Path to the mark of the beast/The Ten Kings/Nations buying up gold/Civil unrest toward Israel and the plan for September/Ehud Barak expects more of the same/Drug generation/Church moving away from doctrine on Israel/Coming against Christians/May 16, 2011



“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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On page 79 from my book, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” I cover the prophecy concerning the ten kings that Jesus and Daniel warn about.  We know for sure that ten leaders will give all their power over to the Antichrist and he will rule the world.  The Prophet Daniel, in Daniel 7:24-25 warned us that the Antichrist would arise when the ten kings were already standing.  Scripture tells us, “he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.” 

This is what Daniel 7:7-8 tells us. “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn,” 

"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast" (Revelation 17:12-13). 

Here is quote from page 79 of my book. “Earlier in this chapter I stated there is the possibility the ten WEU nations may not be the ten Jesus warned us about, and there are hints to this affect which I will cover later. Now I want to show you why I stated that. If the WEU or the ten ECO Islamic nations aren’t the ten kings Jesus warned about, could there be another group of ten we should be looking at?  I want to show you one other possibility as to who the ten may be. Like the European Union there have been other nations  that have been merging together as one union. Fact is, we see these unions of nations coming together. Here is the list of the ten unions.”  From page 79 to 81 I name the union of nations that have already formed. I also show you the one that is in the process of being formed but kept very quiet.  This is a quote from my book on page 80.

“The third union that seems to be in the process of coming together is the North American Union known as the NAU. This is a theoretical economic and monetary union of the three principal countries of North America, namely Canada, the United States, and Mexico. It is believed that when the U.S. dollar dies these three nations will form one union with one common currency. This is one reason why many people in the U.S. believe the U.S. Government is not going out of their way to enforce the Mexican illegal boarder crossings.”

10regionsmapSince there already 9 unions of nations don’t you think it is a good idea to watch the news about the creation of a tenth union?  I sure do!  I’m sure as time goes by Jesus will no doubt show us exactly what ten kings He was talking about in the mean time  I am keeping watch on all fronts, the EU, the WEO, the Islamic ECO ten, and also this group of ten union of nations.  In light of this type of news look at what President Obama is doing in relation to bringing steps about to form this North American Union known as the NAU.

“Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper quietly have taken a major step toward erasing the border between the two nations with a new "Beyond the Border" bilateral declaration. In a ceremony designed to remain below the radar of national public opinion, Obama and Harper bypassed Congress to sign on the basis of their executive authority a declaration that put in place a new national security vision defined not by U.S. national borders, but by a continental view of a "North American perimeter." It happened Friday, the day the Obama administration usually pushes through issues that it prefers the media ignore. By signing the declaration, the Obama administration has implemented without congressional approval a key initiative President Bush began under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, moving the United States and Canada beyond the North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as NAFTA, toward a developing North American Union regional government. The declaration signed by the two heads of state and titled "Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness," was described as "For Immediate Release" on the websites of the White House and the Canadian chief executive.

“Harper followed Obama's lead in signing the declaration as a form of executive order, deciding to bypass the Canadian parliament, much as Obama had decided against taking a proposed bilateral "Beyond the Border" declaration to Congress for prior review and approval.

Stealth implementation of a 'continental perimeter'

"To preserve and extend the benefits … our close relationship has helped bring to Americans and Canadians alike, we intend to pursue a perimeter approach to security, working together within, at, and away from the borders of our two countries to enhance our security and accelerate the legitimate flow of people, goods, and services between our two countries," the declaration announced in the preamble.”

When you read my book on how the European Union was formed you will learn the same language that you see in red above was used in forming what we now know is the EU Union.  Million of Europeans said it would never come to pass and we now know they were proven wrong.  Americans are now saying the same thing and Obama, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper are leading the path to a new Union! 

That being said, if we see more news about Mexico signing on to an agreement like the one between Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper we really need to raise the red flag, because for the Christians we know our time on Earth is coming to a close. 

