The Good News & The BAD-May 14, 2008 Are you blessed or cursed.


This morning I received a e-mail from news 2 in Israel.  They mentioned Israel wasn’t attacked today.  This is what I wrote back.  "Finally some good news!  My ministry is very rough on me because I see what is coming and I really don’t like reporting all this bad news, but as a watchmen for Christ I have to report what is, and what soon will be. Sometimes when I first turn on my computer I ask, "now what".  Thank you for your e-mail"  Israel was not attacked by Syria and their allies today. Thank God! It is always good to hear some good news but I am a realist and most Israeli’s know war can come at any time there.  However, that was the news when I just woke up, later today Israel was attacked again. Maybe it wasn’t the large scale assault people had feared but their enemies have again launched rockets into Southern Israels.  Early reports said that 14 people had been killed.  "At least 14 people were wounded Wednesday evening, including a baby girl and her mother, when a Grad rocket fired from Gaza hit the Hutzot Shopping Center in Ashkelon." Psalms 122:6 says, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee."   I ask  you to  pray continually for Israel and her peace. First of all you will be doing the will of the Lord, and second, the Word says you will be blessed.  If you are an enemy of Israel you better read what God has to say about that also.  Genesis says, "I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Gen. 12:3).  Those nations that think they will wipe Israel off the face of the map are in for a big surprise, they have fallen under God’s curse. Pharaoh would be a good example of someone who cursed Israel. Look what God did to him. Pharaoh went tough plague after plague and finally had most of his army wiped out. Pharaoh also lost his son because he had cursed Israel.  This curse stands today so be careful what you wish for Israel!

Prophecy Sign:  Daniel 12:4  Knowledge will increase.     Here’s some good news, "ASIMO, a robot designed by Honda Motor Co., met its latest challenge Tuesday evening: Conducting the Detroit Symphony in a performance of "The Impossible Dream" from "Man of La Mancha." "Hello, everyone," ASIMO said to the audience in a childlike voice, then waved to the orchestra."  Man has gotten so smart he can do just about anything, even creating a robot to act almost act human.  This brings me to the Book of Revelation where Jesus shows us a false prophet working with the Antichrist will be able to bring an image of the Antichrist to life, when this image comes to life it will speak.  This is what is stated in the Word. Revelation 13:15"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."  The robot that lead the Detroit Symphony yesterday look like a robot, but do we now have the technology that would enable a man to fulfill Rev. 13:15. Is it possible that someone could create an exact image of someone and then make this image come to life?  Not only is it possible but they have already done it.  I am tell you right now that if the Antichrist took the stage today they would be able to create a robot in his exact image.  When the man working with the Antichrist wanted to bring the image of the Antichrist to life he could do it very simply.  Click to link watch the short video then come back. .  When this image of the Antichrist comes to life, we are told that everyone will be forced to receive his mark which is 666. Scripture tells us in Rev. 13:16 that this mark will be placed in the right hand or forehead.  The technology is here to create an exact image of a man and that image can not only speak but move around like a man.  Not only can a image speak but now that image would be able to tell everyone to take the mark in the right hand.  How you ask?  Let me show you. I have two links for you to  watch. The first is a person taking the RFID implant chip in his hand, it shows how it is done. These chips will be able to keep track of anyone who has the implant.  The second link will bring you to a news chip of a business which is using this implant chip for work.  Everything you see taking place now is being set up so that when the times come, the Antichrist will be able to use this technology and force everyone to take it or go without everything including being able to buy food, for Rev. 13:17 tells us you will not be able to buy or sell without it.  The Company who is building these exact robot doubles tells you one of the reasons why they are building these doubles. I think after you see what they say you will get a clear picture of Rev. 13:16 concerning making the image of the beast to come alive.  Next video link is below.


