The flood of 2011/less than ideal conditions for some crops”/The drug generation/Attacks on Christians/May 9, 2011


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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25  “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;”.

You may have read news over the past three days reporting about a flash flood, flood control, flooding, floods, Mississippi flood, or record breaking rain falls hit many US States.  Most of you remember the recorder breaking number of  tornadoes that sweep many of the US States last week. It seemed everyone was on a tornado watch.  Jesus warned us that one of the last days signs would come from these types of storm systems that would cause major problems for people.  All of you who have read my book would have read my warning that the previous major storms that have already hit many nations will not compare to the ones that are yet to come.  These are the signs of the birth pains Christ told you to look for in Mark 13:8. 

Most of my subscribers remember what I said to look for as these new storms come rolling in.  I warned to watch for the crops to be wiped out and how many people are displaced as a result of the destruction.  All of these factors are affects from the aftermath of these huge storms.  Keep in mind, as crops are taken out the prices of food keeps climbing, and this to is a sign.  Here is one example of the hardships that follows these storms and flooding. “This was devastating for farmers in Missouri who lost tillable acres to the diversion. They have basically lost their livelihood from those acres for this year. Early estimates are indicating that it may be late July or early August before the water recedes completely. Even if it recedes earlier than expected, there will still be sand, silt and trash to be dealt with before the land can be tilled.”  I don’t think I need to tell you how this type of destruction is putting a huge dent in the stalled US economy! 

I have been following the destruction of wheat crops around the world and I found this next quote interesting.  “The one crop that will be affected more than others due to flooding this time of year is the soft red winter wheat crop. A good portion of this crop is grown in areas with tributaries to the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Flooding will likely destroy some of the crop, but it is unknown at this time if that will be a big issue. It is highly probable that there were soft red winter wheat acres in part of the 130,000 Missouri acres flooded due to the deliberate levee break.”  Do you think Jesus is trying to tell you something in Revelation 6:6 when He shows us people will have to work all day long just to buy a quart of wheat?   All of these events are leading this world down the path to the tribulation.

Here is even more news concerning the wheat crops. "Drought conditions may persist through mid-May in wheat- growing areas from China, the world’s largest grower and consumer, to the U.S. and western Europe, hurting crops and lifting prices, British Weather Services said May 5. The International Grains Council last month cut its outlook on global wheat production in the 2011-12 season by 1 million tons to 672 million tons, matching global demand, because of “less than ideal conditions for some crops” in the U.S., the European Union and China." 

"Drought conditions may persist through mid-May in wheat- growing areas from China, the world’s largest grower and consumer, to the U.S. and western Europe, hurting crops and lifting prices, British Weather Services said May 5. The International Grains Council last month cut its outlook on global wheat production in the 2011-12 season by 1 million tons to 672 million tons, matching global demand, because of “less than ideal conditions for some crops” in the U.S., the European Union and China."  Maybe after you keep track of the news concerning droughts, and other reasons why wheat crops are decreasing you will come to believe what Jesus warn us in Rev. 6:6.  You may want to read the rest of the report and find out what other nations are going to see a drop off in wheat production!

In Daniel 12:4 God showed Daniel that in the last days people will be traveling back and forth.  Part of this moving around from place to place is taking place as huge populations are evaluated from the destruction zones.  All of these factors have created complex problems for the governments, and this to was addressed by Christ in Luke 21:25.  One thing is clear, we are hearing and seeing news report each year telling us that we have never seen this much destruction and new records are being broken every year.  If the last days events are suppose to take place as a women with birth pains don’t be fooled in thinking things will calm down!

Major storms like the ones hitting the US are taking place in many nations.  Here is some news concerning the Philippines. “Northern villages were warned Monday to be on guard for landslides and flash floods caused by a tropical storm that carved a deadly path across the Philippines. Tropical Storm Aere slammed the eastern province of Catanduanes on Sunday, triggering landslides, roughing up Manila Bay and rattling nerves overnight in the congested capital. On Monday, it slammed provinces on northern Luzon Island, gradually losing strength. As of late Monday, it was 85 kilometres northeast of Cagayan province's Apparri township, weather forecaster Manny Mendoza said. Disaster officials warned villagers to stay away from mountainous areas prone to landslides and from low-lying areas that could be swamped by flash floods. Fishermen and ferry operators in the storm's path were advised to keep their boats ashore.”  “The agricultural provinces feeling the storm's effects grow rice, corn, vegetables and fruit. No estimate was available yet on the damage.”

Church in Egypt (illustrative)See full size image Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days.  If you read the news or listen to news records you will hear that many Christian are being attacked around the world.  The Middle East is a hot bed for this type of news, and today we see more of it.

