War-Earthquakes- What is coming soon-July 9, 2008


Those of you who have been coming to my site know I wrote and said the Lord laid it on my heart to warn you huge earthquakes would begin on the Ring of Fire.  With in 2 days of that warning China had a massive earthquake which was followed by a huge quake in Japan.  For months I have been telling you watch for big quakes to hit many places.  I never give the exact location of these quakes because I don’t know exactly where they are going to hit, all I know is the Lord wanted me to warn you these big quakes are coming.  I am repeating the message Jesus gave us in Matthew 24 concerning earthquakes. Yesterday there was another huge earthquake.  “A strong earthquake measuring 6.0 on the moment magnitude scale struck southern Peru near Arequipa early Tuesday, the US Geological Survey reported.”  Jesus also told us we would see fearful sights and they to are coming.  All I know is the ground is going to shake!  Watch with me as we see more earthquakes and mountains exploding (volcanoes).

Go back and read some of my previous posts.  As with earthquakes I have been telling you to watch for droughts and famines.  Here we go again, more news concerning this warning. I quote, “That was before a drought crept across western Somalia last year and again this year. Since then, the sorghum fields have dried up, the grass has vanished and all Mr. Ali’s cattle have died, leaving him dependent on corn-soya rations.” “By the end of the year, U.N. officials predict, nearly half of this nation’s population, or about 3.5 million people, will need food aid, a dramatic spike driven by rampant political insecurity, skyrocketing global food prices, the devaluation of the local currency and a failure of nature’s mercy, rain.” Every single word I have spoken has come to pass and do you want to know why?  I read it in the teaching from Jesus Christ.  I am repeating the message I placed in my heart from my Lord.  Knowing He is truth and all things must come to pass I can tell you exactly what will happen! I am one of many who the Lord call “The Watchmen”.  It is my mission to stand watch for you all and to sound the alarm in order that you can make yourselves ready to meet the Lord.  You can either except this call to watch and be ready with me, or reject God’s warning and end up facing the Antichrist in the very near future. I am one of many preparing the way of the Lord.  I do not want to make myself sound more spiritual than anyone else because I am not, what I am is sold out to Christ and believe His every Word and therefore am abiding in His love and peace.  As a child of Christ I must do my fathers will.  I was born to show the path to Christ and our God.  I am not asking anyone to follow me, I am asking everyone to follow Christ Jesus.  If I speak truth concerning these last days it is only because I carry Christ in me and it His truth I am repeating.  Now for more truth.



Prophecy sign: Ezekiel 38-39 war against Israel.  I wanted to keep you informed as to current events between Israel and Iran.  It is important to watch these nations because this is where the next set of prophecies are going to take place. Ezekiel 39:3 says, “And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand”.  One thing you must understand is that Ezekiel wrote his book around 593-565 BC.  When Ezekiel was watching this battle through the eyes of the Lord, he was watching a war being fought with weapons he had never seen before.  Ezekiel described what he was watching in the only terms he knew at the time.  For example, look at the above scripture where it says, ““And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand”.  Those arrows are today’s modern day missiles.  Can we know if this is true?  When we watch the news and compare what was written in God’s Word, we see the fulfillment.  Let me connect the dots for you.  Read this short news report. “The Air Force held the 14th test of the Israeli-designed Arrow 2 anti-ballistic missile on Friday, successfully intercepting an incoming rocket at a higher altitude than ever before.”  If you have been watching the news you would have seen all the missiles the PLO and Hamas have sent into Israel.  Israel’s new defense system is called of all things the Arrow defense system.  Ezekiel may not have understood what they were so he described them in the weapon of his day.  Here is another report talking about this Arrow defense system.  “Once all programs are completed, Israel will have a three-tier missile and rocket defensive systems in place. The operational Arrow system, capable of defeating ballistic missiles at high altitude, within or above the earth atmosphere, at ranges of hundred kilometers from the Israeli border. Development and production for Arrow were funded jointly by the U.S. and Israel.”


