DiMora’s predictions are again fulfilled. March 17, 2008 update.


Today’s headline: March 17, 2008. "Bank agony, money squeeze batter stocks, dollar" (REUTERS).  If you have been coming to my site you would have noticed all the things I have warned you about have come to pass. On March 13, 2008 I issued another warning after the dollar hit another low against the euro.  If you go back and read that post you will see I said that the dollar would drop even further.  Four days later the dollar sank to the lowest level ever against the euro!  The Reuters report informed the reader that, "The euro soared as high as a new record $1.5904 before dropping back to $1.5774."  Last week the dollar dropped against the euro.  The euro hit 1.5625.  Am I a prophet?  Only in the sense that I am pointing the way to Christ and, the warnings He told us to watch for. I’m just connecting the dots between bible prophecy and current events. I keep telling you that the European Union will rise while America declines.  God outlined all the world powers from the time Daniel the prophet was alive all the way till the return of Christ!  The last power standing as a world power (World Empire) will be the reborn Roman Empire or EU. The currency change is only one part of the puzzle.  In my earlier posts I also warned to keep your eyes on the price of Gold because it will continue to climb, well this is what was reported in the news today March 17, 2008. "Investors dived into safe haven assets, lifting gold to more than $1,030 an ounce at one point and sending yields on short-dated euro zone debt below 3 percent for the first time in more than two years" (Reuters). 


I know President Bush seems to think America is okay, but scripture points to our fall to make way for the Empire which will bring in our long awaited Messiah (Jesus Christ).  Don’t think things are going to get better anytime sooner. These are sign you should look for in the coming months. First the dollar will drop again against not only the euro but also other currencies. More nations will drop the dollar and begin to use the euro as their standard. Gas will continue to climb and the Middle East is going to continue to be a hot spot.  Israel will be forced to protect themselves from more rockets being launched inside of their nation, and conflicts will arise on the boarders of Israel again. Israel’s enemies will never give up until they set their feet in Jerusalem, and this will cause a major war.  Iran will form closer ties with Iraq; Russia will begin to demonstrate their new military power. Don’t be surprised to see some Russian troops move into the Middle East before this year is over.  Why are all these things going to take place, because I said so?  No! The Word of God outlined events of the future for us, so when we saw these things take place we would know God’s Words could be trusted.  Read my free book, which you can download at my site, if you have any questions you, can e-mail me at the address given on my site. Below are the links to the news of March 17, 2008 concerning the fall of the dollar.  Right now Israel is taking steps to prepare their people for war. In the Jerusalem Post today it was reported, "In the face of a possible escalation with Syria and Iran’s efforts to obtain a nuclear weapon, parts of the country will shut down next month in what security officials say will be the largest emergency exercise in Israel’s history."  Take this warning to heart, God showed us in the book of Isaiah chapter 17:1 that the city of Damascus in Syria would be taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. Nothing like this has ever happened to Damascus.


Something is going to take place soon that will cause Damascus to fall.  Right now Israel is preparing for war and they are getting ready to deal with Syria.  WorldNetDaily reported late in Oct. 2007 that, "Israeli security officials speaking to WND said Syrian President Bashar Assad is under heavy pressure from Iran and from senior elements within his military to retaliate for the Israeli aerial strike, especially since the Israel Defense Forces yesterday officially confirmed a raid in Syria took place." Since Oct. pressure to attack Israel has increased from both inside Syria and Iran that is one reason why today the Israeli government is taking steps to prepare for war.  What we are seeing in current events are the stepping-stones to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy.  Many news agencies are predicting that by the end of March Syria will engage Israel with the PLO, and Hamas at their side.  If things get heated enough, Israel may be forced to take out the Syrian Capital (Damascus). There is only a hand full of prophecies left to be completed and Isaiah 17:1 is one of those prophecies. Don’t find it strange that Israel is having trouble with Iran and Syria. This is exactly what the Word of God has warned us.  I would pay close attention to the news this summer as far as the Middle East is concerned!  To read an in depth look at what will happen in the Middle East turn to chapter 10 in my book.  The time to get right with Christ is now, if you are walking the fence, you had better make the decision to either walk with Jesus or become His enemy, we are running out of time to make that choice.  God has given everyone a free will to choice, but I do know this, Christ desires that you enter into His Kingdom now while His grace is still on this Earth. Once the 7-year tribulation begins, the bible shows us those who refused Jesus message of Salvation now will have to die for Christ to enter into His Kingdom during the tribulation period.

"Bank agony, money squeeze better stocks, dollar


"Israel to hold massive emergency drill"


On a differnet note, the U.N. on March 16, 2008 came out with their latest report on how fast glaciers are melting. A CNN report stated, "Glaciers are shrinking at record rates and many could disappear within decades, the U.N. Environment Program said Sunday. Scientists measuring the health of almost 30 glaciers around the world found that ice loss reached record levels in 2006, the U.N. agency said" (CNN.com).  In chapter 13 of my book I give very specific details as to what is going to happens to Earth as the glaciers continue to melt.  One of the many signs Jesus pointed out for us was to keep our eyes on the oceans. We were told there would be strange tides and Jesus states, "On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea"( Luke 21:25). Link to report is below.

U.N.: Glaciers shrinking at record rate:


I will keep you informed and keep connecting the dots between prophecy and current events. There are still hundreds of thousands of people who know little or nothing concerning the Signs of The Times Jesus gave us.  You will see first hand we are already in the final days, and the promise Jesus made us about His returning to Earth will shortly come to pass.

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