As for Mexico in this Union, this same WND report stated, “Under the Bush administration's Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America, or SPP, the U.S., Mexico and Canada organized some 20 different "shadow government" bureaucratic working groups composed of agency heads and undersecretaries in the three nations. The groups spanne a wide range of policy areas, from e-commerce, to aviation policy, to borders and immigration, trilateral travel, transportation, energy, environment, food and agriculture, health, and financial services.

The creation of the Beyond the Border Working Group strongly suggests that U.S-Canadian bureaucratic integration begun by Bush within SPP is proceeding under the Obama administration, even though the SPP officially has been replaced by a new trilateral structure that includes Mexico called "The North American Leaders Forum."

I know I will receive emails telling me which group of ten is the right group Jesus warns about.  You have your own views but this is mine.  We need to be watching all directions so we will not be fooled and in the dark to what is happening.  What I mean by fooled is in thinking we have generations before such a union could if ever be formed.  Here is one other very important  piece of information. 

If you are a true Christian and abiding in Jesus Christ you should be watching for Jesus not the Antichrist.  Keep in mind, the Church will be gone at the rapture so you won’t know who the Antichrist is or the ten leaders who give over all their power to the Antichrist to rule!  This happens in the 7 year tribulation and as a believer you will have left already.  So, when I write this post and tell people to keep there eyes on the ten, this message is really for those who have not come to Christ for His salvation yet.  These are the people who will need this information so that when the Church is gone you will remember what was warned and you will choose to turn away from the Antichrist’s rule and his forced mark that Jesus tells us will be placed in the right hand or forehead.

Watch the video below starting at the 1.00 mark years ago he warned about this three nation union.


jimrogers200.jpgJim Rogers(Getty Images photo)

One thing I have been warning you about is the fall of the US dollar.  The dollar crash could cause the current global economic crisis to bring on turmoil that would or could cause these ten unions of nations to form a one world reserve currency that will fall in the hand of the Antichrist.  Experts are worried about this.

“Turmoil in the world's currency markets will reach crisis levels within two years, legendary commodities investor Jim Rogers says. "I would expect to see more crises in the currency market, maybe as soon as this fall, or certainly by the fall 2012-13," Rogers tell Russia Today. "You’re going to see serious turmoil in the currency market, which is going to force the world and force America to do something about it."

The U.S. dollar will lose is status as the world's reserve currency thanks to mismanagement in Washington, and the transition won't be a smooth one for the greenback. Hefty fiscal spending and runaway money printing at the Federal Reserve are to blame — and so is the media. "I am stunned by how little there seems to be in the American press about it," Rogers says. "The American press seems to be more worried about wish TV star is divorcing which TV star more than anything else." 

Let’s be real all the news points to something major happening in the US.  I said this a million times but just in case you are new to my site I will say it again.  The fall of the US is going to speed up the rise of the Antichrist system.  I feel bad for anyone who has not been ceiled by Jesus Christ into His salvation yet knowing Christ can come for His Church at any moment.

How close is America to defaulting on their loans?  Your looking at a man who will help break America.  “The Obama administration will begin to tap federal retiree programs to help fund operations after the government lost its ability Monday to borrow more money from the public, adding urgency to efforts in Washington to fashion a compromise over the debt.  Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner has warned for months that the government would soon hit the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling — a legal limit on how much it can borrow. With that limit reached Monday, Geithner is undertaking special measures in an effort to postpone the day when he will no longer have enough funds to pay all of the government’s bills.  Geithner, who has already suspended a program that helps state and local government manage their finances, will begin to borrow from retirement funds for federal workers. The measure won’t have an impact on retirees because the Treasury is legally required to reimburse the program.  The maneuver buys Geithner only a few months of time. If Congress does not vote by Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit, Geithner says the government is likely to default on some of its obligations, which he says would cause enormous economic harm and the suspension of government services, including the disbursal of Social Security funds.”  

If you watched the news in January of this year you saw many of the EU nations upraise over measures like Geithner is doing.  America is going broke and now they want to pick the pockets of the people who already have worked all their life and are thinking they are safe.  Let me tell you, no one is safe from what is coming on America, and if America is not safe what do you think is going to happen in the third world nations?  Riots, violence, and social unrest just as Christ warned us about in Matthew 24:7.

