Noah’s signs-America’s signs of decline- More Ezekiel signs- Increased knowledge signs-DiMora’s 5th and most recent radio interview on The Edge Nov. 12, 2008



This afternoon at 4pm (PST), I invite you listen to international radio show called The Edge. This will be my last interview as a guest as I have been asked to join the team of The Edge as a correspondent.  I  will be a co-host with Gina Romano on the show called "Revelation with Gina Romano". The format will deal with various subjects including bible prophecy along with interviewing guests.  Thank you all for telling others about my site.  In the coming months, America's decline will cause many to ask questions about the times we are living. I am blessed to be able to inform millions through the radio show, my prophecy site, seminars, and on my global prayer network about the things to come. Below is the link to this evenings radio interview. If you are interested in having me speak to your church you can email me at the address given in the left hand side of my site. 

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 37-39 warns in the last days another major key prophecy sign would be that generation would again be like the one which lived during Noah’s generation.  Jesus told us when you shall see all these things happen at the same time look up because He would be coming back to Earth shortly.  When you read my entire book you will have learned every sign listed for the last days is taking place right now.  The only ones left are the 7-year tribulation, Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17:1 and the rapture of the Church.  Today we only witnessed a glimpse of things to come.  You see Noah’s generation was heavily involved in homosexuality.   This generation has become exactly what Christ warned it would.  This generation is the smartest and is also heavily involved in homosexuality.  This Sunday one Church found out first hand just how active gays can get.  I quote today’s report. “ JDELTA TWP. – A radical gay rights group is claiming responsibility for a protest Sunday at Mount Hope Church in Delta Township. Protesters who entered the Creyts Road church along with worshippers surprised the congregation when they stood up during the service, threw fliers at churchgoers and shouted slogans such as "It's OK to be gay," and "Jesus was a homo," according to David Williams, communications director at the church. His father, Dave Williams, is the church's longtime pastor. He was not preaching at the church Sunday.” “Another group of protesters demonstrated outside the church at the same time as the indoor protest.”  The report went on to say, “Mount Hope Church strives to follow Jesus' example of loving the sinner but not the sin,” I pray that you follow the teaching of those at Mount Hope and love these people as they are.  What you must come to understand is the gay movement will get much worse. In the future laws are going to change and more gays are going to be able to marry in the same sex.  Christ warned the last days are going to happen as a woman in labor, that could only mean all these signs including homosexuality will intensify!  As you can see, we have much to pray about.  I suggest you begin praying now.

Another sign of Noah’s generation was they turned from God. I will let this next report speak for itself. “You better watch out. There is a new combatant in the Christmas wars. Ads proclaiming, "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake," will appear on Washington, D.C., buses starting next week and running through December. The American Humanist Association unveiled the provocative $40,000 holiday ad campaign Tuesday. In lifting lyrics from "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," the Washington-based group is wading into what has become a perennial debate over commercialism, religion in the public square and the meaning of Christmas. "We are trying to reach our audience, and sometimes in order to reach an audience, everybody has to hear you," said Fred Edwords, spokesman for the humanist group. "Our reason for doing it during the holidays is there are an awful lot of agnostics, atheists and other types of non-theists who feel a little alone during the holidays because of its association with traditional religion."”

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapters 2 & 7 and Revelation chapter 17.  Can we see things of the future as we live in the present?  The answer to that question is yes and for good reason. Jesus outlined for us everything that was going to happen in the future.  The Lord told Daniel the Roman Empire would rise in the last days and when it did He would come back during the reign of this Modern day revived Roman Empire.  For months I have given you signs that America is declining.  I told you all this has to happen because God showed us it was this revived Roman Empire who would rule the world not the United States of America.  Those of you who read my book know America must decline to help give rise to this new modern day Roman Empire or EU.  In short, this is one of the reasons why you are seeing America’s decline in power. 

