Israel find more oil!/Time is in the hand of God and it is running out on the unrighteous/War and rumors of war/Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38/ Earthquakes/The last world empire/Nov. 30, 2010


My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” is now up. All the latest material I did not have in the previous book is in red, this will make it easier for you to find. Please note the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 4, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

 Some prophecies have not yet been fulfilled however, we see the signs that these last prophecies that need to be fulfilled before the seven year tribulation are about to happen.

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“Prophecy Sign: Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days?  Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33:19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand."  According to the Lord Israel would be blessed in the last days. Part of these blessings would come from the sea and the sand.  Gas and oil are found in the sea and sand and I have tried to get you to pay attention to what happens in Israel concerning Israel finding these blessings. Today’s news has shown us a glimpse of God’s blessing He told us about.  During the past year and a half Israel has found these blessings in both the sea and now again the sand.  They found more oil!  Before you read this report I want to ask you to file what I am about to say so when it happens you will know I have warned you of things God told us about, it is nothing I came up with, all I am doing is pointing out the the truth of God’s Word to us.  In the near future Israel will be reporting even bigger oil discoveries.

“There's gold in them thar hills – there seems to be black gold, that is, in the hills near the central Israeli town of Rosh Ha'ayin. For nearly two decades, an Israeli group called Givot Olam has been searching the area for oil, and in 2004, finally found commercially recoverable amounts of gas and oil. Since then, the company has further explored the Meged oil field – and on Monday, the company presented at a press conference the first independent geological assessment of the field, with the report claiming that there is anywhere between $200 million and nearly $900 million in oil buried in the field. And that, says Givot Olam chief geologist Tuvia Luskin, is “a gift from Hashem.”

“These are conservative estimates,” Eiland said at the press conference. “The two firms are conservative in their outlook, as we are.” However, he added, the excitement over the Meged find was genuine. “The stock market and the media were all excited over news of possible finds of oil off Israel's coast, but here we have the first proven major reserves of oil in Israel,” he said. Luskin told Israel National News that the find was “a milestone for the company, and for the whole country. This is the first time that internationally recognized firms have given an estimate for the amount of oil in the Meged field, or for any field in Israel. The figures they provided represent P1 and P2 reserves, which is very exciting – no other oil project in Israel has ever received this recognition. We started exploring in 1992, and after many ups and downs, we are happy to have arrived at this day. It is by the grace of G-d that we have succeeded,” he said. “This is a blessed event.”

An American bunker busting bomb being handled on the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier Prophecy Sign: Both Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 warn us of wars against Israel which have not yet taken place, but we see the progression of events leading to both of these wars.  In many of my posts this year I have warned that Israel will have to attack Iran to stop them from getting a nuclear bomb. Israel knows Iran’s President would not hesitate to use the bomb on Israel as he believes he has been chosen by God to cause chaos on Israel that would lead to the appearance of his hidden savior, who we know is called the “Hidden Imam”. If you go back and read my posts from last year you will have read my statements telling you that Iran will never halt their quest to build a nuclear bomb.  I told you that Iran’s President would only stall for more time, but at the end of the day no one would step up to the plate to actually take action against Iran to stop their nuclear program.  That is no one put Israel who would be backed into a corner and be forced to move on Iran since no one would move on Iran.  Let me remind you again that Israel warned Iraq and Syria they would attack them when Israel found out these nations were working on a nuclear bomb, which Israel knew would be used against them.  After warning these nations, and waiting for the UN to take action to stop these programs, Israel ran out of waiting time and carried out their warning and sent in their jets to bomb the facilities.   Israel has already warned the world via the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations that if they did not act to stop Iran’s President from getting a nuclear bomb, Israel would do the same thing she did with Iraq and Syria.  Just like before, time has run out for Israel.  Israel is now faced with a major decision to attack Iran soon or be placed in a very dangerous position which could cause great harm to the nation of Israel via a nuclear bomb.  When you read the today’s report you will see what I call the Psalm 83 birth pains getting much worse. Read the report below entitled “Israel primed to attack Iran”, and I will explain.