2.http://www.defense-   update.com/newscast/0207/news/010207_iron_cap.htm

Ezekiel tells us Iran will come down on Israel with Russia and her allies.  The missiles Ezekiel saw coming against Israel are now in the hands of Iran.  I think you will get the point when you read this next report. “Oil prices rebounded from consecutive days of steep declines after Iran test-fired nine missiles Wednesday, including Shahab-3 missiles capable of reaching Israel. Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards fired the missiles during war games that high-ranking military officials say are a response to U.S. and Israeli threats. Gen. Hossein Salami, a top commander, was quoted on state television saying the exercise “is to demonstrate our resolve and might against enemies who in recent weeks have threatened Iran with harsh language.”  http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080709/oil_prices.html

This generation is about to witness one of the most important wars in the history of man kind.  Very soon Iran, Russia, Ethiopia, Libya and other Russian allies will do exactly what Ezekiel said they would do, come down from the northern quarters to invade Israel.  If you haven’t taken Jesus Christ as your Savior I plead with you do to so now.  It is around this time frame that Jesus comes back to remove His Church (the believers) from earth.  Once this war is played out the 7 year tribulation will start.  If you consider yourself to be a Christian and are now spending any time with Christ I would relight your flame for Jesus right now.  Now is the time to let your soul sing to Christ.  If you are the type of Christian that we can not tell the difference between people living in the world and you, then you will want to come back to your first love Jesus!  Am I condemning you?  No.  I am trying to lift you up to God in Christ because we are running out of time to make ourselves right before Jesus.


After reading the current news let me now compare what Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 have to say.  Prophecy sign Psalm 83. Ezekiel 38-39 war against Israel When I read this Psalm and see what is taking place currently, get blown away and it only encourages me to keep my armor up for Christ.  Let me compare Psalm 83 to Ezekiel 38-39 which tells us about the coming attack against Israel.  After you read this and see the current news you will want to pay closer attention to what Israel and Iran are doing. “KEEP not thou peace, O God, do not remain silent; do not turn a deaf ear,  do not stand aloof, O God.  2 See how your enemies growl, how your foes rear their heads. 3 With cunning they conspire against your people;  they plot against those you cherish.” In Ezekiel 38:10 Ezekiel told us the enemies of Israel will come up with an evil thought.  This is the plot mentioned in the Psalm.  Back to Psalm 83.  Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.” Do you see anything in the news like this?  The President of Iran has been saying for months He is going to destroy Israel and wipe them off the face of the map.  He is saying the exact things that is written in the 83rd Psalm.  Back to the Psalm again. “With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against you”  In Ezekiel 38:9 we see this alliance Psalm speaks about come together as Ezekiel says “Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.  Now back to Psalm 83 again. “the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,  of Moab and the Hagrites,  7 Byblos, Ammon and Amalek,  Philistia, with the people of Tyre.  8 Even Assyria has joined them  to reinforce Lot’s descendants. 9 Do to them as you did to Midian,   as you did to Sisera and Jabin at the river Kishon,  10 who perished at Endor  and became like dung on the ground. 11 Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb,  all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna, 12 who said,Let us take possession  of the pasturelands of God.” Look what Ezekiel 38:12 tells us, he informs us that the attackers go down against Israel to take over the land which have gotten cattle and goods.  These cattle and good are the possessions found in the Psalm 83.  Back to the Psalm again.  13 Make them like tumbleweed, my God, like chaff before the wind. 14 As fire consumes the forest  or a flame sets the mountains ablaze,  15so pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your storm.  Compare now Ezekiel 39:6, he even tells us God will destroy the invading armies with fire. Notice in Ezekiel 38:21 he says God will destroy the armies in the mountains.  This is the same place God says He destroy Israel’s enemies in Psalm 83.  I hope you are taking a good look at current events because Israel is going after Iran soon and they have nuclear weapons in their possession. If you ever seen a nuclear bomb go off you know it is a ball of fire!   Back to the Psalm for one more look.  16 “Cover their faces with shame, LORD,  so that they will seek your name. 17 May they ever be ashamed and dismayed;  may they perish in disgrace.”  What does Ezekiel say about this? We are told in 38:2 that all but 1/6 of the entire invading armies will perish, the 1/6 who are left alive will return home. What happens when your defeated in a war?  You are disgraced. This is what the men returning from the attack on Israel will face.  Now lets finish the rest of Psalm 83.  18 “Let them know that you, whose name is the LORD  that you alone are the Most High over all the earth. Ezekiel tells us the reason why God comes to the aid of Israel, “Then shall they know that I am the Lord their God”. 


