War and rumors of war/ Zech. 12:3/ Psalm 83 war signs/ EU and a possible break up?/Call for Peace and safety coming to a close?/Nov. 2010


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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Nov. 23: Smoke billows from Yeonpyeong island near the border with North Korea. Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6 “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” In verse 7 the Lord tells us nation will rise against nation”  The closer we move toward the second coming of Christ the more of these signs we are going to witness. Remember these signs will come upon us as what? (Christ tells us in part of Mark 13:8, “These are the beginning of birth pains.” 

In the last six months there have been many rumors of war between North and South Korea.  These rumors are just now stepping up the birth pains. I woke up this morning to find there was another major exchange between these two nations.  Many believe a blow-up between the North and South could start World War III. Only God knows if this is the case, but what we do know is Jesus warnings about these signs are coming to pass. Since we are in the midst of the birth pains, look for more major conflicts to erupt.

“SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, who convened an emergency security meeting shortly after the bombardment by North Korea, said that an "indiscriminate attack on civilians can never be tolerated." "Enormous retaliation should be made to the extent that (North Korea) cannot make provocations again," he said. North Korea bombarded a South Korean island near their disputed western border Tuesday, setting buildings ablaze and killing at least two marines and injuring 16 others after warning the South to halt military drills in the area, South Korean officials said. South Korea said it returned fire and scrambled fighter jets in response, and said the "inhumane" attack on civilian areas violated the 1953 armistice halting the Korean War. The two sides technically remain at war because a peace treaty was never negotiated.”


 Prophecy SignZechariah Chapter 12:2-3 shows us the future  of what we were to witness concerning the world’s focus that would befall on Jerusalem. Here is the prophecy. “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.”  “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  As you read on in this prophecy you will learn from verses 7-9 that God is going to save His people.  If you are a Christian you should be on the watch for these signs because they are signs that tell us we are very close to Christ’s return for His Church.  There is no doubt that Israel is being isolated and picked on exactly as Zechariah warned us. Many Israeli officials have warned about this turn on Israel and Jerusalem and here is another example of Zechariah’s prophecy coming to pass.

“Iran is on the verge, while the terrorists just beyond Israel’s northern and southern borders are able today to launch terror into all of the country’s cities at a scale that we have never seen before. As if this were not enough, Israel’s international standing is in a freefall. The wave of de-legitimization and demonization of Israel abroad is growing to tidal wave strength. The only country still showing any sign of willingness to stem the rising tide, which can easily turn into legal and economic sanctions against Israel, is the United States – and even there, the current atmosphere on American campuses on Israel-related issues will be soon be reflected in the national attitude toward Israel, as today’s college students assume their future places of leadership in government. This is the same country that is pressing Israel to decide if further construction on the other side of the Green Line is more important than the protective umbrella that it provides us in international forums.”


See full size image Prophecy Sign: I Thess. 5:3, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”  When you watch the signs Jesus told us to look for you see all of them taking place in one generation, ours!  We see Zechariah’s warning that the world will come against Israel, and we see the world coming against Israel’s ownership of God’s Holy City Jerusalem. Paul warned us in the scripture above that sudden destruction would come while we are hearing this call for Peace and safety.  We are witnessing news that shows us the break down the Middle East peace process that is going to lead to the sudden destruction Paul warned us about. This breakdown in the peace process is heading toward us like a run away train and soon the Arabs are going to give up on getting Jerusalm by peace and make an attempt to take it by force. This I believe will fulfill the second half of I Thess. 5:3, and the Psalm 83 war.

“Palestinian Authority chief negotiator Saeb Erekat on Monday slammed the Knesset's passing of the National Referendum Law which will require either a Knesset super-majority or a national referendum in order to hand over any annexed territories as part of a future peace deal. "With the passage of this bill, the Israeli leadership, yet again, is making a mockery of international law," said Erekat. "Ending the occupation of our land is not and cannot be dependent on any sort of referendum."

