Frank finishes interview with Dean Braxton videos 6-10 on Feb. 25 today/Israel attacks!/The Dean Braxton story. Dean tells what happen when he was dead for 1hr. and 45 minutes/ The curse in Libya/Feb. 24, 2011


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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

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My latest show which was aired on Feb. 18, 2011 is still running.

Prophecy Sign:  Looks like the Psalm 83 war is coming faster than you think!

Palestinian sources reported that the Israel Air Force retaliated late Wednesday with an airstrike in eastern Gaza City, wounding three Islamic Jihad militants. The IDF confirmed the airstrike.

Two Grad rockets were reportedly fired at Be'er Sheva on Wednesday evening, but so far only one missile is known to have landed in the city, which hit a building in a residential area of the city, causing damage, marking the first time Be'er Sheva was hit since the Gaza war in 2009.

Israeli missile strike, AP, Dec. 27, 2008.

An explosion from an Israeli missile strike in the northern Gaza Strip on Dec. 27, 2008.

Photo by: AP

The IDF reportedly carried out additional retaliation later Wednesday night, launching airstrikes in multiple other locations along the Gaza Strip against militants.















Prophecy Sign:  God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3. And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."  



Is it merely a coincidence that less than a week after Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi threatened Israel by calling on Palestinians to capitalize on the wave of popular uprisings in the Middle East by massing peacefully on the borders of the Zionist state, his own regime is teetering on the brink of extinction following massive anti-government riots in Benghazi and Tripoli?  On Sunday last week, Gaddafi urged the Arab world to revolt against Israel during a speech on state television.

Low and behold, just days after Gaddafi’s very bold threat to seize on the wave of revolutions as a means of toppling Israel, Gaddafi himself is forced to flee Tripoli as protesters burn down government buildings and take control of entire cities. This tells you an awful lot about who is really behind the wave of revolutions sweeping the region – the US military industrial-complex that kick-started them in the first place.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Civil unrest or (kingdom against kingdom).

The latest news concerning the riots in Libya.  “Libya (AP) – Army units and militiamen loyal to Moammar Gadhafi struck back against rebellious protesters who have risen up in cities close to the capital Thursday, attacking a mosque where many had taken refuge and battling with others who had seized control of a local airport.

The assaults aimed to push back a revolt that has moved closer to Gadhafi's bastion in the capital, Tripoli. The uprising has already broken away nearly the eastern half of Libya and unraveled parts of Gadhafi's regime.

In the latest blow to the Libyan leader, a cousin who is one of his closest aides, Ahmed Gadhaf al-Dam, announced that he has defected to Egypt in protest against the regime's bloody crackdown against the uprising, denouncing what he called "grave violations to human rights and human and international laws."

In the city of Zawiya, 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of Tripoli, an army unit attacked a mosque where regime opponents had been camping inside and in a lot outside for several days in a protest calling for Gadhafi's ouster, a witness said. The soldiers opened fire with automatic weapons and hit the mosque's minaret with fire from an anti-aircraft gun, he said. Some of the young men among the protesters had hunting rifles for protection.

He said there were casualties, but couldn't provide exact figures. He said a day earlier an envoy from Gadhafi had come to the city and warned the mosque protesters, "Either leave or you will see a massacre."



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    • carol-ann on February 24, 2011 at 11:08 am
    • Reply

    i wondered frank if you have heard of IAN MCCORMACK.He is an aussie who had something similar,says he was actually in hell,then he was in heaven with god,says he seen him.His story in on the you really got to hear it totally amazing.

    • carol-ann on February 24, 2011 at 12:15 pm
    • Reply

    i wanted to ask you frank see when dean was talking about the people at the waterfall did he see any kind of animals and if so what kind.also i tell people about jesus but they laugh at can i get them to listen.its the same question i get every time,they ask if there is a god why is there so much suffering and why he doesnt stop it.i dont have an answer for that.

  1. I wrote to Ian and asked if he would like to do a interview with me.

  2. ISAIAH 17 kick starts PSALM 83 WAR? News released of another Syrian nuke facility on edge of DAMASCUS, just as Iranian warships dock with WMD for Syria’s terror HQ, to be used in upcoming war in which Iran has overtly threatened to wipe Israel off the map? What more does Israel need to justify preemptive nuclear action against Damascus?
    OBAMAHDI: “Mission Accomplished” destroying “Great Satan” from within A WHITE HOUSE? Time for what seems like a cloned Egyptian Pharaoh to move back to the east from whence he came & rule by “divine right” as the CALIPHATE to be worshiped & commanded by all muslims? YAHUSHUA help US!!!
    The coming middle east war will once and for all end all illusions of American economic “recovery” with $200+/Bbl. $pOIL, $10/gallon gasoline & instant hyperinflation in a once great nation, that once was blessed, but now is cursed, for foreign policy stance regarding Israel & overt violation of the Almighty’s Everlasting Covenant.

