Drug generation/Israel has 8 days/Warning that Israel may attack Iran by Aug. 21/Perplexed /China and the EU/Intense heat a killer/Aug. 17, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are so real, because they are based on facts, and prove Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you.  If you are depressed or on any meds for depression consult your doctor before reading this material. 

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438



WASHINGTON (AFP) – Israel has "eight days" to launch a military strike against Iran's Bushehr nuclear facility and stop Tehran from acquiring a functioning atomic plant, a former US envoy to the UN has said. Iran is to bring online its first nuclear power reactor, built with Russia's help, on August 21, when a shipment of nuclear fuel will be loaded into the plant's core. At that point, John Bolton warned Monday, it will be too late for Israel to launch a military strike against the facility because any attack would spread radiation and affect Iranian civilians. "Once that uranium, once those fuel rods are very close to the reactor, certainly once they're in the reactor, attacking it means a release of radiation, no question about it," Bolton told Fox Business Network.


The world waits to see if Israel will attack Iran by Aug. 21, 2010. If they do get ready to enter the last phase of Bible prophecy.  What phase is that?  The start of the Psalm 83 war where Israel bordering nations will attack Israel after Israel bombs Iran’s nuclear power plant.  Could the next 5 days bring us all to the doorstep of the seven year tribulation. I believe if we witness the Attack on Iran that there will be no question that the next wars will prove to everyone who has been waiting for Christ’s second coming that we have reached the final events that will not only cause the Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38 war, but will help bring on the Antichrist.  Watch the videos because it shows you what happened in the past and what they predict Israel will be forced to do with the Iranian nuclear plant.  If you haven’t received Jesus by now you are now living on borrowed time. Don’t wait to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, Christ can come back at any time and if you aren’t ready you will be tossed into the tribulation to face the Antichrist.  This is what Satan wants for you, but Jesus is calling you, directing you all to come to Him before it is to late.

The world waits to see if Israel will attack Iran by Aug. 21, 2010. If they do get ready to enter the last phase of Bible prophecy.  What phase is that?  The start of the Psalm 83 war where Israel bordering nations will attack Israel after Israel bombs Iran’s nuclear power plant.  Could the next 5 days bring us all to the doorstep of the seven year tribulation. I believe if we witness the Attack on Iran that there will be no question that the next wars will prove to everyone who has been waiting for Christ’s second coming that we have reached the final events that will not only cause the Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38 war, but will help bring on the Antichrist.  Watch the videos because it shows you what happened in the past and what they predict Israel will be forced to do with the Iranian nuclear plant.  If you haven’t received Jesus by now you are now living on borrowed time. Don’t wait to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, Christ can come back at any time and if you aren’t ready you will be tossed into the tribulation to face the Antichrist.  This is what Satan wants for you, but Jesus is calling you, directing you all to come to Him before it is to late. 

Prophecy Sign: Both Daniel and Jesus warned us that the old Roman Empire would again rise in the last days. That empire, the Western and Eastern legs of that empire have already been raise again.  The Western leg is called the European Union and most of the nations in the EU use the currency called the euro. Although the EU has been hurting economically the euro is still out doing the US dollar.  As the America economic scene looks more like a new depression China is turning to the euro.  Is this things to come?  Since Jesus warned of the rise of the old Roman Empire and we are seeing signs that nations want to turn to the euro instead of the dollar, we need to keep an eye on the EU.

“China Favors Euro Over Dollar as Bernanke Alters Path” “

China, whose $2.45 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves are the world’s largest, is turning bullish on Europe and Japan at the expense of the U.S. The nation has been buying “quite a lot” of European bonds, said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to the People’s Bank of China who was part of a foreign-policy advisory committee that visited France, Spain and Germany from June 20 to July 2. Japan’s Ministry of Finance said Aug. 9 that China bought 1.73 trillion yen ($20.1 billion) more Japanese debt than it sold in the first half of 2010, the fastest pace of purchases in at least five years. “Diversification should be a basic principle,” Yu said in an interview, adding a “top-level Chinese central banker” told him to convey to European policy makers China’s confidence in the region’s economy and currency. “We didn’t sell any European bonds or assets, instead we bought quite a lot.” China’s position may make it harder for the greenback to rebound after falling as much as 10 percent from this year’s peak in June as measured by the trade-weighted Dollar Index. The nation cut its holdings of U.S. government debt by $100 billion, or 11 percent, through June from last year’s record of $939.9 billion in July 2009, according to Treasury Department data released today.


