The Rapture confusion/Abbas in America/March 18, 2014



FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 17, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora

If you would like to write me you can write me at: Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438.


4-24-13 Isaiah 62-1CooltextprophecysignZechariah 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”

HeadlineExplosive device detonated near IDF patrol on Syria border; 4 soldiers wounded

An IDF patrol traveling on the Golan Heights near the Syrian border came under attack Tuesday, when an explosive device was detonated near the soldiers’ jeep. The soldiers had stopped their jeep and were outside of the vehicle when the explosive went off. The soldiers belonged to the IDF’s Paratroopers Battalion 202 and one of the three who sustained light-to-moderate wounds was the deputy commander of the battalion. Additionally, another soldier was seriously wounded in the incident.

Headline: IAF Planes Hit Syria After Golan Blast Injures Three Soldiers

Israel Air Force planes opened fire on terror sites in Syria, where terrorists who are connected to the attack on an IDF jeep earlier Tuesday. Three soldiers were injured when an explosive device went off on the Golan Heights, as an IDF jeep was passing by. The incident occurred near the border with Syria, outside the village of Majdal a-Shams.

Headline: Netanyahu near Gaza border: We will not allow a ‘drizzle of rocket fire’

Speaking a week after two days of hostilities which saw some 70 rockets fired at the area from Gaza, Netanyahu vowed “there will not be a drizzle of rocket fire.” He warned Gaza terrorists that Israel’s clear policy is “every rocket will be responded to immediately and with force.” Netanyahu said that his government had succeeded in ensuring Israel’s security “in the face of regional upheaval.” He said that the country’s economy had continued to grow as well, despite the global economic crisis.

Headline: Abbas spokesman: Expect ‘big consequences’ if prisoner release doesn’t go ahead

Abbas’s Spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah said Tuesday that there would be “big consequences” if the release did not go ahead as planned. Rdainah said a failure to hand over the final batch of prisoners would represent a violation of an accord struck with the United States and Israel. “Any violation of this agreement would bring about big consequences,” said Nabil Abu Rdainah, without giving further details.

Headline: Palestinian inmates to go on hunger strike

Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have reportedly decided to go on hunger strike in protest against the ongoing Israeli aggression against them. The Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs announced the decision by the inmates to stage a one-day-long hunger strike, Ma’an News Agency reported. In a statement Monday, the Palestinian ministry highlighted that prisoners “are adamant to go on with struggle to obtain their rights by force.”

Headline: PA official: We’ll consider Jewish state issue at end of talks

Palestinians would be open to discussions about recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, but only at the end of peace talks, a senior Palestinian official said in remarks published Tuesday.  Speaking to Israel Radio, Nabil Shaath said that Israel’s decision to raise the issue before any other sticking points are solved gives the impression that Jerusalem is trying to torpedo the talks.  “Had this come at the end, after having resolved all these issues, it would have become an issue that we could settle by simply asking practical questions… and if we get the right answers it could have been resolved then. But now, it’s very suspicious,” Shaath said.  Shaath, who sits on the Fatah Central Committee and is a former neogtiator, said the Palestinians would consider studying the issue at the end of talks.

Cooltextprophecysign1 Thessalonians 5:33 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

As many of you know, Palestinian President Abbas was in DC yesterday speaking with President Obama about the current ‘peace talks’.  What I’d like to discuss today is the remarks he made and announcements made by the PA:

Headline: Obama urges Abbas to accept guidelines for peace talks

President Obama urged Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on Monday to accept guidelines for new talks with Israel ahead of a key deadline, while acknowledging the difficulties of reaching a deal. “It’s very hard — it’s very challenging,” Obama said before an Oval Office meeting with Abbas, citing long-standing details that have blocked peace efforts for decades. “We’re going to have to take some tough political decisions and risks if we’re able to move it forward,” Obama said. The United States has set an end-of-April deadline to set a “framework” for peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis. Obama has told Abbas that direct talks with Israel are the surest way to a new and independent Palestinian state. In his remarks, Abbas urged economic and political support to a new Palestinian state “so it can stand on its own feet.”
March 17, 2014

