War? Prophecy Signs for Sept. 6, 2013

CROP1_thumb1_thumb.jpgAlan Watson, I want to thank you can you please send me your email address. Send to fjdimora@gmail.com

Kenneth or Patrica Stempkowski could you please email me at fjdimora@gmail.com





bookback cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 6, 2013 Edition written by Frank DiMora 





Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438



I ask anyone of you who has been with me since I opened up this prophecy site this question?  Did I steer you wrong?  For years I have been telling you what is going to happen to the US if America did not stand up to defend Israel and stopped her attempts in trying to divide up the Nation of Israel.Since the American government is still working on dividing up Israel she is still under God's curse which you can see by reading Genesis 3:2 and Zechariah 12:3. One of the ways to bring down a nation is to hit its economy and it does appear this is the case with the US economy.

Headline: 90,473,000: Record Number Not in Labor Force–Up Almost 10M Under Obama



Headline:Unemployment Rate Down 0.5% in 56 Months Since Obama Became President  http://cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/unemployment-rate-down-05-56-months-obama-became-president


Headline:Weak Jobs Report Adds to Uncertainty on Fed’s Move



Headline:Black Unemployment Leaps to 13%



My new prophecy site is : www.endtimesresearchministry.com

Planning for war?





Russian warships cross Bosphorus, en route to Syria

America speaks out against more war! In my video yesterday I showed you how Obama is supporting the rebels who are the same people who America has been fighting in Iraq, and Afghanistan. In the video below you will see a women tell Senator McCain the same thing.


A few months ago I was blessed to met Danella. Danella came to our Church to share about her up coming mission to Senegal. Senegal is a very poor nation and is mostly Muslim so it can be a very dangerous place to share the Good News of Christ.  Danella was looking for some help to make the trip to Senegal and the Lord lead me to help her in any way that I could. Although Danella is not a partner with my ministry at this time I am lead to still do what I can to help her as we are all working for the same thing, to reach out and bring the
salvation message to the world. If you are lead to know more about her work in
Senegal and would like to help her please go to her link below.
Noonan: Why America Is Saying 'No'
Video below by Frank DiMora

This section of the report was not in my video:

Some officials believe a direct response from the Syrian or Iranian governments is less likely than reprisals from allied militant groups, such as Hezbollah.Hezbollah, whose members have been fighting alongside government forces against the Syrian rebellion, could be used to launch rocket attacks against U.S. military assets or American allies, including Israel.




In one of my videos I made yesterday I talked to you about the reports of bees dying off in many places around the world. I explained to you the importance of these bees because without them the world crops would deplete which would of
course send food prices through the roof. However, this is
what we are to expect

when you read Revelation 6:6 which shows us there is going to be a food crisis.
Let me cover this again for those of you who are new to prophecy.



As you can see from Rev. 6:6  is related to the story Jesus showed us in Matthew 20:1-2 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard"  What we know from Christ's teaching is that people living during the tribulation period will have to work all day just as in the Matthew 20:1-2 story but as you can see from Revelation 6;6 they will be paid with one very small meal of wheat or barley.  There is going to be a major food crisis world wide and as we see the bees die off in these huge numbers we can see the hand writing on the wall lead the world to fulfill Rev. 6:6.  Keep in mind, the bees dying off is only a part of the reason why the food supply will disappear.  There will be other reason crops will be wiped out such as wars, intense heat which will case droughts, flooding will wipe out crops, insects will begin to eat up the crops, and crop disease will also increase.  If you don't like the sound of starving to death as Christ warns then it would be your blessing to take Christ at His word and receive His salvation today so as His child He can take care of you through the troubles being poured out on a unrighteous world.  


Lantian: several one million bees died mysteriously

the death of the peace around the house beehive bees off the floor the reporter
Zhao Hangshe


WASHINGTON (Reporter Li Xiaobo) went to watch the best breeding bees can Hua Xu Lantian County town has more than ten households beekeepers worried: Bees are mysteriously killed.

Basically has no bee hiveYesterday morning, the town of Hua Xu Dan Village Zhaowei Chun family's yard, 40 beehives surrounded by a rectangle. Ground everywhere dead bees, beehive opened one by one, which is only ten bees, "per case in previous years, almost 30,000 to 50,000 bees, and now some boxes on the left of the queen bee." Zhaowei Chun said that early in August, taking into account the neighborhood has no nectar can be taken, he bought a sugar, ready to look good reward hard work of bees. But he gradually found beehive bees fly out after fly about 1 m above the direct fall to the ground, or even just out of beehives began crawling on the ground, did not seem fresh wings. "It feels like a stomach ache, take the hind legs holding his stomach, twitching rolling on the floor." Zhaowei Chun immediately realized that bees are sick, "the home are usually prepared with erythromycin, a hundred of these drugs to kill bacteria, added sugar where sprayed on bee spleen. "But Zhaowei Chun done all this did not play a role," the ground more and more bees, sweep sweep are endless, also four or five days, almost all of the bees died finished. "

Involved in the investigation of local agricultural sector

And their local beekeeping different Zhaowei Chun, near the village of Tang An East peace until August 28 from Jingbian flowering rush back, "Just came back good, after three or four days something wrong." Has 15 years of beekeeping An experienced peace said. Ann Peace raised 120 beehive, the bees died mysteriously phenomenon is that he has never seen before, "We are basically raised the Italian bee." Ann says peace, no more than two bees death situation, "the Italian bee right bee mite resistance is weaker, but now we are more attention, but also to discover and disposed of, will not easily lead to death. Another popular saying is poor drainage, but are generally in early spring or late autumn to appear , causes most of the problems are because of the feed. "bees now it can not find the cause of death. So far, their losses in ten million or so.

It is understood that the beekeepers suffered losses in the 15 or so, at least a
few one million bees have died. Yesterday afternoon, Lantian County Farm Bureau Office Wang Hongbo said that at present has received beekeepers reflection, because bee keeping is not a local leading industries, there is no relevant professional and technical personnel, it has to make a written report to the Agriculture Commission in Xi'an apply for the municipal, provincial relevant departments to organize and coordinate professional and technical personnel to investigate the cause of death to bees.http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fenv.people.com.cn%2Fn%2F2013%2F0905%2Fc1010-22811814.html&act=url


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Can you believe the number of strong quakes that have been reported in the past few weeks?  Isn't this what Jesus told you to keep on the watch for?  The number of quakes continues to grow as today there was another strong quake that hit  the Philippines.

Philippines A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Philippines, on September 6, 2013

Video below by Frank DiMora



    • Kenneth Acushla on September 7, 2013 at 7:41 am
    • Reply

    Here in Australia so many people still vote ALP, endorsing the Agony of Pain babies go through when they are aborted. People in churches voting ALP belong to the church of Laodicia. The election of LNP and Abbott as PM only delays the inevitable as State Governments will make their decisions in fulfilling the Prophecies of our LORD.

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