Think I was joking about the riots in the EU?  take a look at news from May 15, 2011


Mexico Added 93.3 Tons of Gold Since January, IMF Data Show

Gold Climbs to $1,300 on Dollar Concern

Prophecy Sign: In chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation we see people weeping over items which will be taken away from them.  As you can see gold and silver are two of the items people will be weeping over. I quote, "The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more– cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble" (Rev. 18:11-12) 

I’m not sure if you have been following the news but if you have you would have seen as the dollar is in a decline nations around the world are buying up gold because they know that gold will hold its value.  Maybe after you read this report and see how much gold India, and China recently purchased you will see the road to Revelation 18:12 is being paved.

Mexico, Russia and Thailand added gold now valued at about $6 billion to their reserves in February and March as prices advanced to a record, the dollar weakened and Treasuries lost investors money.

Mexico bought 93.3 metric tons since January, adding to holdings of about 6.9 tons, according to International Monetary Fund data. Russia increased its reserves by 18.8 tons to 811.1 tons in March and Thailand expanded assets by 9.3 tons to 108.9 tons in the same month, the data show.

Central banks are expanding their gold reserves for the first time in a generation as purchases by billionaire investors including John Paulson contributed to bullion extending its longest winning streak since at least 1920. Countries were also boosting their holdings in 1980 when gold rose to a then-record $850 an ounce, only to fall for most of the next 20 years.

“Central banks have good reason to buy gold,” said Peter Morici, a professor of business at the University of Maryland in College Park and a former economic adviser to the U.S. government. “The dollar is no longer a safe asset for backing currencies. Treasuries are not a sound investment” and budget and debt issues mean central banks should buy gold, he said.”

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-18 warns us that the Antichrist will force his mark on the world and place it in the right hand or forehead.  In order for this to be possible there has to be the technology to be able to do this.  As you will see if you read my book that this type of technology is already upon us and is being used more and more.  Keep in mind, these prophecies are fulfilled in stages.  Not all prophecy shows up in a day like the birth of the nation Israel.  Take it for what it worth but the world is being lead to the day when you will have your ID read on your forehand or hand.  Look at one of the steps leading to this fulfillment.

“AN Irish software firm has brought the traditional school attendance register into the computer age. Two schools have already adopted the latest face-recognition technology to monitor attendance and timekeeping among thousands of pupils, and other schools are planning to introduce the system from September.  Students simply look at a device when they arrive at school and, within seconds, they are scanned, identified and their attendance is registered. It saves hours of teachers' time recording attendance and 'lates', and provides an at-a-glance record of who's in and who's out. It also makes it easy to track poor attendance or lateness patterns, which would allow for early intervention to nip a problem in the bud. And it overcomes the so-called 'buddy punching' problem, where a student can make a false registration by swiping in someone else's card.”

This same type of thing will happen when the new one world economic system rolls in when there is a global crash as the US dollar dies.  The Antichrist Government lead by the man of sin will make it mandatory to take the mark in order to be able to buy or sell anything, and this is exactly what Jesus warns about.

In Psalm 83:4 God shows us the people who attack Israel want to wipe Israel out once and for all.  If there is one man who is pressing this issue and no doubt was behind the recent May 15,th march on Israel, that man is Iran's President Ahmadinejad. Is this man saying the same thing God warned us about in verse 4 of Psalm 83?  You beat! I quote,  “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad branded Israel a cancer cell that must be removed Sunday, after Israeli gunfire killed 12 people and wounded hundreds as Palestinians marched in a mass show of mourning over the creation of the Jewish State.  "On the anniversary of this regime, people demonstrated in various places, but there were dead and wounded and this regime once again showed its real nature," he said in a television interview.  "Like a cancer cell that spreads through the body, this regime infects any region. It must be removed from the body," he addedHis statement came after earlier calls for Israel to be wiped out.  Palestinians on Sunday marched on Israel's borders with Lebanon, Syria and Gaza to mark the anniversary.  Tensions along the Israeli-Syrian frontier spiraled as thousands of protesters from Syria tried to force their way onto the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, prompting the army to open fire in one of the worst such incidents there since a 1974 truce accord.”   Those who can't see prophecy in the making are no doubt blind to Christ's warnings concerning these last days.