Headline: PA Blames Debt on ‘Area C’ of Judea, Samaria

The Palestinian Authority (PA) announced Monday that their total debts had topped a staggering 4.8 billion dollars , and that the current year’s budgetary deficit was 1.5 billion dollars, according to PA “Finance Minister” Shukri Bishara.  The official claimed that “tax evasion” from the Jewish areas of Judea and Samaria – Area C, which could be incorporated into a Palestinian state if the US framework for peace is signed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu – amounts to 200 million dollars per year.
March 17, 2014
4.8 billion dollars in debt. Let’s take a look at how many times over the last 3 years it’s been “claimed” that the PA is running out of money and having an economic crisis:

Headline: Before a Diplomatic Showdown, a Budget Crisis Saps Palestinians’ Confidence
July 27, 2011

Headline Palestinian Economic Crisis Threatens Progress, World Bank Says
September 12, 2011

Headline Palestinians’ deepening financial crisis ‘threatening Oslo Accords’ 20
September 2012

Headline PA official warns of worsening financial crisis
June 17, 2013

Headline Palestinian Authority facing financial crisis
August 21, 2013

SHOW ME THE MONEYSo the Palestinians have been in an ‘economic crisis’ since 2011.  We’ll work with that date, as in September 2010 the IMF issued a report stating that the Palestinian economy was GROWING

Although I would still like to know WHERE exactly the money went PRIOR to 2011.  palestine bad

They want us to believe they live in abject poverty but…..

Since the signing of the Oslo Accord in 1993, the U.S. government has committed more than $1.3 billion in economic assistance to the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Since the end of 2000, Arab states have transferred to the Palestinian Authority monthly financial aid of $45 million (since April 2002 this sum was increased to $55 million). The European Union (EU) transfers to the PA approximately $9 million monthly. By the end of 2001, the Palestinians had received $4 billion (the figure is now closer to $5.5 billion) since the 1993 Oslo agreements.  These PA revenues do not include the $8-14 billion in assets the Palestine Liberation Organization is believed to have accumulated over the years through drug trafficking, illegal arms dealing, money laundering, fraud, extortion, and legal investments.

 Table. US Assistance to the Palestinians, FY2002-FY2006














Interesting…..But going ONLY with the IMF report and assuming they have been in ‘crisis’ since 2011-  how can they have gone broke in 3 years? Here is the the UNRWA chart for 2012 ONLY, which they state is accurate as of January 30,  2013:

TOP 20 Government donors in 2012 (includes total from link below the chart) = $833,855,937

Donor Contribution (US$)

United States of America


European Commission


United Kingdom










Japan (including JICA)










Belgium (including Flanders)


Saudi Arabia


France (including Municipality of Evry)










Spain (including local governments)




Top 20 Non-government donors in 2012= $ 46,839,980


Contribution (US$)

Islamic Development Bank


UN Agencies


Saudi Committee


OPEC Fund for International Development


UAE Red Crescent


Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan


Islamic Relief


Islamic Relief,USA


Mercy USA for Aid and Development


Danish Refugee Council


Fundacion la Caixa (FLC)


Intervida, Spain


American Freinds OF UNRWA


Tkiyet Um Ali


RKK, Japan


UNRWA Spanish Committee


Human Appeal International


Fundacion Real Madrid, Spain


Welfare Association


Other sources (including private contributions)


*2012 contribution data is accurate as of 30 January 2013.

And let’s not forget the other pledges made!

Denmark, Holland Contribute Over €7M to Palestinians $833,855,937 (government donors) + $46,839,980 (non-government donors) + 7,000,000 = $887,695,917
January 21, 2013

Canadian Harper Pledges $66 Million to Palestinian Authority $887,695,917 + 66,000,000 = $953,695,917
January 20, 2014

Japan pledges $200 million in aid for Palestinians $953,695,917 + 200,000,000 = $1,153,695,917
March 1, 2014

Abbas urged economic and political support to a new Palestinian state “so it can stand on its own feet.”  My question:  how much MORE economic support do they require to stand on their own feet???  What about the rest of the world and our own country?