 “Balad MK Jamal Zahalka described the law as, "an Israeli invention which is unprecedented in world history." Zahalka asserted, "the Knesset has no right to decide the future of Jerusalem or the Golan Heights," adding that it is, "not an Israeli internal affair. He said that the legislation was a "clear message that Israel does not want to reach a settlement or peace," Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported on Tuesday. The Knesset passed the National Referendum Law during a late-night session Monday, approving legislation that will fundamentally alter Israeli negotiators’ ability to offer concrete peace deals involving the Golan Heights or east Jerusalem. The law passed by a vote of 65-33.  According to the bill, any such deal would, within 180 days, be put to a national referendum that would be run by the Central Elections Committee. Prior to the vote, Defense Minister Ehud Barak called the bill “a concrete block on the head of efforts to advance the diplomatic process,” on Monday. He complained about the legislation in a meeting with Netanyahu at the Knesset. “The bill raises questions about the government’s desire and ability to lead the peace process,” Barak said, in a statement released by the Defense Ministry. “The government pledged to advance the peace process, and this unnecessary bill serves as an obstacle to this process. The Israeli public wants a diplomatic process that focuses on security issues and an end to the conflict. The ministerial committee’s decision fundamentally harms the possibility to realize this objective,” he said.”


The Lord is showing us tons of news that point to Zechariah 12:3, and the burden of Jerusalem. Here is more news that surfaced yesterday that deals with the peace talks and the issue of Jerusalem. “The Palestinian Authority will not return to peace talks with Israel unless there is a freeze on settlement building that includes East Jerusalem, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday. Abbas said the Palestinians and Israel had received no official U.S. request to return to the talks, which began in September but stopped three weeks later after Israel refused to extend a freeze on new settlements in the West Bank. Asked if the Palestinian Authority would agree to resume the talks if a new settlement freeze did not include East Jerusalem, he said: "Of course … if there is no complete halt to settlements in all of the Palestinian territories including Jerusalem, we will not accept".  How many times will you have to hear Jerusalem is connected to the peace talks before you believe what the Lord warned us?  This city is going to bring on a war soon and when it happens, I pray you will turn to Christ and believe if you still refuse our Lord's message to you.


Do you want or need more proof that war is coming on Israel over ownership of Jerusalem,?  If so, read this. “A majority of Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza favor two states only as a step towards an Arab state of Palestine, by the use of violence, if necessary, according to a new poll by the non- profit The Israel Project. The results of the survey were released on Friday, hours before Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat said that if Israel agrees to recognizing the Palestinian Authority as a new Arab country based on Israel’s size being shrunk to the indefensible 1949 Armistice Line borders, the PA then would relinquish all claims to “historic Palestine,” which he said includes all of Israel from the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Seas. The Israel Project poll of PA Arabs shows that 60 percent favor direct negotiations with Israel for “two states” of the Palestinian Authority and Israel, but it also reveals that two-thirds agree that “over time, Palestinian must work to get back all the land for a Palestinian state.” Only 23 percent of the respondent agreed that  “Israel has a permanent right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people.”

Prophecy Sign: When you look at Psalm 83 please notice that the Ishmaelites are what is modern day Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is going to attack Israel to try and wipe Israel off the map with the rest of the nations listed in the box above.  Not only is the Saudi government working to divide up Israel, and get Jerusalem back as the capital for the PLO, but they are showing signs of hatred against the Jews. “A British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) news program, Panorama, reported Monday night that children in Britain are being taught in a Saudi national curriculum on the weekends to hate Jews, Israelis and homosexuals. The textbooks being used to teach some 5,000 Muslim children Shari'a law in 40 weekend schools are reportedly using the Saudi Arabia national curriculum. According to the segment "British Schools Muslim Rules," children as young as six years old are being taught that those who do not believe in Islam die in “hellfire.” Another section of this report states, “Other materials in the textbooks include content claiming that some Jews are transformed into pigs and apes, and that Zionists want to establish world domination by Jews.” Look, it all comes down to one thing, the road is being paved to come against the Jews and to fulfill the Psalm 83 war.


  See full size imageWestern leg of old Roman Empire

See full size imageEastern leg of old Roman Empire

Prophecy Sign: Revived Roman Empire, and Daniel 2:43, what to look for?  I am going to do something different. I want you to see today’s news concerning what is the modern day Western leg of the old Roman Empire. Keep in mind Jesus warned us the old Roman Empire would return again in the last days and when it did that would be a major sign we are running out of time to witness. Why? The birth of the old Roman Empire would mean we would be going to be with the Lord soon, for when the revived Roman Empire showed up, that is when the Antichrist would also come!  You will see the importance of this news report today. I quote, “The entire European Project is now at risk of disintegration, with strategic and economic consequences that are very hard to predict. In a speech this morning, EU President Herman Van Rompuy (poet, and writer of Japanese and Latin verse) warned that if Europe’s leaders mishandle the current crisis and allow the eurozone to break up, they will destroy the European Union itself. We’re in a survival crisis. We all have to work together in order to survive with the euro zone, because if we don’t survive with the euro zone we will not survive with the European Union,” he said. Well, well. This theme is all too familiar to readers of The Daily Telegraph, but it comes as something of a shock to hear such a confession after all these years from Europe’s president. He is admitting that the gamble of launching a premature and dysfunctional currency without a central treasury, or debt union, or economic government, to back it up – and before the economies, legal systems, wage bargaining practices, productivity growth, and interest rate sensitivity, of North and South Europe had come anywhere near sustainable convergence – may now backfire horribly.”