Hold the line: Israeli soldiers stand guard as Syrian protesters can be seen approaching the border lineProphecy Sign: Up-date on the signs leading up the Psalm 83 war, which if you did not know, Syria will be one of the nations that will attack Israel.  Since you won’t hear this type of news from the main stream news agencies I wanted you to see this concerning how the Syrian protesters got past the border .  First watch the video and then you will see what the Prime Minister of Israel said.


'Staged': Israel accused the Syrian government of deliberately allowing protesters near the border line to detract from problems within the country“Israeli embassies worldwide received a memorandum from the Foreign Ministry Sunday evening, detailing Israel's planed PR approach to the violent events on the Syrian border. The memorandum asked all Israeli officials stationed abroad to emphasize in interviews with the foreign media that since the Syrian military is in control of the northern border crossings, the protesters who rushed the border would not have been able to approach the border – let alone infiltrated the village of Majdal Shams – without the Syrian military's knowledge and consent.”

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered security forces to exercise maximum restrained: "We hope to see the calm reinstalled as soon as possible, but make no mistake – we are determined to defend our borders and sovereignty," he said. Netanyahu stressed that contrary to statements made by "Nakba Day" protests' organizers, "Their fight isn’t about the 1967 borders, but the very undermining of the State of Israel. It is important that we face reality and know who and what we are dealing with."   Former Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon also commented on Sunday's bloody events saying that violent incidents were proof that the struggle is for the very existence of the State of Israel and not just over borders”

As you can see from the names listed in the above photo the Palestinians in the Gaza will also attack Israel during the Psalm 83 war.  This report points out these people also stormed Israel as well.  Protestor from Jordon were stopped, I quote.  "In the Gaza Strip, Palestinian medics said one person was killed and 65 others were wounded when demonstrators tried to approach a heavily fortified border crossing into Israel. A second Palestinian was killed in a separate incident. Israel's military said he was trying to plant a bomb along the fence.  In Jordan, police blocked a group of protesters trying to reach the border with Israel.  Inside Israel, police were on high alert for disturbances among the country's large Arab minority. In a reflection of the jitters, a deadly traffic incident involving an Arab truck driver in Tel Aviv set off fears that an attack had been carried out." 

What we saw on May 15, 2011 is only a prelude to what is to come in the near future.  All this march on Israel did was to raise the level of tensions between the Arabs and Israel.  If you watched the news you can see that a unarmed army of protestors will never be able to over run Israel and the Arabs know this.  These nations were using the protestors to drew Israel into looking as the evil nation that is supressing the Palestinians.  They have a plan to make Israel look bad in the International community in order to presude the UN to use force against Israel in bringing about a PLO State inside Israel by this September.,7340,L-4069080,00.html

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza.Philistia are the people of modern day Hamas of the Gaza Strip.  You can see that there will be no peace between Israel and the PLO as long as you have leaders who keep calling for the destruction of Israel. "Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyehspoke to Muslim worshipers on Sunday morning, telling them to pray for an end to Israel. "Palestinians mark the Nakba with great hope of bringing to an end the Zionist project in Palestine," Haniyeh told 10,000 people at Gaza City's al-Omari mosque, AP reported.  "To achieve our goals in the liberation of our occupied land, we should have one leadership," he reportedly said, praising the recent unity accord between Hamas and Fatah.  Haniyeh added that Hamas would not recognize Israel.”  

I received a email from a person today telling me that the Bible is not the Word of God.  I will assure anyone who has this belief to watch the news in the near future.  When you finally see the actual Psalm 83 war take place and Israel  is still standing when it is over, it is at that time I pray you will come to realize that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and He has been trying to save your soul from hell.  I know where you are coming from for there was a time I didn't believe it either, but I thank the Lord that the blinders were removed from my eyes so that I could see the truth and the fulfillment of the Lords words.