  3. @carol-ann…Satan’s wrath is imputed by the Lord. It is the Lord who will allow [use] Satan and the fallen angelics for His purposes of judging an unbelieving world. This fact is quite clear in scripture. Since the world refuses to believe the truth about Him ….. He will give them the devil. And He will also destroy Satan in the process. The Lord will win it all!

  4. We CANNOT be subjected to God’s wrath – Christ did that for us on the cross, once for all.
    We will be gone before the 7 year Tribulation…Amen!

    • Mike Quast on February 25, 2011 at 9:45 am
    • Reply

    Mr. DiMora,
    Hello and greetings. I have been coming to your site for a long time now. You have very good information on the end times. Thank you for that. I listened to your interview with Dean Braxton. Not that I do not believe what the man says, but is what he is saying even biblical? I want to believe what he says, but my skeptical side keeps going back to the story of Lazarus. Do things like this really happen. Jesus can do whatever he wants and if he wants to allow someone into heaven and then send the person back to earth, that is entirely in his power. I just wonder if this can actually happen. Thanks. Mike Q.

  5. Can you explain how in the world Dean was able to live after being dead for close to two hours?
    Keep in mind, he has all the medical records to prove this happened to him.  Second, look at what
    he is saying.  He is quoting scriptures and nothing that I heard him say pointed away form the Lord, fact
    is, everything he pointed was about Christ and His salvation.  Did you not read what happen to the Apostle
    Paul?  We see that Paul was caught up to the third heaven.  He was in heaven and was sent back so it is
    not the first time something like this has happened. 

    • Darren & Zach W on February 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply

    The ” Birth Pangs” are certainly coming quicker and more violent by the day. The day is right at the door as Frank has been trying to warn people. Oh SWEET Jesus, how blissful it will be. I’ve noticed some people mentioning the fact about people laughing at the mention of the Lord Jesus’ second coming and i view it this way- for every 100 – 1000 people who do laugh at the Lord, even if out of all their ridicule and laughter, if you can just get 1 sheep guided back to the flock then that is a victory. People – DO NOT LET RIDICULE AND LAUGHTER WAVER YOUR FAITH. All of the suffering in the world etc, as Frank has maintained for 32 years now, MUST COME TO PASS. As it says in the scriptures, there has never been anything like it nor will there ever be anything like it again. That is why the Lord has reduced the number of days, as nothing or nobody would survive. GodBless and amen. And Yes, Dean is the real deal, so are thousands of others who have “near death” experiences. After recovery, they go on to have a more personal & loving relationship with the Lord. That ain’t no “coincidence.

    • Darren & Zach W on February 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply

    The ” Birth Pangs” are certainly coming quicker and more violent by the day. The day is right at the door as Frank has been trying to warn people. Oh SWEET Jesus, how blissful it will be. I’ve noticed some people mentioning the fact about people laughing at the mention of the Lord Jesus’ second coming and i view it this way- for every 100 – 1000 people who do laugh at the Lord, even if out of all their ridicule and laughter, if you can just get 1 sheep guided back to the flock then that is a victory. People – DO NOT LET RIDICULE AND LAUGHTER WAVER YOUR FAITH. All of the suffering in the world etc, as Frank has maintained for 32 years now, MUST COME TO PASS. As it says in the scriptures, there has never been anything like it nor will there ever be anything like it again. That is why the Lord has reduced the number of days, as nothing or nobody would survive. GodBless and amen. And Yes, Dean is the real deal, so are thousands of others who have “near death” experiences. After recovery, they go on to have a more personal & loving relationship with the Lord. That ain’t no “coincidence.

    • Darren & Zach W on February 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply

    The ” Birth Pangs” are certainly coming quicker and more violent by the day. The day is right at the door as Frank has been trying to warn people. Oh SWEET Jesus, how blissful it will be. I’ve noticed some people mentioning the fact about people laughing at the mention of the Lord Jesus’ second coming and i view it this way- for every 100 – 1000 people who do laugh at the Lord, even if out of all their ridicule and laughter, if you can just get 1 sheep guided back to the flock then that is a victory. People – DO NOT LET RIDICULE AND LAUGHTER WAVER YOUR FAITH. All of the suffering in the world etc, as Frank has maintained for 32 years now, MUST COME TO PASS. As it says in the scriptures, there has never been anything like it nor will there ever be anything like it again. That is why the Lord has reduced the number of days, as nothing or nobody would survive. GodBless and amen. And Yes, Dean is the real deal, so are thousands of others who have “near death” experiences. After recovery, they go on to have a more personal & loving relationship with the Lord. That ain’t no “coincidence.