 Jesus shows us a women riding the beast in Rev. 17:7.

As I stated, in Chapter 2:43 of the book of Daniel, God showed Daniel that in the last days the old Roman Empire would rise up again. We are shown from chapter’s 2 and 9 of Daniel’s book that the Antichrist will rise up into ten (kings), nations, and take control of the entire revived Roman Empire. This was suppose to happen at the same time that the Nation of Israel was born again as a nation, which it already has. It is not by chance that both Israel and the Revived Roman Empire has shown up at the same time!  In chapter two of my book I show you two sides of the old Roman Empire which have already returned. I have been watching both the Western leg of the old Roman Empire and the Eastern leg. Many of you may not know this but the European Union has taken on the women riding the beast as their national symbol.

Last year I warned you the EU was in a major economic crisis. I showed you that there was a chance that this EU nations using the euro could begin to break up. To refresh your minds I have given you a few links below regarding this. Here is one of the headlines from 2009 that warned about this. “The Euro Breakup Will Be THE Story Of 2010, As Analyst Expects Ireland And Greece To Leave The Union”. This report went on to say, “We question the ability of countries like Ireland and Greece to grow out of the current crisis,” Steve Barrow, head of Group of 10 foreign-exchange strategy in London, wrote in a note today. “With interest-rate cuts, exchange-rate depreciation and significant fiscal support all off limits for these countries, it seems likely that bailouts, or even pullouts from EMU, are likely” before the end of 2010, he said.”


On February 9, 2010 there was a up-date on this subject and I quote, “We said in early December that the Euro breakup would be the story of 2010, and just over a month in that prediction has shown to be right on. It's even overshadowing (by far) concerns over a China bubble, or at least a China slowdown. A piece in Der Spiegel highlights the real problem that Europe faces. It's not just debt. It's politics. As the early euro-skeptics warned, coordinating a single monetary authority across nations with their own political systems and economic objectives wouldn't work. The founders of the euro actually knew this, but they they thought they could cheat by imposing deficit limits on each country, which were stipulated in the Maastricht Treaty.”  The Business Insider went on to say the following: "So that leaves Europe with two real solutions:1. Breakup. 2. Turn Brussels into a seat of real centralized authority that mandates uniformity of economic policy across Euroland. Neither, obviously, is politically appealing."


There are several things that could happen which will help point us to what leg the revived Roman Empire will rise up to fulfill prophecy. Say the euro nations of the European Union break up and only ten nations choose to stay together under the euro. These nations may fall under control of a Brussels would take the seat of real centralized authority, since the euro nations can't seem to manage themselves. These nations could be the ten nations Daniel and Jesus warned us about. If this were the case you would see the Antichrist rise up into these remaining ten euro nations and take control. Daniel 2:43 warned us of the following: “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.” If the EU is the empire Jesus warned us about than according to verse 43 this empire would have to break up, and that is what we are being warned about in the news as a result of the trouble with the euro zone.  Now I want you to read Daniel 2:41. “Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. If the euro EU nations do break up then the ten toes in this prophecy could be the ten nations that hold together. I believe this prophecy picture is going to be made very clear for us very soon.

If the EU breaks up and all the nations go their own way again, then more than likely this EU is not the leg the Antichrist will rise up from. If this is the case, your focus would have to move over to the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire which are the Muslims nations of the Economic Cooperation Organization or ECO. I wish I could tell you for sure what will happen, but I have to wait and see just like you.  I do know this for sure. The events we are witnessing are signs from Christ, and we need to pay attention to what is going on.

Here is another thing to consider. If the European Union breaks up this will add to a much larger global economic crisis for both the United States and the rest of the world.  Since we know from Revelation 13:16-17 that the Antichrist will control the last world empire what better way to give rise to the Antichrist as the world cries out for someone to fix the global economic chaos.