One of the many signs of the last days that would happen all at the same time is the sign of our generation becoming known as the drug generation which has been fulfilled! Money, wealth, and power has always been a tool used by Satan to bring down people.  There have been and still are many around the world who are dealing in drugs thinking they are untouchable.  One major drug lord found out he was not.  What police found at the raid was unbelievable as you will see below.

Doctors who prescribe some popular antidepressants should monitor their patients closely for warning signs of suicide, especially when they first start the pills or change a dose.Cooltextprophecysign In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drugs. The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high

Photos of a Mexican drug lord’s home after being raided

There was a matched pair of these found.There was a matched pair of these found.

357 Magnum semi-automatics with solid gold grips.357 Magnum semi-automatics with solid gold grips.

This guy had a better gun collection that most legitimate museums do.This guy had a better gun collection that most legitimate museums do.

Just a quaint little villa in the hills - Drug money bought it all!Just a quaint little villa in the hills – Drug money bought it all!

Man-made cave and hot tub inside the home.Man-made cave and hot tub inside the home.

A collection of exotic animals - which were cared for in the grandest fashion, by the way.A collection of exotic animals – which were cared for in the grandest fashion, by the way

8 Lions were on the property8 Lions were on the property

The back yard poolThe back yard pool

Exotic art collection - some of which was illegal to own - some stolen.Exotic art collection – some of which was illegal to own – some stolen

This pile of cash before it was counted was estimated to be approximately 18 Billion Dollars!This pile of cash before it was counted was estimated to be approximately 18 Billion Dollars!
After it was counted it turned out to be a little more than 22 Billion Dollars!

Guns were hidden all over the house, along with ample ammo, just in case of troubleGuns were hidden all over the house, along with ample ammo, just in case of trouble

Stacks of cash were found in every nook and crannyStacks of cash were found in every nook and cranny…

There were even stacks of Chinese Yuan found in one closetThere were even stacks of Chinese Yuan found in one closet

The money and valuables found in this one house alone, would be enough to pay for health insurance for every man woman and child in the USA for 12 years! It is estimated to be approximately 27 more of these houses in Mexico alone. Not to mention the ones in other countries who are enriching themselves in the drug trade. These people have so much money, they make the Arab oil sheiks look like welfare recipients. Their money can buy politicians, cops, judges, whatever they need they just throw down stacks of cash and it is theirs! This is why the drug problem is so difficult to fight.

mission updates plain✟ End Times Research Ministry  Missions Up-Date- Pakistan Pastor Fiaz

Message from Pastor Fiaz:

Dear in Christ, My one friend Imran told a area of brick factory. I and P.Malik went 
there with some Bibles. Their all family members are working as brick maker. 
4 families are living there. We went in one family and gather some peoples there. 
I and P. Malik shared Word of God. These all families had no any Bible in home. 
When we told we have also Bibles. They really happy to listen and request for 
Bibles. We gave some Bibles there. We saw a great light in their eyes when they 
received Bibles. We also gave a Bible to 16 girl. She married when she was 13 
and now have 2 children. They all really happy to get Bibles. There one lady had 
a hot fever P. Malik prayed for her and he also put hand on her head. When he 
have prayed fever left her and she jump with joy. This was a good visit thanks 
for your prayers. Many blessing to you. Your brother in Christ, Fiaz

fiaz 3-17-14
By the Grace of God our ministry have registered in Government department of 
registration under society act. Now we have get some rights like marriage, funeral, 
preaching in prisons,jail, preaching in hospital, we can held our evangleism 
program openly, we can make a school or technical institute, we can make a 
hospital, we can held any social welfare program or activity. This registration will 
help us in many missions. This is all God blessing. Please keep us in your prayers. 
May God use us everywhere in Pakistan and many listen and accept Jesus.

 fiaz 3-17-14 LICENSE



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