While protestors where making there way from bordering nations around Israel, Israel had to stop a ship from Egypt tryng to make their way to the Gaza.  I quote, "JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military on Monday blocked a Malaysian anti-war group's ship from reaching the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Israel maintains a naval blockade of Gaza and restricts goods transferred overland to the Palestinian territory, citing concerns they could be used to attack Israel.  The military said it ordered the ship to return to an Egyptian port where it had been anchored for several days. But it said the vessel disregarded the order, prompting it to fire warning shots. The ship then changed course to return to Egypt.” 

The report also brought out the fact that another flotilla of ships will be steaming toward Israel in June. “An aid flotilla is scheduled to depart for Gaza in the third week of June, about a year after Israeli forces raided a similar flotilla and killed nine people on a Turkish boat, the Mavi Marmara. Israeli military officials have confirmed that preparations are under way to stop any new flotilla.”  One again I want to stress that events like this will do two things.  First raise the level of tensions in the Middle East against Israel.  Second, to send a signal to the world that the UN has to declare and force a PLO State in September.  If there was ever a time when a war could break out, I can see it taking place in September.  Two things in prophecy is very clear. Zechariah 12:3 concerning Israel being alone in the world is coming to pass, and the Psalm 83 war can not be far off!

How long do you think it is going to be before all the nations bordering Israel think that Israel could not contain a massive movement against Israel?  It is my opinion that the leaders are moving to this belief and will soon try to do what Psalm 83:4 says. "4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance."   I am not the only one who thinks what happened on May 15, 2011 won't be the end of it read what Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak said.

Barak - AP - March 24, 2011Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Sunday that Israel Defense Forces soldiers succeeded in defending Israel's sovereignty when Palestinian refugee demonstrators breached the border with Syria and attempted to cross the border with Lebanon. Barak cautioned, however, that Israel will in the future have to deal with similar and perhaps more complex incidents.”  “ 

In an interview on Channel 2, Barak responded to the charge that there were not enough IDF forces in place on the northern borders, saying that it was impossible to fully prepare for events like those that occurred on Sunday. "The IDF must protect the sovereignty of Israel and it succeeded in doing so," Barak said. Barak said that the incident on the Syrian border would have to be investigated. "I expect investigations to be done so that lessons can be learned," he said. "There were deaths there in several places and we regret the deaths. Those responsible for this are those who attempted to violate Israel's sovereignty and those who sent them, if there are any." Barak also warned that "we are just at the start of this matter and it could be that we'll face far more complex challenges."

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny AyalonSpeaking about September read what Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said.  "Israel will need to convince about 60 to 70 member states at the United Nations to oppose a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state in September, according to comment made by Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon. In an interview with Israel Radio, Ayalon declared that there is an automatic majority against Israel at the UN General Assembly, which Israel cannot change. But, he added,  UN Security Council and not the General Assembly is the ultimately deciding body on the matter. “  Everything is coming to a head and as I said, we really need to watch what happens in September.

Islamic Jihad militant wave flags during a rally marking Nakba Day in the central Gaza Strip Hamas' leader in the Gaza Strip on Sunday affirmed the Islamist movement's hard-line principles in a speech to thousands of Muslim worshippers Sunday, as they commemorated the uprooting of Palestinians during the 1948 Independence Day War.  "Palestinians mark the occasion this year with great hope of bringing to an end the Zionist project in Palestine," Ismail Haniyeh, the prime minister of the Hamas government in Gaza, told about 10,000 people at a Gaza City mosque"


CocaineProphecy Sign: Christ showed us that our generation would known as the drug generation.   One of the key scriptures that informs us our generation is the last generation Jesus was talking about can be found in Revelation 9:21. The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  Drugs and the violence that these drugs brings has spread around the world.  As long as Israel is in the news let’s take a look at news out of Israel.

“Law enforcement services and customs officials in Ashdod recently seized a 250kg shipment of cocaine that reached Israel by boat from Colombia. The drugs were found a month ago, but the gag order on publication of the story was only lifted Sunday, when two suspects were arrested for their suspected involvement in the incident. The two suspects will appear at a remand hearing at a Rishon Letzion court.