Prophecy Sign: Perplexity, Jesus in Luke 21:25 said nations would be perplexed by the roaring of the seas and waves.  These are the huge storms that move the water and also dump water on the nations causing great flooding.  Pakistan has found out first hand what Jesus was warning about as they are in the midst of one of the worst situations they have ever been in because the the recent storms. SUKKUR, Pakistan (Reuters) – Pakistani flood victims, burning straw and waving sticks, blocked a highway on Monday to demand government help as aid agencies warned relief was too slow to arrive for millions without clean water, food and homes. Public anger has grown in the two weeks of floods, highlighting potential political troubles for an unpopular government overwhelmed by a disaster that has disrupted the lives of at least a tenth of its 170 million people. Hundreds of villages across Pakistan in an area roughly the size of Italy have been marooned, highways have been cut in half and thousands of homeless people have been forced to set up tarpaulin tents along the side of roads.


Prophecy SignRevelation 9:21 Jesus shows us this generation would be known for its drug use. Slowly nations are making drugs legal in order to take them out of the hand of the criminals hands who are selling them. Here is another example of what I have been warning you.

Report title: “Cocaine should be legal, says top doctor”

A pile of cocaine with a rolled up £20 note “The use of drugs should be decriminalized, one of Britain’s most senior doctors has said. A pile of cocaine with a rolled up £20 note Photo: PA Professor Sir Ian Gilmore said making drugs such as heroin and cocaine legal would “drastically” cut crime and addicts’ health problems. State-regulated use of drugs would also save money and avert the need to try to stop drug production in countries such as Afghanistan, he said.

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” Mark 13:8 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”

MOSCOW – Several thousand Muscovites are thought to have died in July alone from this year’s unprecedented heatwave and August could add more fatalities to the grim statistics, a Russian scientist said on Tuesday.  Moscow, a metropolis of over 10 million people, suffered from intense heat since late June, with day temperatures sometimes nearing 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). The crisis shrivelled a third of Russia’s grain crop, shaved billions off this year’s economic growth and killed at least 54 people in wildfires. The heat subsided on Tuesday. Citing a report by the Moscow Registry Office, Boris Revich, a senior demography and ecology researcher at Russia’s Academy of Sciences, said 5,840 more Muscovites had died in July than in the same month last year. Revich said he believed the overwhelming majority of these additional deaths had been caused by the fierce heatwave. “This situation was absolutely easy to forecast,” he told a news conference. “The only thing I blame myself for … is that my estimate (of deaths) was too low at the start of the heat.” “But we have never had experience estimating such monstrous heat, merely because we had never had such heat before.”  



Psalm 83 war signs

Gaza border clashes intensify; 3 Israeli soldiers wounded

Two Israeli soldiers were wounded when Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired two mortar shells into southern Israel on Tuesday. The artillery fire came as part of escalating tension along the Gaza border that began a day earlier when Palestinian terrorists fired two rockets into southern Israel. There were no injuries in Monday's rocket attack. Another Israeli soldier was wounded by sniper fire while intercepting a Palestinian terrorist cell in the Gaza Strip on Monday.  Israeli forces spotted the terrorists moving toward the Gaza security fence, presumably with the intent of planting a bomb there for use against Israeli border patrols. Since the start of the year, Gaza-based terrorists have tried to plant 35 bombs along the security fence. In Monday's confrontation, the Israeli troops opened fire on the terrorists, killing at least one. The terrorists returned fire, wounding one of the soldiers. The wounded soldier was evacuated to Soroka Hospital in nearby Beersheva in moderate condition.




    • JAMES Miller on August 17, 2010 at 5:41 pm
    • Reply

    Jesus Christ is God Incarnate and the only Saviour of mankind

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