The rise of the Antichrist/Signs the dollar is declinging/Peace process/Earthquakes/roaring seas/Noah’s signs/Oct. 12, 2009




I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.  

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition

If your Church would like me to put on a prophecy seminar you can contact me by emailing me at the following email address:  I do not charge anyone for my teachings.  All I request is you provide the transportation to and from your Church or organization.  At this time I will only be able to do seminars in the United States.


You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  DiMora’s latest radio/video show is now playing. This show deals with the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty.  Show is still running at the following link below. 

Prophecy Sign:  When Jesus Christ placed me in this ministry 33 years ago, he gave in insights to what was going to happen in the near future.  For 33 years I have been faithful to the Lord to repeat his warnings.  If I say to you, “I have warned you”, it means,  I have taken what I was shown by Christ from His Word for these last days and passed those warnings on to you.  Christ knows that I take no credit for these warnings.  All I am doing is being a faithful servant to carry out the things that Jesus has given me.  Christ has blessed me with the ability to reach people, and to make His warnings come to life in a very simple way.  I warn you what Jesus has written. I then give you the current news, and I prove the Lord’s warnings are coming to pass by showing you the connection between the Bible prophecies and the current events.  Yes it is I that is warning you of these things, however it is a message from Christ of which I take no credit.

In 1977 Jesus told me to warn the people that the U.S. dollar was going to die and that I needed to warn all that would listen that when the dollar dies there will be a power shift that would bring on the last world empire Jesus warned us about.  Those of you who were around me 33 years ago know that I told you Christ had shown me Europe was going to surpass the United States, and the U.S. dollar was going to decline against the currency of the European Union. 

People laughed at me for saying these things, but I have always held dear to what Christ had shown me.  I never stopped warning people about what I was told by Christ, and now the light of what Jesus had shown me so many years ago has come out for all to witness.  I could understand why people wouldn’t believe me 33 years ago.  Why?  Because at the time I was telling them the EU’s currency would surpass the American dollar, the EU didn’t even has their own currency yet.  Fact is the euro didn’t even hit the market place until the year 2000.  Many of the people I had warned about a new EU currency stopped laughing in 2000. The laughs stopped, because the Lord allowed His light to shine into their hearts, as His truths were made known to them by the entrance of the euro.  Since the birth of the euro I once again listen to what I was told by Christ as He asked me to step up my warnings about the last days power shift and the fall of the U.S. dollar to the euro.  Since September 2008 I have done exactly what Jesus has commanded of me.  Since September it has been apparent that the last days power shift is rapidly speeding up.  This can be seen in the fall of the U.S. dollar.  For months now I have posted numerous reports showing you that not only is the dollar declining to the euro and other currencies, but that leaders from nation all over the world are making moves to dump the U.S. dollar and bring on a one world currency.  Today I read another report telling us the dollar is on its way out.  I quote, “The dollar's position as the world's leading reserve currency faces increased pressure as the financial crisis allows emerging economies greater influence on the world stage, analysts said. A report last week in The Independent claiming that China Russia and Gulf States are among nations prepared to ditch the dollar for oil trades has heightened the uncertainty surrounding the US currency's future.”  “Three conclusions stand out very clearly. Firstly, the shift in economic power away from the G7 economies is continuing. "Secondly, there is a growing acceptance amongst those winners that one consequence of this power shift will be to strengthen their currencies.  "And finally, as long as the US economy is not strong enough for any rise in interest rates to be conceivable for a long time, the dollar's underlying downtrend will remain in place," added Juckes.”   One of the things Jesus has shown me, and wants me to warn you is that America is going to lose her influence as a superpower and will take a back set to the up and coming last world powers that will play a major rule in Bible prophecy soon.  The Prophet Daniel was shown exactly which world empire would rule at the time Jesus Christ would return.  At no time did God show Daniel any thing about America for the last days.  This shows us by the time these last days events are played out, America would have already fallen away as any kind of world power.  America is showing us how she is going to tumble as her economic engine comes to a halt.  The fall of America is going to accelerate the process that will lift the revived Roman Empire to the status that God showed Daniel in chapter 2 and 7 of the Book of Daniel.   I am convinced the reason why the Lord showed me the strength of the euro is because the euro is the currency of the European Union.  At the present time 16 of the 27 EU members are using the euro and more nations are in the process of turning to the euro.    Not only is the EU’s currency becoming one of the strongest in the world, the EU itself is getting stronger.  Keep in mind the reason why this is happening is because Christ showed us in the last days the old Roman Empire would once again come back to life just before Jesus returned to Earth.  This past week Ireland voted yes to the Lisbon Treaty, which has given the EU, or reborn Roman Empire the signal to look for their first full time EU President.   Not only do you have one currency for the new Roman Empire but also it looks like in a matter of weeks or months you will see one man sit in power over all of the 27 EU member nations.  This is the first time since the Roman Empire that is will have happened.  This is exactly what Jesus showed me and asked me to warn the people about 33 years ago, and this week I am seeing Christ’s warnings come to life.  This is huge to Bible prophecy because Jesus is telling you something now that I need to pass on to you.  Either you call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or you call on the name of the Lord’s enemy Satan.  If you do not have Christ as your Lord, then your master is Satan, and you are still living in your sins with no hope of entering the Lord gates to heaven unless you turn away from those sins, repent of those sins, and receive the free gift of salvation from Christ Jesus.