Israel regarded 2010 as a "critical year" for tackling Iran's alleged quest for nuclear weapons and has warned the United States that time is running out to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb.

Ehud Barak, Israel's defence minister, told American congressmen in June 2009 there was a window of "between six and 18 months from now in which stopping Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons might still be viable". After that, Barak said – in a striking admission recorded in a confidential state department document – "any military solution would result in unacceptable collateral damage".

Barak's comments were one of many occasions in the last five years when Israeli leaders and officials have hammered home the message to the US that Iran's nuclear ambitions pose an existential threat to Israel. Israel is widely believed to have an extensive nuclear arsenal but under its policy of ambiguity it has never been avowed. Unlike Iran it has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty.

Israel saw 2010 as a pivotal year. "If the Iranians continue to protect and harden their nuclear sites it will be more difficult to target and damage them," the US embassy reported Israeli defence officials as saying in November 2009. In a discussion of the upcoming delivery of GBU-28 bunker-busting bombs to Israel it was noted that the transfer "should be handled quietly to avoid allegations that the US government was helping Israel prepare for a strike against Iran".

 No one stepped up to help Israel when dealing with the nuclear threat against Iraq or Syria. You can see history is repeating itself again.  I can assure you all, Iran will be hit by Israel to either kill off their quest to get the bomb or slow it down putting Israel out of harms way.  Will Israel hit Iran before the end of 2010? Only God knows but one thing is for sure.Israel’s Prime Minister can not afford to look weak, and I know as well as he, he must take action soon to protect his people from Iran’s pledge to wipe Israel off the map.  What would happen if Israel launched it jets to take out Iran’s nuclear weapons plant?  Just read Zechariah 12:3 and you know what is going to happen. You would see more birth pains of Zechariah’s warning. I quote, “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.  After an attack like this there is no doubt in my mind that Israel would become even more isolated than they are now.  Once Israel attacked Iran, Iran’s allies, who just happen to be the nations listed in Psalm 83 would no doubt try to take action against Israel. The bombing of Iran would be their excuse for coming against Israel, and I am sure the leaders of these nations would think, since the peace talks have not given them the city of Jerusalem back, then this attack on Israel would do that for them.  This by the way would also fulfill the second part of I Thessalonians 5:3, for this destruction would come at a time when they were still calling for Peace and safety.  I am not saying this is exactly how these events are going to happen, but it is a good possibility.  In any case, I don’t think we will have to wait very long to see how things are actually played out.  What do you think would happen if Israel were to wipe out the attacking forces that neighbor Israel?  Such a victory for Israel would only enrage the Islamic nations who are allies with these nations to take action against Israel.  This is where the Ezekiel war found in chapter 38 would come into play.  Russia would lead the Islamic nations against Israel, but knowing what God said in chapter 39, 5/6 of all the forces who come against Israel will be wiped out, and Israel would once again still be standing as a nation.  Get ready for war.  Do you doubt the Word of Jesus Christ?  Did He not tell you in Matthew 24:7 that you would see wars and rumors of war?  The labor pains are getting much more intense and they are going to begin to deliver these wars. Prophecy is going to be fulfilled whether you are ready or not.  Jesus told you to keep on the watch for these things to take place. My advice is to do what the Lord said!

There was another warning about an Israeli attack on Iran taking place soon. “U.S. President Barack Obama’s policies have left an Israeli attack on Iran the only option in preventing the Muslim country from obtaining a nuclear weapon, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton wrote in The Washington Post Thursday.

In an article headlined “Time for an Israeli Strike?” Bolton answered his own question by stating, "Israel's decision of whether to use military force against Tehran's nuclear weapons program is more urgent than ever… Those who oppose Iran acquiring nuclear weapons are left in the near term with only the option of targeted military force against its weapons facilities.”

Iran's Nuclear Threat "Never in Doubt"
A long-time supporter of Israel and a harsh critic of the U.N., Bolton claimed that the Iranian nuclear threat “was never in doubt“ during the American presidential campaign, but is even more certain following the apparent failure of the resistance movement in Iran.

