The next war will be over ownership of Jerusalem/Many earthqakes/May 16, 2010

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”

“I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land” (Joel 3:2).

I Thessalonians 5:3 “"While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.”  The peace talks are going no where again and as a result it will during the call for peace and safety that the next war will break out.  The Arabs want Jerusalem and Netanyahu has made it clear who owns this city.

All of the above prophecies are coming to pass in one generation and you are in that generation.  The main issue in the stalled peace talks is the city of Jerusalem.  I keep warning everyone that as soon as the Arabs realize the talks will not give them back Jerusalem that is when the next attack on Israel will take place.  After hearing what Netanyahu stated a few days ago, I can assure you all of the above scriptures will be well known to the world, because the world is about to see the war of Psalm 83.

“Netanyahu: We will never divide Jerusalem”

“Prime minister speaks at ceremony marking 43rd anniversary of reunification of Jerusalem, declares that Israel's capital 'will never return to being divided, gloomy, and halved. We will continue to build and be built in Jerusalem.' President Peres: Ominous clouds looming in sky, but we will not fear”,7340,L-3888783,00.html

Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes in the last days.

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.3   2010/05/16 12:35:50    28.843    128.548  34.5   RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2010/05/16 08:55:46    14.405    93.179  35.0   ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/05/16 05:30:58   -34.842    -16.062  10.0   SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP  5.8   2010/05/16 05:16:11    18.400    -67.070  113.0   PUERTO RICO
MAP  5.3   2010/05/16 01:08:08   -51.866    28.253  10.0   SOUTH OF AFRICA
MAP  5.7   2010/05/16 00:33:08    0.443    124.607  141.1   MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA

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