In today's news we see more signs the U.S. dollar is on its way out.  I quote, "Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) — Central banks flush with record reserves are increasingly snubbing dollars in favor of euros and yen, further pressuring the greenback after its biggest two- quarter rout in almost two decades. Policy makers boosted foreign currency holdings by $413 billion last quarter, the most since at least 2003, to $7.3 trillion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Nations reporting currency breakdowns put 63 percent of the new cash into euros and yen in April, May and June, the latest Barclays Capital data show. That’s the highest percentage in any quarter with more than an $80 billion increase.”   “Global central banks are getting more serious about diversification, whereas in the past they used to just talk about it,” said Steven Englander, a former Federal Reserve researcher who is now the chief U.S. currency strategist at Barclays in New York. “It looks like they are really backing away from the dollar.”  If by now you can't see the handwriting on the wall from Jesus I don't know what it would take to prove every word Jesus warned us is coming to pass.  Why do you think nations are moving to the euro instead of the U.S. dollar?  It is because Jesus showed us the EU, who is the reborn Roman Empire would become the last world empire.  All these things must take place to bring the EU to the place Jesus warned it would go.

Those of you who did not know the European Union is the reborn Roman Empire of the last days may not realize just how important these current events are.  The yes vote to the Lisbon Treaty has set the seat for the Antichrist.  Someone asked me today, is the Antichrist alive?  My answer to that question is yes, the Antichrist is alive, but he hasn’t begun to make his way up into power yet.  However, soon he will begin to rise up and make his way into a place of power.  If you refuse to receive Jesus and you are left behind to meet him how will you know who this man is?  First of all the Lord was very specific about this.  The man who confirms a 7 year covenant with Israel and many nations is the man who the Lord said would be the Antichrist.  Not only did God show Daniel the reborn Roman Empire would be the last world empire of which the Antichrist would come from, he also shows Daniel the man would come bring so called peace. Read what God told Daniel in Daniel 8:25. "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."   It blew me away to hear President got the Noble Peace Prize for just taking about bringing peace.  Does this make him the Antichrist?  Not at all, what I am showing you is another man is coming who will make Obama look pale in comparison to what he does, not by what he says.  Part of what the Lord has shown us about the Antichrist is that he will set in place this so called peace in the Middle East.  If you really want to know exactly who the Antichrist is watch the news because the man who confirms the 7 year peace covenant with Israel and many nations is going to be wounded in the head, and will have appeared to have died from this wound. This is what Jesus has warned us about this event. “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast” Revelation 13:3.  If you are one of the unbelievers who was left behind let me tell you what is going to happen once this man all of a sudden appears to rise from the deadly wound.   God told the Prophet Zechariah in Zech. 11:17 the following, "Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!"  You will know who the Antichrist is because when he recovers from the wound to his head he is going to lose the sight in his right eye, and his arm will become useless.  Go ahead and start laughing, I am not offended in the least to your laughs.  I do know this, just as the EU’s  euro was born, and as the EU is growing in power and strength, and is now going to have the seat of the Antichrist set in place, you will see the man of sin confirm a 7 year peace covenant, he will have an attempt on his life, he will appear to have passed on, but will rise again, but will have one eye and arm damaged so it can’t work. The Antichrist is going to mimic what Christ did.  Jesus came bring peace.  The Antichrist is coming in peace, but will end up killing off most of the world.  Jesus died and rose again and went into heaven.  The Antichrist will only appear to have died, and then come back to life.  Jesus went to heaven to prepare a place for all the saints in His glorified body.   When the Antichrist fakes his rise from being dead, he will try to set up his kingdom on earth as he takes hold of the revived Roman Empire, but his wounded body will be anything but glorified.  Now you know how to stop the Antichrist once the Lord takes His Church away from this Earth. 


