The failed peace talks and DiMora’s warnings form scripture. March 28, 2010







I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.  I know I have people waiting for a printed copy.  I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …



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I have a new radio/video show that will start running today March 19, 2010 at 6PM EST.  I will be giving a up-date on many of the events that just happen, which show us prophecy is coming to pass and you had better start preparing to meet Christ Jesus!




See full size imageSee full size imageProphecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:3. I quote, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”  Zech. 12:3 is the prophecy where God tells us all the nations will come against Israel in the last days.

For a long time I have been giving you signs that both prophecies above will be completely fulfilled.  I have tried my best to warn you what is going to happen as soon as the Arabs realize the peace talks will not give them Jerusalem.  Many of my post contains this warning.  For example on September 7, 2009  I stated the following: Let me tell you what you can expect from these new rounds of peace talks.  They will fail, not just because Israel won’t stop building but because Israel is going to refuse to hand over East Jerusalem to the PLO so they can use that city for their new capital.   Jesus showed Paul that when they are calling for (Peace and safety) sudden destruction would come.  My friends you are about to witness this prophecy come to pass!   As soon as this new round of peace talks fail watch Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and the PLO go after Israel in the hopes to wide out Israel once and for all.  Let me tell you the outcome of this war before you see it on the news.  Israel will win again and claim even more land from the Arabs than they have at the present time. “

See full size imageMy friends I think you had better read this report because this report shows you what I have been warning you is in fact on the Arabs minds and now they want to do something about it!  I quote, “Arab states should prepare for the possibility that the Palestinian-Israeli peace process may be a total failure and prepare alternatives, Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said on Saturday. "We have to study the possibility that the peace process will be a complete failure," Moussa told a summit of Arab leaders in the Libyan town of Sirte. “It's time to face Israel. We have to have alternative plans because the situation has reached a turning-point," he said. Mousa did not specify the alternatives – but one option could be for the Palestinians to bypass the peace process and declare a state unilaterally. He also said the Arab League should open a dialogue with Tehran to address concerns, especially among Iran's neighbors across the Gulf, about its nuclear program. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the summit said indirect negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians cannot continue unless Israel stops building in the settlements. "We cannot resume indirect negotiations as long as Israel maintains its settlement policy and the status quo," Abbas said at the opening session of the two-day summit. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also spoke at the summit and condemned Israel's policy of considering the whole of Jerusalem as its united capital. "This is madness and it does not commit us in any way," said Erdogan in a speech to Arab leaders. "Jerusalem is the apple of the eye of each and every Muslim … and we cannot at all accept any Israeli violation in Jerusalem or in Muslim sites," the Turkish premier added.”

By now you should now what the Arab alternative is they are speaking about?  It is exactly what was warned in prophecy and it is a war against Israel to reclaim Jerusalem.  Once again I have to ask you to focus on the Middle East and the failed peace talks.  War is comingj, there is no doubt in my mind that this is what was discussed at the Arab meeting.  I am sad today because I know how close we are to the beginning of the seven year tribulation, and there are to many people who are not yet saved, this is what breaks my heart.

The signs of the next war are everywhere. “Israel will retaliate against any attack on its citizens or soldiers, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday, adding that Hamas would be made to be held accountable for actions. The prime minister's comments come following the death of two soldiers in Gaza clashes on Friday, which increased concern in the Israel Defense Forces that Hamas is trying to alter the situation along the Gaza Strip border fence, which will result in their targeting of Israeli patrols. "Israel's policy of retaliation is forceful and decisive," the PM said during the weekly government meeting in Jerusalem, asserting that Israel would "retaliate decisively against any attack on our citizens and soldiers."

Residents of Israel's southern region view the incident in which two soldiers were killed in Gaza Friday, along with the continuous rocket and mortar fire emanating from the Hamas-ruled territory, as a possible prelude to a full-blown war.  "There is a sense that we are on the brink of another war," a member of Kibbutz Kfar Aza told Ynet on Saturday. "Mortars have been falling here for a week now, just like in Operation Cast Lead," said Orit Arjento, "I am in constant stress; running to the Internet to see if there is any news and debating whether I should close the window or leave it open, because of the mortars.,7340,L-3868767,00.html

As you keep reading the news you can see the prophet Zechariah was right on target by telling us Jerusalem would be the center of attention of the last days.  The burden of Jerusalem is everywhere in the news. “Tens of thousands of Syrians and Palestinians have gathered in a Damascus square in a government-orchestrated "march of anger" against Israeli settlements in east Jerusalem.  The crowd at the central Youssel al-Azmi square waved Syrian and Palestinian flags and pictures of Hamas leaders as they shouted anti-Israel slogans Friday. Senior Hamas official Mohammed Nazzal condemned what he called Israel's "brutal aggression" on holy sites.”,7340,L-3868594,00.html


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