Prophecy Sign: Not long ago I warned you to watch the news because you will see more news about UFO’s. Jesus warned us in Luke 21:11 that there would great earthquakes, famines, and pestilence, there would be "fearful sights and GREAT SIGNS shall there be from heaven."

“Flying saucers are one thing, but flying snack chips? England appears to be the latest hot spot for UFOs shaped like triangles or, if you will, Doritos. Several sightings of a chip-shaped object have occurred over the U.K. in the past few years, the Daily Mail reports. The latest report emerged last week when a quality inspector, Munesh Mistry, witnessed a triangular object — dubbed locally as the "Dudley Dorito" from the British town of Dudley — in the sky near his Tipton, West Midlands, home. Mistry said he and a friend saw "an amazing fast-moving and silent craft in the shape of a triangle made up of what appeared to be three lights fly across the sky at a mind-boggling speed."


See full size imageProphecy Sign: In Ezekiel 38:11 the Lord tells us, “You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people–all of them living without walls and without gates and bars. It is clear from, this prophecy that when Israel is attacked by Russia and her allies, the attack will come at a time when Israel feels safe. Safe enough to take down the walls, bars or gates.  I know first hand the 40 foot wall that divides the Jews from the PLO. Now you can see from the news that more fences are going up to protect Israel.

“The barrier, including an electric fence and surveillance technology, will run for 250km (155 miles). Work on the $372m (£232m) project is expected to take up to a year. Hundreds of migrants – including many asylum seekers – enter Israel from Egypt every week, Israeli government figures suggest. Egyptian border guards have shot dead dozens of migrants – mostly from Africa – in recent years.  Egyptian officials insist they only shoot at the border after those crossing ignore repeated orders to stop, and point out that human-trafficking gangs carry guns.  However, the United Nations and human rights groups have asked Egypt to stop excessive force being used. The Israeli government says the barrier will also control the threat of Islamic militants, who cross into Egypt from the Gaza Strip and then try to infiltrate Israeli territory.”

I believe that when the Psalm 83 war is over and Israel is still standing strong, Israel will feel safe enough to remove all of these barriers.  When that happens get ready to witness the next war against Israel, which will be the war given to us in Ezekiel chapter 38. 


See full size imageJust recently Pastor Mark Correll, and I have joined our sites to give you as much information as you can get that will point to Christ as your Savior. Mark is one of the most gifted Pastors I have ever meet, and it is my blessing to come along side him. Mark leads tours in Israel and I can say without a doubt that if you ever go to Israel, you will be missing out if you do not go with Pastor Mark.  Mark is one of the best Bible teachers I have ever run across, and if you ever get a chance I encourage you to visit his site. I was truly blessed to spend the last 10 days with him.




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    • Lynda on November 23, 2010 at 4:47 pm
    • Reply

    You and Pastor Mark look very happy! I loved Masada myself. That was the place I want to see the most. The symbol of Israel!

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about a possible scenario that sees a 10-nation alliance. We are certainly living in interesting times, that is for sure. Any of these scenarios could happen virtually overnight and prophecies are all lining up to point us to the fact we are living in the “time of the end” we read about in Daniel. As our knowledge increases, we know the time is so very close.
    – Jeffrey R. Camino
    Learn Bible Prophecy Ministries

    • Colleen on November 24, 2010 at 8:42 pm
    • Reply

    I made my pilgrimage visit to Israel several years ago. I loved walking in the “footsteps of Jesus.” One night, I sat on my hotel deck and looked out across the city of Jerusalem. As I looked over the city, my mind went to Jesus. He looked over the same city and wept. It was an emotional experience to say the least. All of Israel’s landmark’s, made me think of Christ. There was so much to see, it was difficult to drink it all in. I, also loved Masada. There is a lot of sad history In Masada. The Dead Sea was an interesting place, due to the location of Sodom and Gomorrah. The culture was rich, and the people seemed connected. Several folks in our group were rebaptised in the River Jordon. I suppose that trip was a once in a lifetime experience.
    Hope you had a nice trip.

    • Thomas Sullivan on December 1, 2010 at 7:10 pm
    • Reply

    Of course these are the end times. I have been aware of this by the guidance of His Holy Spirit working through others to me, so have a lot of other practicing Christians in Christ’s Holy Catholic Church (Catholic simply means Universal). I have invited the Holy Spirit to dwell in my through Christ’s Holy Sacraments. Private revelations are visions given to men and women from The Almighty Father through His Son and His Holy Spirit. The first saint of this century is Saint Faustina.

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