“With no other timely option, the already compelling logic for an Israeli strike is nearly inexorable. Israel is undoubtedly ratcheting forward its decision-making process. President Obama is almost certainly not,” Bolton wrote.”

Bolton is saying the exact same thing I have been warning you all about. Read what he said in this next section. ““Tehran isn't going to negotiate in good faith,” Bolton maintained. “It hasn't [done so] for the past six years with the European Union as our surrogates, and it won't start now… Second, given Iran's nuclear progress, even if the stronger sanctions Obama has threatened could be agreed upon, they would not prevent Iran from fabricating weapons and delivery systems when it chooses, as it has been striving to do for the past 20 years. Time is too short, and sanctions failed long ago.”  I am telling you, something big is about to happen, and I think it is going to have to take place sooner than most think.

Speaking about the signs of war and rumors of war as marked in Matthew 24:7, North and South Korea are closer to war. I quote, “Pyongyang on Sunday moved SA2 surface-to-air missiles nearer to its Yellow Sea coast, according to South Korean military officials quoted by the Yonhap news agency. The officials said they also detected signs that North Korea was preparing multiple-launch rocket systems in the same area. North Korea issued fresh warnings of military action, threatening to "deal a merciless military counterattack" at any "intrusion" into its territorial waters. The rhetoric came as four days of US- South Korean naval exercises in the Yellow Sea, involving the aircraft carrier George Washington, got under way – a deployment which the Pyongyang regime says has brought the region to the "brink of war."

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11. Our Lord told us that we would see many earthquakes and “great earthquakes along with all the other last days signs. There was another huge earthquake today in Japan. “TOKYO – A 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Japan's southern coast Tuesday, shaking a broad swath of the country and swaying buildings in downtown Tokyo. No damage or injuries were immediately reported, and Japan's meteorological agency said there was no danger of a tsunami. The temblor hit at 12:25 p.m. local time (0325 GMT), with the epicenter near the Ogasawara Islands, about 500 miles (800 kilometers) south of the main Japanese island, the agency said. It struck at a depth of 300 miles (480 kilometers).”  Remember this is a sign we will see like the war birth pains. Get ready to see some huge quakes shortly.  If Christ warned us about these things, they will happen!  This year we have seen earthquakes strike in places that usually don’t happen but things are changing the closer we get to the second coming of Christ. Today New York was also shaken by a earthquake.  Let me tell you something, a 3.9 earthquake may not sound like much but as one who has lived through many earthquakes, I can tell you this, many people in New York who were shaken by this quake, had instant thoughts of Jesus Christ and the end of the world.  Below is the news on this N.Y. quake.

“The observatory first reported an earthquake of magnitude 3.9 at 10:45 a.m. about 120 miles south-southeast of East Hampton. The USGS is investigating the reports. News 12 Long Island has received numerous calls of a possible earthquake from viewers in East Yaphank, Southampton, Southold, Middle Island and Plainview and Baldwin.”

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See full size image Prophecy Sign: In Daniel chapters 2 and 7, along with chapters 13 and 17 of the Book of Revelation we see the last world empire rising up to which the Antichrist will take control. This man of sin will rise from what is a revived Roman Empire and we see from God’s Word that 10 kings are going to hand over all their power to this Antichrist.  To understand the details of this revived Roman Empire I have to ask you to read chapter 2 from my prophecy book, however in the news recently we are witnessing events that will soon bring on the empire that Christ pointed to.  Is a new worldwide economic system going to have to be born soon?  Will this be the system in which Jesus Christ warned the Antichrist would end up taking control of and stop anyone who does not take the Antichrist mark from buying anything or selling anything?  Last week I warned you what the Lord said about the revived Roman Empire not hold together. I based this on our Lord’s warning in Daniel 2:43 and I quote, “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay. The European Union is the Western leg of the Old Roman Empire and if you haven’t been paying attention is in the midst of falling apart.  The huge debt crisis is taking a toll on many of the EU member nations and many of the nations like the United States are heading toward being bankrupt. Just like the US, the EU is trying to keep afloat by bailing out those EU nations that may take down the entire EU.  The chart below gives you information on the Irish default which as you can see is not working.