World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel  Prophecy Sign: The Bible is clear that God gave Abram the land that Israel is living on. Read Genesis chapter 12.  God also said people in the last days would come against Israel and burden themselves over Jerusalem.  The Bible is clear from Zechariah 12:3 that anyone who comes against Israel and Jerusalem will be cut into pieces.  Jesus also warned people in the last days would not remain in sound doctrine. Jesus in 1 Timothy 4:1 warned the following:  "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons."    A prime example of all these things can be found in the Methodist Church's statement concerning Israel. 

One manifestation of these efforts is the United Methodist Book of Resolutions, a volume filled with decisions on critical social, economic and political issues made over the years in the name of the denomination. Several resolutions speak to the situation in the Palestinian territories. For example, Resolution 6031, “Holy Land Tours,” encourages United Methodists traveling to Israel and Palestine to worship with indigenous Christian communities, and to support efforts aimed at achieving Palestinian self-determination. Another, “Opposition to Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Land,” states: The United Methodist Church opposes continued military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, the confiscation of Palestinian land and water resources, the destruction of Palestinian homes, the continued building of illegal Jewish settlements, and any vision of a “Greater Israel” that includes the occupied territories and the whole of Jerusalem and its surroundings (Resolution 6073).”

“Even more significant is Resolution 6074, “United Nations Resolutions on the Israel-Palestine Conflict.” It was adopted by General Conference, the denomination’s highest policy-making body, in 2000, then revised and readopted in 2008. It states, “The United Methodist Church calls upon Israel, the Palestinian National Authority, and all States to abide by and uphold U.N. resolutions, International Court of Justice rulings, and international law as the basis for just and lasting peace in Palestine/Israel.”

“The position of The United Methodist Church on this conflict is clear. The denomination affirms the will of the international community, expressed through U.N. Security Council resolutions, the Fourth Geneva Convention and other international law instruments, in condemning the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territory. The denomination opposes continued Israeli settlement building on occupied Palestinian territory. The church stands with the Palestinian Christian community, and supports Palestinian efforts towards economic and political self-determination”

Any real Christian who is walking and abiding in Christ would be crazy to say Israel has to give up the Land that God had given Israel.  They would have to be crazy to teach that Israel has to give away East Jerusalem, which is known as God’s Holy City. Anyone who takes these positions is taking a position against the Word of God and there fore has fallen on God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3.  Everyone knows Christians what peace and are working for it however, peace at doing something that God has warned us not to do!  If you belong to a Church who is teaching that Israel has to make peace by giving up their land, and East Jerusalem you are in a Church that is against God!  It comes down to this.  Either you except what God said in His Word, or you choose to go against Him and suffer for your actions.  As for me, I choose the Word and His warnings.

A man stands in front of a church set on fire during clashes between Muslims and Christians May 8 in the Imbaba neighborhood of Cairo.See full size image

Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days. If you haven’t received Jesus as your savior yet you need to understand that the Antichrist is not only going to try and kill off all the Jews, but he is also going to try to kill off anyone who is a Christian. The tide against Christianity is coming in and we are already starting to see this Christian persecution increase around the world.

"CAIRO (AP) — An angry mob attacked a group of mainly Christian protesters demanding drastic measures to heal religious tension amid a spike in violence, leaving 65 people injured, officials said Sunday.  The Christian protesters have been holding their sit-in outside the state television building in Cairo for nearly a week following deadly Christian-Muslim clashes that left a church burned and 15 people dead.  More than 100 people rushed into the sit-in area, lobbing rocks and fire bombs from an overpass and charging toward the few hundred protesters sleeping in the area. Vehicles were set on fire and fires burned in the middle of the street.  Police and army troops fired in the air to disperse the crowd, and a tree was set on fire under the overpass”.


Speaking about people who have given up sound doctrine. Keep in mind Harold Camping only has 5 days left before the world sees him as a false prophet and false teacher.  Harold is teaching on May 21, 2011 the end of the world will come


    • carol-ann gillies on May 17, 2011 at 12:42 pm
    • Reply

    they have put in that thing you were talking about at work today ,like you said in the report it saves time.We have a key we swipe in and out for.theres a little hole at the top of the screen ,i wonder is that a camera or something?

  1. good idears

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