The Psalm 83 question?/A comment from Cindy S/April 5, 2010

Yesterday I received a email telling me I was the only one who is teaching on the Psalm 83 war., and there is no proof of this. I wrote back and gave a list of Pastors who are in fact warning about this coming war outlines in Psalm 83.  I wanted to share what a will known prophecy teacher  has to report on this issue.  Anyone who has read my information can see that Bill Salus and agree on the Psalm 83 prophecy.  Much of what I have reported on you will see in Bill’s report.

By Bill Salus

Major Mideast wars are coming according to the Bible prophecies in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39. It would be prudent for people to prepare now, in 2010, for their soon and sequential arrivals.

It is public knowledge that as of December 2009 Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas became allied together by bonafide war pacts against Israel. Iran is a member of Ezekiel 38-39 and Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas appear to be identified in Psalm 83. These war pacts reportedly commit them to fight alongside each other should any of them come under attack by Israel. Had these war pacts been in place during the 22 day conflict between Israel and Hamas that ended in January 2009, the outcome could have been dramatically different.

Back then the Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.) seemingly ambushed Hamas with their retaliatory show of force and caught these others off guard. None of them were able to lift a finger to rescue Hamas from the pounding inflicted by the I.D.F. Iran’s nuclear program was incomplete, Hezbollah was in the process of restocking their rocket arsenals, and Syrian war scars from 1948, 1967, and 1973 made them reluctant to join alongside Hamas. Thus, these vowed enemies of Israel were reduced to sideline saber-rattling at the time.

However, matters have deteriorated and are quite different today. A brief review of Mideast events occurring since the Israel – Hamas war suggests the Fertile Crescent is presently a ticking end time’s bomb set to explode. In addition to the war pacts described above, here are a few more troublesome interim occurrences:

1. Israelis are being fitted for gas masks.

2.Israelis are preparing for a multi-front chemical war with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Hamas.

3.Israel is constructing new and renovating thousands of old bomb shelters.
4. Israel is threatening a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear sites.
5. Iran could have a nuclear bomb within eighteen months.
6. Syria is now thought to have the most powerful scud missiles in the world.
7. Syria has reportedly shipped scud missiles to Hezbollah.
8. Syria has threatened to attack major Israeli cities in the event of war.

9.Hezbollah has declared that it can wipe out one-half of Israel’s army.

10. Hezbollah has been training for hand to hand combat inside Israeli cities.
11. Hezbollah and Syria reportedly have chemical weapons.
12. Hezbollah has stockpiled over 50,000 rockets.

13. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are within rocket reach of Israel’s enemies.
14. Hamas reportedly has rockets that can reach Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona.

These are just a few of the numerous events that point toward war soon in the Middle East. The Israel – Hamas war created a heightened degree of animosity amongst Israel’s Arab and Persian enemies against Israel. As a result of the conflict, Turkey restricted relations with Israel and the Arab League voted unanimously again not to normalize relations with Israel.

Warranting additional concerns, King Abdullah of Jordan recently voiced serious dissatisfaction about his country's fragile peace treaty with Israel. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he warned that "Jerusalem could blow up into another war" and declared "Jordan was better off economically before it made peace with Israel in 1994." Jordan and Egypt are the only Arab States presently at peace with Israel making Abdullah's statements extremely disconcerting.

Odds are strong that war is about to break out soon in the Middle East. Diplomatic solutions to resolve the conflict have continually failed. Relations between Iran and Israel, the Arab League and Israel, and even America and Israel are desperately tense and in a seeming state of disrepair.

At no time in Israel’s history has it ever faced an existential threat of the magnitude it faces presently. Israel’s ancient enemies possessed bows and arrows, but today the Jewish State faces arsenals that can wipe it off the map.

Humanity ought to now heed the war prophecies of the Bible and prepare for war rather than peace in the Middle East! These prophecies are scheduled to occur soon and sequentially each building upon the other. According to scripture the aftermath of these wars will lead to a one world order, construction of a third Jewish Temple, and the arrival of Antichrist.

Time is of the essence evidenced by events stage setting in the Holy Land. Christians, not knowing if they will experience these prophetic wars or be Raptured prior, should consider living each day on earth as though it were their last. In so doing, they will improve their Christian witness. These are the days when Evangelists and Eschatologists should work together in order to bring more people to Christ.

I want to pass to you a email which was sent to me by Cindy S.,  which address the issue of me being the only one warning and teaching about the soon to be fought Psalm 83 war. 

“Are you kidding? EVERYBODY who is ANYBODY to do with end times prophecy is warning of the impending war of Psalm 83/Isaiah 17., and MANY others are all warning of this soon coming war. Most are saying that it could happen any day, but think it will likely take place this summer before Iran's nuclear facility goes online in August. There are rumors of this war on bible prophecy sites, political sites (although they don't refer to the war as "Psalm 83" war) military sites, survival sites…..anywhere you look, you will find talk of this impending war. Mainstream news media isn't saying much, but that's expected! They do their best to "dumb the public down" and keep them in the dark about these issues. But unless you've got your head in the sand, rumors of the Psalms 83 war is EVERYWHERE. As it should be!”


    • Cindy Smith on May 6, 2010 at 3:48 pm
    • Reply

    Are you kidding? EVERYBODY who is ANYBODY to do with end times prophecy is warning of the impending war of Psalm 83/Isaiah 17., and MANY others are all warning of this soon coming war. Most are saying that it could happen any day, but think it will likely take place this summer before Iran’s nuclear facility goes online in August. There are rumors of this war on bible prophecy sites, political sites (although they don’t refer to the war as “Psalm 83” war) military sites, survival sites…..anywhere you look, you will find talk of this impending war.
    Mainstream news media isn’t saying much, but that’s expected! They do their best to “dumb the public down” and keep them in the dark about these issues. But unless you’ve got your head in the sand, rumors of the Psalms 83 war is EVERYWHERE. As it should be!

    • craig on May 6, 2010 at 6:36 pm
    • Reply

    GOD seems to have blessed you with a knowledge of HIS WORD,and you have been doing an excellent job spreading it,very unselfishly I might add.
    As you say,we are on the verge of JESUS return and should live as if it will be literally anyday.Having said that,satan knows his time is short.As usual,he wants “all eyes OFF OF CHRIST”.That makes his work of gathering souls for hell all the easier.He will use any and all stumbling-blocks at his disposal to keep us occupied with: everyday life,troubles with finances,marriage,sickness,and many other things.
    Whether we are worried about these things,OR living it up as “in the days of Noah”,satan wants to keep us busy,too busy to keep our hearts where they should be,on GOD.
    Keep it coming Frank and you are reaching folks that you have no idea where and how.GOD bless

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