I wish you could have been with me at my first prophecy presentation in 1978.  I warned in the near future America would begin to decline, the dollar would crash, the American economy would bust, and this nation would end up with inflation problems, which would lead to many troubles for the U.S. In my warning back then I pointed to another depression.  I also made it a point that when you see these things, watch what is going to happen with the European Union because they will begin to rise to superpower status.  At the end of the day the EU would over take America as the last superpower to rule this earth. 

Since my first prophecy presentation every thing I have warned them about has already hit us except a full blown Depression, but as you can see from my previous posts many government leaders are now worried that is the direction we are headed.  The fall of America has begun and I outline signs you should pay attention to.  For example in the beginning of 2008 I warned you that  massive layoffs were coming.  I  stated my warning before the housing bubble bust.  I marked the auto industry and tryied to warn you want was going to happen with industry and now 3 major automobile copies are on the edge of running out of money.  The back lash to these companies even slowing down will be a huge anchor to America because if they go some 2 million jobs will go with them. 

America is striving to bail out everyone. They are writing check for the banks, huge corporations, homeowners, and now the auto industry.  The Feds are printing billions in dollars when they owe trillions.  I am telling you it isn’t if America will crash but when America is going to crash!  In order to fulfill prophecy America must be reduced in power and the EU rise in power and that is exactly what is taking shape a the present time.

New today isn’t good but I can’t hide it, it is proof that America’s legs are about to give out on her.  “A number of deals designed to cure the global financial crisis were in danger of unraveling on Wednesday, with losses mounting at banks and economies showing further signs of serious deterioration.” "The U.S.' financial resources are already stretched and a flood of new demands may overwhelm a government already staring down at a record budget deficit next year," UBS economists said in a note.

Planet Earth is entering a very troublesome period, which is going to alter the way we do business forever. As more businesses close in America more nations will begin to layoff their workers.  If America can’t buy others will lose their jobs and this domino affect has already commenced.  The global economic crisis is going to force nations to come together in a one world economic system.  You are going to witness everything I am telling you and it will begin to intensify with the next few months.  Another report showing us signs of trouble ahead came from a report issued by CNBC. “The US government could be entering a bottomless pit of bailouts if it starts propping up failing companies outside the financial sector—including the struggling auto industry, economists say.” The decision is difficult, Isaac acknowledges, considering the domino effects the collapse of General Motors and Ford would have on the US and world economy. But the two companies may well be better off in bankruptcy, he says, so they can find a more sustainable way to operate than under the current business model.”

When you watch the video in this new CBS report you learn that 1 out of 10 jobs are linked to the auto industry.  If America bails out GM they will be forced to bail out Ford and Chrysler as well. If the U.S. government fails to bail out GM, America will fall into a Depression sooner than I even expected it would.  Right now GM is losing 2 billion a month and they cannot borrow any money.  Even if GM is bailed out the company is still going to be in huge trouble because they are not competing with foreign companies and unless they make drastic changes fast they will be in need of a second bailout.  In a time when the U.S. needs people to spend their money to stimulate the economy, people are staying home and keeping their cash in their wallets. Here is the bottom line.  God told us the Revived Roman Empire would rule under the direction of the Antichrist.  The events taking place now are the footsteps bringing us to that day!

Businesses all across America are handing out pink slips and this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Today we leaded “Some of Time Inc.’s biggest magazines have put out the call for at least 83 volunteers to take buyouts, according to memos and staffers at the company. The news comes as part of the company’s previously announced restructuring and plan to cut its headcount by about 600, or roughly 6 percent of the Time Inc.’s worldwide workforce of 10,200.”  Colleges across America are staring to downsize their staffs as well.  I know of one smaller University in Ohio that just handed out 48 pink slips to employees working at the college.  Some of them have been employed with the college for 20 years and now all they worked for was gone in a moment.  Could it be Jesus is trying to wake up America?  Often times when people are in search of answers they finally turn to Christ.  I pray this is the case for anyone who has just received a pink slip. Jesus is the only one who promises you, He will get you through anything that you face.