”Twelve people were killed Saturday when Muslims attacked a church in Cairo, in the second incident of its kind since March. The attack set off violent clashes that ended in hundreds of injuries and almost 200 arrests. The incident began when a Muslim mob attacked the St. Menas church after hearing rumors that a Christian woman married to a Muslim man had been kidnapped and was being held in the church. There does not appear to have been truth to the rumors. The mob threw firebombs at the church, chanting, “With our blood and our souls we will defend you, Islam.” The crowds attacked nearby homes and shops with firebombs as well. Many in the mob carried knives and machetes, and witnesses said they heard gunfire, which apparently came from rooftops.”  People keep trying to tell me that the Muslims are a peaceful people, but they more I hear this the more news I read about Muslims killing people and spreading their beliefs via violence.  All I can say to the Muslims who are doing these types of things is this.  You state that Jesus is a true prophet.  If you truly are a people of God why don’t you listen to what Jesus says.  I quote the man you say is a true prophet. Jesus stated the following in Matthew 5:44.  “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”. Take a look at the acts you are doing for they do not come from God! If Jesus tells you to pray for your enemies and you go out of your way to kill them, are you not following Satan instead of God? You say “With our blood and our souls we will defend you, Islam” but look at what Jesus tells you. “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed [the righteousness] of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:20).

 See full size image

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 states, “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” There is no doubt that Israel is being isolated more and more throughout the world.  You will continue to hear more news about this because God showed Zechariah that in the last days all the nations would come against Israel.  Here is an example of this type of news from Germany. “A German city funded and hosted a pro-Hamas “The Return Generation Knows the Way” conference Saturday, complete with Nazi terminology and incitement for suicide bombings. The Hamas-linked anti-Israel Palestine Return Center in London, which has become a de facto center for Hamas and other radical Muslim groups, hosted the confab that in the words of the American Jewish Committee, has the single aim of “the denial of the existence of the State of Israel.”  “The Hamas conference in the city of Wuppertal also has adapted the Nazi slogan of the “final solution,” which referred to the death machine that gassed, butchered and starved 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, and has twisted it around to promote a “final solution” for foreign Arabs allegedly claiming Israel as home. “The conference unites extremist forces throughout Europe with well-meaning but naïve supporters of the peace process who turn a blind eye to the profoundly anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic nature of the previous eight conferences." according to Deidre Berger, Director of the AJC Berlin Ramer Institute for German-Jewish Relations.” ““German officials send mixed signals when they declare support for the government of Israel but allow conferences to take place on German soil with speakers who openly deny Israel’s right to existence,” said Berger.”

Silwan riot

Silwan riotSilwan riotSilwan riot


** CORRECTS BYLINE TO MIGUEL TOVAR ** A masked man demonstrates during a march against gang violence in Mexico City, Sunday, May 8, 2011. An anti-viol  Cannabis at a medical marijuana shop in Los Angeles (AFP)Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug's.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. This generation was to be labeled a drug generation and this prophecy has been fulfilled exactly as Jesus said.   In Matthew 24:12 the Lord also warned the following: “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Mexico is a prime example of what Jesus was taking about.  There is so much crime over drugs in Mexico that the most of the nation lives in fear.  Mexico has seen 35,000 of their citizens killed by the drug cartels. There is more killing in Mexico that in the Iraqi war!

“MEXICO CITY – The Mexican navy says marines patrolling a lake along the border with Texas discovered a drug gang camp on an island, provoking a gunbattle that left 13 people dead. The navy says one marine and 12 gunmen from the Zetas drug cartel were killed in the gunbattle on the island on Falcon Lake, about 45 miles (70 kilometers) northwest of McAllen, Texas. The navy said in a statement Monday that the gunmen opened fire when the marines found the camp. The statement said marines seized more than 20 guns, including several assault rifles, after the shooting Sunday. The statement said the Zetas were smuggling marijuana from the camp into Texas by speedboat.”

Harold Camping

“…blow the trumpet… warn the people” Ezekiel 33:3  Matthew 7:15:“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

According to the so called Prophet, Harold Camping, the world is going face Judgment Day May 21, 2011. When you go to his web site it say we have 12 days left.  Let me make sure that you all know Jesus warned us against the “False Prophets” that would come in the last days. Harold Camping has mislead millions of people in the past and he is still misleading millions today.  In 1994 Camping told the world that in September of 1994 the world was going to end. “September 1994 came and went. "Apparently it was incorrect," end-times forecaster Harold Camping told CHRISTIANITY TODAY by September 28, referring to his prediction that the world would end on the previous day. "Obviously this has not happened, so that was inaccurate." Camping said he somehow misunderstood the importance of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. He claimed, however, that Christ should still come before the end of 1994, and that the longer period of time could turn out to be a "blessing," because it could help reveal who truly converted to Christ due to his predictions.”  One thing is very clear, when a false prophet is exposed the very first thing they will do is make up excuses why the date did not come to pass.  I can assure everyone who is reading this post today that on May 22, 2011 you will see more excuses come from Camping.

Those of you who believe in this so called prophet will see his warning did not come from God.  You will see this fact on May 20th.  Why on May 20th? Don’t forget the International Date Line. The 21st begins first West of the line.  The 20th is happening East of the line.  If you are a Christian who lives on East of the line, and you are one of Camping followers, would you do me a favor?  When you see that the end of the world did not take place as Camping told you would you email mail and confirm that you will no longer follow this false prophet? 

One of the many things Camping has his followers telling the world is that On May 21, "starting in the Pacific Rim at around the 6 p.m. local time hour, in each time zone, there will be a great earthquake, such as has never been in the history of the Earth," he says. The true Christian believers — he hopes he's one of them — will be "raptured": They'll fly upward to heaven. And for the rest?  I will assure you right now that starting on May 20th East of the International Date Line that you will not see a earthquake that is the largest quake ever recorded. This is another one of Camping lies and you will see it this lie in 12 days.







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