    • Darren & Zach W on February 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply

    The ” Birth Pangs” are certainly coming quicker and more violent by the day. The day is right at the door as Frank has been trying to warn people. Oh SWEET Jesus, how blissful it will be. I’ve noticed some people mentioning the fact about people laughing at the mention of the Lord Jesus’ second coming and i view it this way- for every 100 – 1000 people who do laugh at the Lord, even if out of all their ridicule and laughter, if you can just get 1 sheep guided back to the flock then that is a victory. People – DO NOT LET RIDICULE AND LAUGHTER WAVER YOUR FAITH. All of the suffering in the world etc, as Frank has maintained for 32 years now, MUST COME TO PASS. As it says in the scriptures, there has never been anything like it nor will there ever be anything like it again. That is why the Lord has reduced the number of days, as nothing or nobody would survive. GodBless and amen. And Yes, Dean is the real deal, so are thousands of others who have “near death” experiences. After recovery, they go on to have a more personal & loving relationship with the Lord. That ain’t no “coincidence.

    • Darren & Zach W on February 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply

    The ” Birth Pangs” are certainly coming quicker and more violent by the day. The day is right at the door as Frank has been trying to warn people. Oh SWEET Jesus, how blissful it will be. I’ve noticed some people mentioning the fact about people laughing at the mention of the Lord Jesus’ second coming and i view it this way- for every 100 – 1000 people who do laugh at the Lord, even if out of all their ridicule and laughter, if you can just get 1 sheep guided back to the flock then that is a victory. People – DO NOT LET RIDICULE AND LAUGHTER WAVER YOUR FAITH. All of the suffering in the world etc, as Frank has maintained for 32 years now, MUST COME TO PASS. As it says in the scriptures, there has never been anything like it nor will there ever be anything like it again. That is why the Lord has reduced the number of days, as nothing or nobody would survive. GodBless and amen. And Yes, Dean is the real deal, so are thousands of others who have “near death” experiences. After recovery, they go on to have a more personal & loving relationship with the Lord. That ain’t no “coincidence.

    • Darren & Zach W on February 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply

    The ” Birth Pangs” are certainly coming quicker and more violent by the day. The day is right at the door as Frank has been trying to warn people. Oh SWEET Jesus, how blissful it will be. I’ve noticed some people mentioning the fact about people laughing at the mention of the Lord Jesus’ second coming and i view it this way- for every 100 – 1000 people who do laugh at the Lord, even if out of all their ridicule and laughter, if you can just get 1 sheep guided back to the flock then that is a victory. People – DO NOT LET RIDICULE AND LAUGHTER WAVER YOUR FAITH. All of the suffering in the world etc, as Frank has maintained for 32 years now, MUST COME TO PASS. As it says in the scriptures, there has never been anything like it nor will there ever be anything like it again. That is why the Lord has reduced the number of days, as nothing or nobody would survive. GodBless and amen. And Yes, Dean is the real deal, so are thousands of others who have “near death” experiences. After recovery, they go on to have a more personal & loving relationship with the Lord. That ain’t no “coincidence.

    • Darren & Zach W on February 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply

    The ” Birth Pangs” are certainly coming quicker and more violent by the day. The day is right at the door as Frank has been trying to warn people. Oh SWEET Jesus, how blissful it will be. I’ve noticed some people mentioning the fact about people laughing at the mention of the Lord Jesus’ second coming and i view it this way- for every 100 – 1000 people who do laugh at the Lord, even if out of all their ridicule and laughter, if you can just get 1 sheep guided back to the flock then that is a victory. People – DO NOT LET RIDICULE AND LAUGHTER WAVER YOUR FAITH. All of the suffering in the world etc, as Frank has maintained for 32 years now, MUST COME TO PASS. As it says in the scriptures, there has never been anything like it nor will there ever be anything like it again. That is why the Lord has reduced the number of days, as nothing or nobody would survive. GodBless and amen. And Yes, Dean is the real deal, so are thousands of others who have “near death” experiences. After recovery, they go on to have a more personal & loving relationship with the Lord. That ain’t no “coincidence.

    • Darren & Zach W on February 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply

    The ” Birth Pangs” are certainly coming quicker and more violent by the day. The day is right at the door as Frank has been trying to warn people. Oh SWEET Jesus, how blissful it will be. I’ve noticed some people mentioning the fact about people laughing at the mention of the Lord Jesus’ second coming and i view it this way- for every 100 – 1000 people who do laugh at the Lord, even if out of all their ridicule and laughter, if you can just get 1 sheep guided back to the flock then that is a victory. People – DO NOT LET RIDICULE AND LAUGHTER WAVER YOUR FAITH. All of the suffering in the world etc, as Frank has maintained for 32 years now, MUST COME TO PASS. As it says in the scriptures, there has never been anything like it nor will there ever be anything like it again. That is why the Lord has reduced the number of days, as nothing or nobody would survive. GodBless and amen. And Yes, Dean is the real deal, so are thousands of others who have “near death” experiences. After recovery, they go on to have a more personal & loving relationship with the Lord. That ain’t no “coincidence.

  6. “either leave or ready for massacre” – what a comments. Ghaffi has always been uniqe while he has been a ruler and it seems he is going a further unique in handling the situation, unlike we say in Tunisia and Egypt.. Lets see how history shapes itself.

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