News today shows how another step taken today from a EU leader has brought us one day closer to the rise of the Antichrist to this new full time EU position.  I quote, Welcoming the Polish signing, Mr Reinfeldt said that the EU "eagerly awaits" the full ratification of the treaty. "We do not need more delays," he said. The BBC's Jonny Dymond in Brussels says that Mr Kaczynski's signature leaves the Czech Republic, and in particular its Eurosceptic president, entirely isolated. But, he says, that appears not to concern Mr Klaus. The president is insisting on a "footnote" being added to the text so as to exempt his country from the Charter of Fundamental Rights much like Poland and the UK already are, our correspondent says.”  The last two to actually sign the Lisbon treaty are putting their John Hancock to the document.”  The footnote the Czech President wants for the Lisbon Treaty is an opt-out footnote.  I quote, “Mr Klaus demanded an opt-out from the Charter of Fundamental Rights, similar to opt-outs agreed previously for the UK and Poland”  All this is saying is that if the Czech’s want to get out they have a way to do it.  Others have done this and it is no big deal.   If you watch the news with me over the next 3 weeks you will begin to hear a lot of news as to which man is going to take the first position of the first full time EU President.

Back in September 2008 I began spelling out the things that Jesus had shown me as to how and what would speed up the decline of America.  One of the things I have passed on to you had to do with banks not lending out money.  I told you that Jesus had shown me that every month hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. would be losing their jobs and at the same time the U.S. government would keep telling American’s that the recovery has begun.  If you read this next report you will see what I warned you as coming from Christ has also come to pass.  I quote, “Credit is everything. Without credit expansion there's no recovery because there's no pick-up in overall demand. But credit growth is going backwards. The banks have tightened lending standards and the pool of credit-worthy applicants has vanished. Bank lending is off 14 per cent since October 2008. Private credit is presently decreasing at a 10.5 per cent annual rate. The situation is getting worse, not better.”  Another section of the report stated, “"Both bank credit and the M3 money supply in the United States have been contracting at rates comparable to the onset of the Great Depression since early summer, raising fears of a double-dip recession in 2010 and a slide into debt-deflation…"Similar concerns have been raised by David Rosenberg, chief strategist at Gluskin Sheff, who said that over the four weeks up to August 24, bank credit shrank at an ‘epic' 9pc annual pace, the M2 money supply shrank at 12.2pc and M1 shrank at 6.5pc.” 'For the first time in the post-Second World War era, we have deflation in credit, wages and rents and, from our lens, this is a toxic brew,'he said. (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, "US credit shrinks at Great Depression rate prompting fears of double-dip recession", UK Telegraph)”  I hate to say I warned you, but there is no other way to this.  Last year I said you would begin to hear a lot more talk about the U.S. going into a depression.  I issued you this warning back in September 2008 before the government would even admit America was in a recession.  As you can see from this report and others like it that I have posted, America is headed for another depression.  Get ready to say good-bye to the dollar and hello to a new world currency.  This will be the currency that the Antichrist is going to use to try and put everyone in this world under his thumb.

