The Noah Movie and Earthquake same day




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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 24, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora

On the 24th of march I wrote you the following concerning the Noah Movie.  The day the Hollywood movie begins to play there is a earthquake in Hollywood.  Go figure!  Please read what I said about the movie in below which appeared on my March 24, 2014 post.


Note: For those of you want are thinking to go see the new movie about NOAH let it be known that this movie does not even come close to showing the man Noah found in the Bible.  Beside the fact that not once did they mention God which in the Bible anyone who read the Bible knows God was the center of why Noah was building the ark.  Noah was seen as a real man of God in the Bible but in the movie NOAH, Noah is seen as a killer.  Of course in the Bible we who read the story about Noah and the ark we know that God was the one protecting Noah so he could complete building the ark but in the film guess who Hollywood has portrayed as making sure Noah was protected in order to finish the ark?  He inlists Satan’s fallen angels to protect him.  Does that sound like a movie you want to see if you really love the Lord?

‘Noah’ Movie, Trailer & Review 2014: Muslims and Christians Criticize New Russell Crowe Film For Religious Inaccuracies

Noah MovieI quote a section from the report: “Russell Crowe’s upcoming film Noah, based on the biblical story of the prophet who built an ark to protect his family from an apocalyptic flood, is causing controversy worldwide. The Paramount produced film is already banned in several Islamic countries, including Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Other countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Kuwait are expected to follow suit. The Egyptian Sunni Muslim Institute released a statement on Thursday saying “it prohibits the screening” of movies that portray biblical figures.”

I am not sure what the Muslims are worried about?  The Noah that Hollywood has protrayed has nothing to do with the real Bibical Noah!!!   I have a concern.  My concern is anyone who has not read the Bible who sees this Noah movie may think that this is what the Bible says about Noah which would be untrue.   As for the Muslims concern they teach that Jesus Christ was a true prophet.  Is He not a Bibical figure?  Of course He is.  My question to the Muslims would be if you believe Jesus to be a true prophet why do you reject what He says?  This is the reason why I keep saying we all need to follow sound doctrine.  Hollywood for sure doesn’t know what sound doctrine is.

I am not surprised to see that the day the Noah movie begins to play in LA there is a strong earthquake. Think God is sending a message to Hollywood I do

Earthquake strikes Los Angeles area
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Los Angeles area of southern California, the US Geological Survey says. The quake happened at about 21:10 local time (04:10 GMT) and its epicentre was 2km (1 mile) east of the town of La Habra.

Another quaked today in LA.

4.1 magnitude earthquake 2 km from Rowland Heights, California, United States


    • Jennifer Federman on March 31, 2014 at 9:31 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Frank,
    Great Car. Looks like a lot of fun!!!! A little joy in a troubled world. Thanks as always for your updates. My life improves daily with my walk with the Lord. I wanted to share with you a you tube video by Enterthe5t4rz. He does a great review of Noah from a biblical perspective. What You Need To Know About NOAH: SPOILAGE ALERT

    God Bless!!!


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