By the way all these signs are suppose to take place at the same time, and they are!  One of these signs is recorded in 2nd Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul warns us about the times and seasons, which refer to the last days. Paul tells us they will be calling for peace and safety.  Today is Israel’s 60th birthday and President Bush is in Israel to celebrate Israel’s 60th.  He is also there for the purpose of trying to close the deal for a final peace deal that will bring safety to Israel.  If you watch the nightly national news you will see this news tonight.  Here’s the point. Every sign we were warned about is already here, not only are they here but they are all taking place at the same time.  It was a blessing that on Israel’s 60th birthday they didn’t have to be engaged in another conflict, but God spoke and forewarned us that there would be a major attack lead by Russia on Israel in the last days.  All I can say is this, Israel take joy in your rest today for you enemy has already come up with a evil thought against you, and this enemy plans to wipe your nation off the map.  If the Jewish people believe in Ezekiel as one of their major prophets than they must except what was written in Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 38 God is telling us of this future attack on Israel and it says it will take place in "the latter years" (Ezekiel 38:8).  This is to take place at a time when the Jewish people have returned to their home land, which they have already done. The fact that today the Jewish nation is celebrating their 60th birthday is proof alone.  Notice in Ezekiel 38:10 it say, "Thus saith the Lord God: It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought". What is meant by evil thought?  It means conceive a mischievous purpose.  In the very next verse we are told what this mischievous purpose is, we are told it is an attack on the Lord’s people.  There will be so many people attacking Israel that it will appear as a cloud covering the land.  Recently Russia has made visits to just about every nation that is listed in Ezekiel 381-7 is going to attack Israel.  If you read my previous posts you will have seen that Russia has been paying everyones debt off. These debts are in the billions.  If you read the entire chapter  in my book that deals with this future attack on Israel you will see that Israel better prepare themselves for this coming war!  You see I believe the Word God spoke about this attack.  I pray the Jewish nations also believes in their God and in the Word He spoke.  Since all the signs of the times are already here, I truly believe that Putin already had this evil thought as God spoke about.  It could be that his recent trips to all these nations was to make plans for the attack.  The important thing we must do now is, Keep on the watch. News 2 who e-mailed me is going to be busy reporting on two conflicts soon. One will be with Syria and finally, one will be with Russia and her allies when they move against Israel.  Don’t think it will happen?  Ask “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who said "Tuesday that Israel would "be soon swept away" from the Palestinian Territories by the Palestinians."  The world didn’t believe Hitler would do what he said either.  Ahmadinejad is going to move on Israel very soon.  Will it be because Israel bombs their nuclear site because, not one nation in the world will do anything to stop Iran’s plans to get the atomic bomb?  In my previous post I quoted Putin who said anyone attacking Iran is like attacking Russia. I am tell you, Ahmadinejad wants Israel to bomb the nuclear plant so they can attack Israel.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 warns about the storms, seas and waves roaring. Luke speaks of fearful sights, and earthquakes, and distress of the nations with perplexity .  This past week the world has witnessed two of the worse disasters ever.  These two disasters alone have caused  much distress for the nations and has created  complex problems. Early reports today told us 15,000 people have been killed by the 7.9 earthquake that hit China a few days ago. That quake lasted 3 minutes.  Official are saying the count will continue to rise, there may be more than 50,000 by the time they get a chance to dig everyone out. " In Sichuan province alone, another 25,788 people were buried and 14,051 missing, provincial vice governor Li Chengyun said, according to Xinhua" (apnews.myway).  The people are scared to enter into their homes for fear more of the aftershocks will bring the rest of the building down.  Now the complex problem is getting help to the hundreds of thousands of people who are cut off from everyone, and that includes food.

Myanmar’s cyclone was the first disaster to hit on May 3, 2008. These people still don’t have food and help is only trickling in.  Now there is a new worry for these people. "The U.S. military’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center said there is a good chance that "a significant tropical cyclone" will form within the next 24 hours and head across the Irrawaddy delta area. The area was pulverized by Cyclone Nargis on May 3, leaving at least 34,273 dead and 27,838 missing, according to the government. The U.N. says the death toll could exceed 100,000. An estimated 2 million survivors of the storm are still in need of emergency aid. But U.N. agencies and other groups have been able to reach only 270,000 people so far" (AP by way of Myway).  I am praying and I hope you will join me in praying that this new cyclone miss these people!

Are you saving and getting food now, if you can it would be a good idea, since the price of food will continue to climb.  In the long run you will save money.  Today it was reported that we have had the "biggest jump in food prices in 18 years " "The Labor Department reported Wednesday that consumer prices edged up 0.2 percent last month, compared to a 0.3 percent rise in March.  Knowing what warning Jesus gave us about what will happen to food, and the high prices of food in the end times it would be a good idea to listen to his warning. Sorry I have to bring so much bad news but these are the time in which we are living.  The good news is this, Jesus is coming to reign as King, and we will have peace on earth as it was meant to be! However, before Christ returns this world is going to have to go through a 7 year tribulation. The good news is that you can be safe in heaven with Christ while this is going on if you receive Him as your Savior. That my friends is good news.  If you don’t like this good news you can refuse Christ Jesus and join the people who will face the Antichrist.  What a choice.

Thank you all for coming to my site I encourage you to tell your friends what you are reading here and direct them to this site.  Below is the link to my newest edition of my prophecy and current events book.  Anyone can read this for FREE. Please give the book about 45 seconds to load. It is in big print to make it easy for you to read.

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf  FREE

Frank’ Video on youtube concerning all these signs:

Frank DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words."Inflation

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