September all the world leaders have come together and are working to distance themselves from the U.S. dollar because it is becoming to weak as the leading currency.  This is a major step in the decline of America. New today again shows us what to expect in the near future.

I quote, from a report out today entitled, China’s yuan ‘set to usurp US dollar’ as world’ reserve currency”. “Professor Roubini, of New York University's Stern business school, believes that while such a major change is some way off, the Chinese government is laying the ground for the yuan's ascendance. Known as "Dr Doom" for his negative stance, Prof Roubini argues that China is better placed than the US to provide a reserve currency for the 21st century because it has a large current account surplus, focused government and few of the economic worries the US faces.”  Prof Roubini's warning followed the US government's latest economic data that showed producer prices in April experienced their biggest year-on-year drop since 1950, falling 3.7pc. The number of Americans claiming unemployment benefit for the first time rose by 32,000 to 637,000 in the week to May 9. The increase meant the total number of people claiming benefits stood at to 6.56m, a record high for the 15th consecutive week in a row.”  This isn’t the first time we had hints of a major change as to how the world’s economic system will go.

In April 2008 news from, a news source out of Europe stated, “With the dollar seemingly in terminal decline, there is little stopping the euro from becoming the world's premier reserve currency, argues Wolfgang Münchau in a March commentary for EuroIntelligence. Münchau bases his hypothesis on a study by two professors, Chinn and Frankel, based at the Universities of Wisconsin and Harvard respectively. Their study concludes that the euro will overtake the dollar within the next 10-15 years.” The fact is, since 2001 when the Euro was introduced to the market place it has out preformed against the dollar every year.

Look, I am not the only one who warned you about the fall of America. Take a look at this news report filed on Sept. 21, 2007. This warning came from Alan Greenspan. “In a report published Thursday by a German magazine, former U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Alan Greenspan warns the dollar’s days as the world’s reserve currency may be numbered, and that a trend to replace the dollar has already begun. The predictions are particularly shocking considering the source. Greenspan was the central banker responsible for overseeing the dollar’s value for over 18 years up until 2006. According to an advance copy of the interview published in Stern magazine, Greenspan said it was “absolutely conceivable that the euro will replace the dollar as reserve currency, or will be traded as an equally important reserve currency.”  A year and a half later we are witnessing Greenspan warns coming to pass.  Since Jesus told us to look for the last days events to take place as a woman with birth pains you should look signs of America’s collapse as a superpower to speed up.  At the end of the day when the world has been thrown into panic over the global economic crisis look for 10 nations from the Old Roman Empire to give all their power over to one man. This is the man who will run the new world economic system.  I am telling you this now so that when you see it happen you will know that these things were foretold to you before they happened. Just about everything we are witnessing in the news now is linked to Bible prophecy.  My heart truly goes out to any of you who do not believe in God’s Word.  You are about to be tossed into the worst time this planet has ever gone through.  For those of you who call yourselves Christians rejoice for our time here on Earth is coming to a close

There are more signs of America’s decline in the news today. “DETROIT – A day after Chrysler LLC told a quarter of its dealers that it won't renew their contracts, owners of General Motors Corp. dealerships are awaiting word on whether they will be next. GM said it will notify 1,100 U.S. dealers on Friday that their franchise agreements will not be renewed. Dealers expect to hear either by telephone or FedEx letters that will begin arriving Friday morning.  If you go back and read my previous post from 2008 you will see my warnings about what to expect from the U.S. Auto Industry.  My warning is coming true and this is going to put a serious dent into any kind of economic recovery the U.S. thinks it has.   I watched this news today on TV and the car dealer that they were interviewing said he had 50 people working for him.  Let’s say not all the 1,100 car dealers have 50 people working for them.  Let’s cut that number in half.  I am be low balling the figure but we are going to see at least another 27,000 people get laid off at the same time.  Hundreds of thousands of people are getting laid off every month.  For all I know you may be one of the people who already got a pink slip from your employer. Can you see what the Prophet Daniel did not write?  The most powerful nation in the world is shaking at the knees and America is getting weaker by the month.  What Daniel did not see, we see today, the down fall of a major empire to give way to the final empire with is the Revived Roman Empire.

Prophecy Sign: If the Apostles Matthew, Mark and, Luke were alive today and saw all the news concerning diseases they would remind us, “We have warned you these thing were coming”.  The sign of diseases Jesus gave to the Apostles is again in the news today. “One-third of Travis Elementary School pupil missed school Thursday because of a mysterious illness, leaving Houston ISD and city officials scrambling to diagnose the cause. They suspect a virus is behind the fevers, headaches and stomachaches that sidelined 242 children, including about 80 percent of the third grade at the Heights neighborhood school. That’s a sharp increase from the 86 students who stayed home sick Wednesday, when educators were forced to cancel an extensive third-grade field trip.”