Today as I asked the Lord what news to report on I was again lead to warn you about the fall of America.  I told you that another Depression is coming.  After I finished my post I received a phone call from one of my prayer partners. Carlos told me to look up a man by the name of Mikhail Leonidovich.  After asking Carlos who this person was, I understood way I was lead to warn you about the decline of the U.S.  It was impressed on me to use this information to teach you about Khazin’s work. You need to know who Mikhail Leonidovich Khazin is before I go on. Khazin studied mathematics at the Yaroslavl University and Moscow State University. For 7 years he worked at the Soviet Academy of Sciences. From 1993 to 1994 Khazin was employed at the State Working Center of Economic Reforms. From 1995-1997, he was the head of the Credit Policy Department at the Economics Ministry. In 1997 he became the deputy head of the Presidential Economics Department until 1998.  Six month into his last position he left what is called the state service.  Currently Mikhail is the  president of the consulting firm, Neokon.”

Khazin wrote a book 5 years ago entitled, "Sunset of the Dollar Empire and the End of the Pax Americana."  In that book Khazin outlines what will happen to cause the U.S. to fall headlong into a second Depression.  So far everything outlined in Khazin’s book has come to pass. I want to quote a few sections from a news article, which an economics columnist at KP Jenya Anisimov had with Khazins’ 

 “After becoming seriously consumed in our studies of the U.S. financial system, we found an unprecedented parallel. Just as our T-bill market had sucked all the juices out of the Russian economy, the U.S. financial market was sucking the resources out of the entire planet. We realized a similar fate awaited the U.S. financial system. Our article was published in the summer of 2000 in the "Ekspert" magazine, titled, "Is the U.S. Digging for an Apocalypse." We concluded that it was just as impossible to avoid an economic crisis in the U.S. as the financial collapse in Russia.  Khazin goes on to say, ”That's an incredible amount! But what exactly does this mean — the destruction of one-fourth of the U.S. economy? It means an uncontrollable increase in unemployment, a horrible depression, a sharp increase in the effect of social services on the budget… Now, the U.S. is jumping all over the place doing everything its can to rescue this fraction of the economy. The government is stimulating banks and manufacturing… But regardless, in 2-3 years, the U.S. will face a crisis similar to the Great Depression.”

I am asking you to read the entire article and if you can read his book.  Everything Khazin has said is the same thing I heard from Jesus in 1978 when He called me to this ministry.  I have said this before in my posts and have repeated this message over and over since January 2008.  America is going down to give rise to a new world order.  Out of global economic crisis will rise not only a new last days superpower, the (EU), but one man who will take control of this new world order economy.  Unlike Khazin, I don’t believe we have two years so prepare yourself for what is coming now!  Did you hear me?

I bowed my head and asked for a Word from the Lord for you all.  This is the only Words Jesus flooded my mind with. “I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass” Isaiah 48: 3


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38. Ezekiel 38 gives a detailed look at a war against Israel. This chapter and chapter 39 give specific details about this war.  Iran will play a major role in this war as they join forces with the Russians and other Arab nations.  I suggest you read my previous posts if you are new to my site or read chapter 10 of my free book.  The Ezekiel prophecy is going to be fulfilled soon and when it does you will know we have entered into the days of the 7-year tribulation.  For the past year I have kept you up to speed on events taking place in the Middle East that could ignite this war. Here is another one of those signs of the times.  TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran said it test-fired a new generation of surface-to-surface missile on Wednesday and that the Islamic Republic was ready to defend itself against any attacker. Iran's latest missile test followed persistent speculation in recent months of possible U.S. or Israeli strikes against its nuclear facilities, which the West suspects form part of a covert atomic weapons program, a charge Tehran denies. U.S. President-elect Barack Obama, like outgoing U.S. President George W. Bush, has not ruled out military action although he has criticized the Bush administration for not pursuing more diplomacy and engagement with Tehran.”  I wouldn’t be concerned what the U.S. will do to Iran.  I would focus what Israel is about to do to Iran!  Israel has people inside Iran watching what the Iranians are doing.  They realize Iran’s missiles are now capable of hitting inside Israel.  They are also in the midst of planning the attack on Iran’s nuclear power plant.  If in the next few months Israel strikes at that nuclear site it would unite Iran’s allies to counter attack Israel.  In the past Israel has been engaged in wars with many Arab nations but I do believe the next war which may start with Iran will end up fulfilling Ezekiel 38 and 39.

Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12: 4 and Revelation 13:15 makes a huge impact on people who know what to look for in prophecy.  Daniel said the last generation would be known as the generation of increased knowledge and Revelation shows us how some of this knowledge may be used.  Everyone knows or should know this generation has been labeled the “Generation of Knowledge”.  This has taken place at the same time all the prophecies are being fulfilled.  This is a key sign that we have reached the last generation that will see the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Into days news there is a demonstration of just how smart this generation has gotten. I quote, “Scientists have created the first 'humanoid' robot that can mimic the facial expressions and lip movements of a human being.'Jules' – a disembodied androgynous robotic head – is controlled only by his own software and automatically copies the movement and expressions of a human face. Human face movements are picked up by a video camera and mapped onto the tiny electronic motors in Jules' skin. It can grin and grimace, furrow its brow, and 'speak' as the software translates real expressions observed through video camera 'eyes'.”  I found it very interesting what they had the robot say.  If you watch the video the Robot named Jules talks about wanting to be able to destroy the world.  When you read the report you will learn that this is the most real life robot ever made.  The video in the report only shows his head but if you google the robot Jules on youtube you will see he looks exactly like a human being.  He talks, like one, he moves like one, and he seems to think like one.  Jesus in Rev. 13:15 warned in the last days a false prophet would come and give life to the image of the beast (Antichrist). He would make the image both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”  Our generation has fulfilled Daniel 12:4!  We are the smartest people there has ever been.  We have gained so much knowledge that they even made it possible to fulfilled Rev. 13:15.  If you go to chapter 3 of my Internet book you will be able to click onto video which prove to you that man has already made robot in the exact image of their creator.  It would be any problem at all for the false prophet to have one of these robots made in the image of the Antichrist.  We are that close!

Here is another example of how much knowledge our generation has gotten.  I quote, “Classical musicians could have good reason to be worried as scientists have developed a musical robot that makes no mistakes. Waseda University’s robotic flautist can play the challenging musical score of the ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ almost flawlessly.And the robot has been designed with a human-like quality that allows it to engage with the audience, making in a contender for concert performances.”  This report also comes with a video, watch it and reminder the following, Jesus warned you before these things took place that they would happen!

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Download “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” book for free.  The large print edition may take 4-7 minutes to download the book but it will come up.  If your computer is faster it will only take a few minutes. It is 309 pages in a PDF file.  This new August 31, 2008 book is the latest up-dated edition.  You can also choose to download the book in smaller print, which will download for you even faster. Click to links below to download the book of your choice for free.

Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_large_print_2008_update.pdf

Download final_book_for_sept. 7 2008 small print.pdf : This small print book will come up really fast and it will be easy to read.


My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus! 


    • Ben V. on November 12, 2008 at 3:33 pm
    • Reply

    I am not surprised at the events we are now experiencing. Fear is setting in on a lot of Americans. I have been speaking with a few people who are fearful of the things going on right now. Amazingly, everyone I spoke with are Christians! They know better than be fearful but America is going where it has never been before and there is so much to fear. But I say, count it all JOY, for we have been found worthy that our Lord has allowed us to be here. We have work to do! These things are happening because they are supposed to happen… we can not control this. But we CAN control how we react to it. Pray and witness!

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