Prophecy Sign: Chapter 38 of Ezekiel tells us that Russia is going to lead an invasion with Iran and other Muslim nations against Israel.  In chapter 38 we see Turkey joining with Russia and Iran to invade Israel.  For years the Lord has had me warn people to watch the nations of Turkey and Armenia.  Why?  Because the Lord showed me Turkey who was very unfriendly with Armenia would join together with Armenia and becomes allies just prior to the invasion of Israel. In my book back in 1997 I wrote down this warning which the Lord had shown me.  Did Jesus point truth to me?  I will let today’s announcement speak to you for me.  I quote, “Turkey and Armenia have signed a historic peace agreement ending a century of hostility – hostility that stemmed from the World War One mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman forces. Turkey’s Foreign Minister and his Armenian counterpart signed the Swiss-mediated deal in Zurich at a meeting attended by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”  One thing about having a close Brother in the Lord who is a prayer partner and a supporter of my ministry, I get a chance to tell him who the Lord has spoken to me.  I pray on what I have been told and in many cases the Lord has shown my pray partner the same things.  Many times when I do seminars my prayer partner attends and he confirms that what I have stated is the truth.  It is not my truth, but the warning from the Holy Spirit, I am just the person lucky enough to have been chosen to deliver this message.   I am sure when my prayer partner John reads this post in the morning that this news about Turkey and Armenia will blow him away.  We have been waiting for this to happen for a long time.  Look at the timing of this?  It has taken place at the same time the EU is getting ready to pick their first President.  It is also happening at the same time that Israel just stated they would attack Iran by this Christmas if the UN doesn’t step in and stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  Both Turkey and Armenia are nations that are going to engage in this invasion with Iran, Russia, and the other nations on the list in Ezekiel 38.  All these events will appear to be coincidences to those who do not have the Holy Spirit as their guide to the truth.  However, Jesus has assured me, that if you pray to Him and ask Him to show you the truth about these last days, that Christ will reveal Himself to you.  He’s waiting for you to ask!

Prophecy Sign: One of Christ’s last days signs was that we would see the roaring seas and waves along with all the other signs.  This sign is also getting much attention in the world news lately.  Just click to the news link below and this report will speak for Christ:

Video Shows Cars, Trucks Tossed by Tsunami Waves


Prophecy Sign; In Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 Christ told you that many earthquakes would begin to take place and we would see great quakes, meaning some real big earthquakes.  Look how many good size quakes there were in just a 3 day period.  There have been 23 earthquakes and some of them hitting close to 5.9 and above.  Take a look at the number of earthquakes in the Santa Cruz Islands.  Christ has been revealing to me to warn the people that massive earthquakes are on the way.  Two weeks ago right after I repeated what I was warned, we saw many huge quakes hitting in the high 7s and one was a 8.3.  What I believe the Lord is showing me is America is going to see some of these massive quakes soon.  I noticed the number of quakes hitting the Santa Cruz Islands lately, and I was also wondering if these quakes are a prelude to a much bigger one coming soon?  I am sure we are going to find out soon.  In any case the signs of many earthquakes are all around us, and this is one of the many signs we were suppose to witness all at the same time.

Prophecy Sign:  One of the keys to knowing we are at the door to the beginning of the 7 year tribulation is the fact that homosexuality is spreading around the world.  Jesus said this generation was going to be a copy of Noah’s generation and this is one of the things that God wiped out Noah’s generation for..  Included in many of my previous warnings, the Lord revealed to me that the gay movement was going to take off under a new head of steam. We see this taking place not just in the U.S. but in other nations.  For example, the news today stated, “Organisers say 50,000 people turned out in Rome on Saturday to protest at what gay rights groups say is an increase in attacks on homosexuals this year. It is the biggest demonstration of its kind Italy has ever seen. Since the beginning of the year gay activists claim there have been eight gay-hate killings and 52 other attacks. The government has promised a media campaign against homophobia.”  In all of my writing on this subject I always say, anyone who claims to know Jesus Christ as savior can not hate the gay community.  You can hate the sin, and come against Satan in pray for these people but no one should ever go out and purposely try and do harm to them.  If you do this, I would question if you really love the Lord.  Our job is to love them enough to witness to them that if they do not repent of this life style the only gate that awaits them is the gate of hell.  It is the same gate that awaits anyone who doesn’t take Christ as his or her savior.  All sin is the same to Christ if there is no covering of the Lord’s blood for sin.

Here is more news concerning this type of sin that was spread during noah’s generation. “Homosexuals and supporters attending the annual dinner of the Human Rights Campaign gave Obama a standing ovation as he repeated his pledges to meet some long-standing demands of homosexual activists

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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