Now let me give you a look at a recent news report speaking about the things I just showed you.  I quote. “UN diplomat Mohamed ElBaradej warned on June 21 that an attack on Iran in reaction to its nuclear weapons program would turn the “Middle East region into a ball of fire.” Speaking in an interview with Al-Arabiya television, the Egyptian-born functionary of United Nations said “A military strike (against Iran) would in my opinion be worse than anything else.” ElBaradej, who has been head of the International Atomic Energy Agency since 1997, said any attack by Israel on Iran’s nuclear facilities would harden the latter’s posture. “A military strike would spark the launch of an emergency program to make atomic weapons, with the support of all Iranians, including those living abroad,” he said.”


I hope you are wise and understand what is being said here?  First of all, I want you to notice that Iran has told the United Nations and the world they do not have a nuclear weapons program.  Israel has tried to sound the alarm concerning this issue for the past 2 years.  Well, Iran just announced they do have that nuclear weapons program!  Second, Iran said a military strike against them would spark the launch which will cause them to make the nuclear weapons.  This is the hooks in the jaw of Israel’s enemies which Ezekiel tells us about in Ezekiel 38:4.  What are the hooks?  When Israel bombs Iran the hooks will be placed in the enemies jaws, it is a retaliation hook and they will be dragged into the war on Israel by revenge to get even with Israel. Now you see how all the dots are being connected.  Both Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 tell why and how this war takes place and, the current events show us the exact same things beginning to unfold before us.  Please watch the Middle East news.  Everyone is going to see both Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 fulfilled soon.  You can click to the link below to read the entire news report, please let this knowledge from God seek in. Tensions grow between Israel and Iran


Please take notice this prophecy in Genesis 12:3, “And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one who curses you. And in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.” When you see what the Bush is doing you see we are on the edge of being cursed by God.  President Bush has begun to take sides with the PLO and,  he is trying to split the most Holy City in the World in two.  This is very dangerous.  When we look at Ezekiel’s war we notice the young lions do nothing to help Israel when she is attacked.  The young lions appear to be the U.S. and two other nations who give a formal protect to the attack on Israel but they sit by and do nothing.  The day this takes place say goodbye to any blessings the U.S.A. has had from God.  The day will no longer aid Israel and watch over them is the day the Lord will begin to curse this nation.  If you want to keep the Lord’s blessing a little longer vote for the President who is going to give their full support to Israel no matter what!  Look at the two men running right now and pick the one who is the strongest friend to Israel.  Your vote could bring this nation to destruction or bring the blessings of God, and you figured your vote didn’t matter.  Let me ask you a few questions.  When God said He would bring Israel back as a nation, did they happen?  Yes He did.  When God said He would cause Jews from all over the world return to Israel when she was born as a nation again did that happen.  Yes.  I can so down the list to show you every Word God has spoken has come to pass.  If you think America will continue her blessing if she breaks off from Israel, you are badly mistaken.


For months I have been warning you that Syria will also engage in a war with Israel.  I base this on Isaiah 17:1 where we see the city of Damascus left in a ruinous heap.  I have tried to warn you that Syria will attack Israel again as they did a year ago. There has been much news lately informing us that Israel and Syria are in the process of peace talks.  Paul warned us, in the last days when Israel is talking peace and safety war would break out and destruction would follow.  This is what will happen soon between Israel and Syria and the signs are everywhere.  Today’s news for example said, “United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, passed to stop the Second Lebanon War, is on the verge of collapse as Syria continues to rearm Hizbullah, senior defense officials warned Tuesday night ahead of a scheduled security cabinet meeting on Wednesday. During the meeting, the ministers will be briefed by Military Intelligence on Hizbullah’s rehabilitation and preparation for another round of violence with Israel.  Isaiah’s prophecy and Ezekiel’s prophecy may take place at the same time. These are the only 2 prophecies left to be fulfilled before the rapture of the church takes place.  Are you going to gamble on your ethereal life that these events won’t take place?  You should keep in mind you are betting against the Lord who already knows the outcome!



This is my call: “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth” (Isaiah 62:6-7).


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