The information below will give you a good look at how the EU has tried to stop the economic debt bleed, but it is failing, which leads us to believe something major is about to happen in the EU, which I believe will speed up the last days prophecies concerning the revived Roman Empire.

“The European authorities had hoped that, as soon as their massive, supposedly “definitive” Irish bailout package was announced, investors would jump for joy. Instead, investors have done precisely the opposite.

The authorities had hoped that the premiums on government bond default insurance would come down dramatically. Instead, the premiums have gone higher, as I’ve just shown you.

The authorities had hoped that Irish bond yields would come down sharply, helping to avert a disastrous, additional interest burden for the government. Instead, bond investors have dumped Irish bonds with both hands, driving their prices down and yields up.

Exactly seven days ago, on the morning after the big bailout announcement, the yield on Ireland’s benchmark 10-year government bond was near 8 percent. Now, it has surged by more than a full percentage point to 9.17 percent. That extra interest cost alone threatens to eat up a big chunk of the bailout money.

The authorities had hoped — and prayed — that their earlier bailout of Greece would have been enough to contain the cancer. Instead, it has metastasized and spread — not only to Ireland, but also to Spain and Portugal.”

When you read on in the report you will also learn Greece is again in trouble, and you can see the Greek default in the above chart. Many of you may be new to my site, and are asking so what if the EU breaks up? 

 Here is the importance of these events. If the EU breaks up and 10 of the EU nations form a partnership they could be the nations that will had over all their power over the Antichrist as Jesus warned. Keep in mind, each nation has a leader and these leaders, or (kings) could be the ones in the Book of Daniel that hand over their power.  If on the other hand the EU breaks up and does not forge a 10 member union than look to the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire to rise up. We already know that the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire has there own union which is called, the ECO. To fully understand who these ten nations are click to the red link below and read that post.

Not only are we seeing the EU falling a part but we are also witnessing another warning Jesus told us we would see, and that warning is found in Matthew 24:7 where Christ shows us the sign of civil unrest. This is kingdom against kingdom if you will. The videos you are about to watch is a glimpse of what the world is going to be like during the seven year tribulation and these are the birth pains of things to come, just as Jesus told us.

Come to Christ today. If you come He will receive you and you will have your name written in His Book of life. Refuse this free gift of salvation provided by the only true savior Christ, and get ready to be cast into the seven year tribulation as you will have no salvation covering.

Timothy Moore, who will be my guide and partner in Christ in Kenya has sent me this email. I am not asking you to send me any funds as I must obey the Lord as He instrusted me never to ask but that He would take care of my needs which He has been faithful.  However, Timothy does need your help so I am attaching a email he just sent me today. The Holy Spirit is already beginning to move and many of you may want the following information, so I am posting Tim's email to me.

Thanks so much for your response to our appeal for funds for the Kenya trip. We need approximately $7,000 for airfare, in-country travel  (air and auto) accommodations, food and equipment rental and supplies (food, Bibles and other materials) for a variety of venues where we will hold services and Bro. Dimora will be teaching and preaching.
We are a 501(c)(3) IRS approved tax exempt organization, so all contributions to our ministry are tax deductible. We are inter-denominational, so we have no support from any church or religious organization. We depend on contributions from individuals.
I have attached a pdf of our recent ministry report which shows some of the work that we are involved in at and around Eldoret, Kenya. I will keep your e-mail address so I can send you occasional updates of the ministry work there.
If the Lord is leading you to help us fund this trip, please mail your check to:
 Ascent Ministries, Inc.
 1350 W. Twin Springs St.
 Siloam Springs, Arkansas  72761
Please provide a return address so I can send you a year end tax statement.
Thanks again for your help and please remember us in your prayers that we will see many souls saved during this outreach.
Tim Moore
Ascent Ministries, Inc

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