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 37 “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”  One of the major keys to knowing just how close were are to seeing Jesus return in this scripture.  The people of this current generation have become as those who lived during Noah’s time. They were turning from God and homosexuality was running ramped.  These exact same conditions are taking place right now.  The gay movement has made its way around the world and that even includes Russia.  The Russian government is having troubles right now with this movement. I quote, “Russia on Friday warned it would clamp down on an unsanctioned gay rights protest in Moscow planned to coincide with the Eurovision Song Contest final in the Russian capital. Russia is proudly trumpeting the holding of the annual pop extravaganza in Moscow as the latest example of its international prestige. But away from the lights and laser beams at the mammoth 80,000-capacity Olympiysky Arena, a planned "Slavic Gay Pride" parade in central Moscow on Saturday risks showing up another aspect of modern Russia. Bottom of Form Previous attempts to hold a gay rights parade in Moscow were banned by the city government, and activists who defied the bans and showed up were violently harassed by ultra-nationalists. "In case any sort of unsanctioned actions are carried out, whether it be the gay parade or some other event, the police will act strictly in adherence with the law," Leonid Vedenoy, a police major general, was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.”  Now I know that just because I reported on this many in the gay community will say I hate them. They couldn’t be further from the truth. It is because of my love for them that I need to point out there actions and where they may lead.  If Jesus gave us a warning about this generation turning to the same as Noah’s generation, we need to look at the end result of their actions?  In the end, God came down and wiped out an entire generation of people who were doing the types of things the current gay population is doing.  Jesus said, as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” He is going to wipe out all the unrighteous people again just the way it happened during Noah’s generation only the way it will happen willl not be with a flood.  Anyone who choses to walk in the ways that oppose God’s will will find themselves in the midst of the 7 year tribulation.  It is because of my love for you that I am trying to keep you having to go through this pain!  You don’t want to find yourself case into the tribulation but it is going to happen if you don’t turn to Christ and repent from this sin.


Prophecy Sign: The call for Peace and Safety as outlined to us by the Apostle Paul in 1 Thess: 5:3. It saddens me to see the U.S. turning against Israel but it order that scripture to be fulfilled it has to happen. Here is the news from today. “Biden set the framework for the administration’s impending push for peace in the Middle East. This meant, among other things, laying out in plain terms the challenge for Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. Amid much international applause, Barack Obama is resuming the quest for a Middle East settlement. On Monday the president will receive Netanyahu at the White House. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader and Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, are due the following week. Early next month” The administration is not contemplating a tortuous process stretching through Obama’s presidency. As Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the United Nations, puts it, instead of drawn-out talks, it is looking for “real results”. Washington intends to enlist broad support. This week it voted for a UN Security Council statement that reaffirmed the backing of the international community for a two-state solution. The statement had been drafted by Russia. Few things could have more clearly marked the break with the Bush administration’s disdain for diplomatic engagement.”  This week we saw something take place in the U.N. that we haven’t seen.  The United States voting against Israel and demanding a two-state solution is a 180 degree turn from U.S. policy towards Israel.  The thing I also found interesting about this report was the fact who drafted the statement.  It says Russia did.  Russia is the main player in the attack against Israel as recorded in Ezekiel chapter 38.  We see signs of prophecy being fulfilled everywhere!  The vote in the U.N. also shows us Zechariah 12:3 is coming to pas

In Yesterday’s post I pointed out that as of May 14, 2009 there were 536 tornadoes. I gave you facts as to when these storms occurred and how many tornadoes were reported. I asked you to notice those nations who were opposing Israel or trying to divide up Israel into two were being hit by major storms, tornadoes or, earthquakes either just before the peace talks were held or right after.  In 3 days the Prime Minister of Israel will be meeting with the U.S. President.  President Obama is trying to force Netanyahu into signing a peace deal that will divide Israel into two states and give the PLO East Jerusalem as their Capital.  I gave you scripture yesterday which shows you what God said He would do to anyone who tries to do what Obama is trying to do.  Yesterday there were 21 tornadoes that swept through Kentucky. Since yesterday the Storm Prediction Center has reported there were 48 more tornadoes. It is going to be interesting to see what happen with the next 2 weeks.  While one part of the nation is fighting off the effects of these storms the other part of the nation has been fighting one of the biggest fires it has seen. If you have seen any of the pictures coming out of Santa Barbara California you would think the Sun Spots

were coming from Santa Barbara.  Santa Barbara is one of the most beautiful areas in the world, however much of that beauty was taken away this past week. As I said, these disasters are taking place around the same time as the peace talks.  Is it a coincidence?  I think the pattern that is being set has it leaning that is it not a coincidence. In any case I will keep monitoring what happens prior to the talks and right after they finish.


If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again. Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.

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