March 28, 2009


Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Prophecy Sign: "When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come and see." So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who say on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, 'A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine." Rev. 6:5,6. These verses are describing the coming economic collapse of the world. Is this really going to happen? Yes it is because it says so right here in the book of Revelation. God doesn't lie. He can't lie because His own word says that He is holy and so it is IMPOSSIBLE for God to lie! So don't believe what is being said in the news about how the economies of the world are going to recover. Don't believe ANYTHING that is happening in the stock market – ever. The stock market is being MANIPULATED to make people think that things are getting better when they are really getting worse! Listen to any economist and they will tell you the same thing. The stock market has nothing to do with how the world financial systems are run. The stock market is manipulated by what people say and do for the benefit of whatever it is they are trying to accomplish at any particular moment. This next video will almost bring tears to your eyes. This is an accurate picture of where the dollar is heading – and soon.

There is news out that the government is about to give General Motors and Chrysler another chunk of taxpayer money to help them get by. One of the reasons they are using to justify this is by using the media – which they control – to tell the American public that things are "getting better" for the auto makers because their stock shares have been increasing in value. And this is the whole purpose of the stock market right here. The government uses the stock market to help avoid panic and also to justify why they do certain things. But as I said earlier, you cannot believe anything when it comes to the stock market. The stock market is a LIE. It is DECEPTION. And it is being used by our own government to lead us to thinking that things are getting better. See how people are starting to feel better because the market is up over 2% in the last couple of weeks over where it was just in the last month? It's being used to keep people from panicking and it is also used to affect markets around the world and to keep other countries buying our treasury notes. But here's the real truth about the stock market as told by a long time scammer of the stock market. Get it right from the horses own mouth.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.


"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

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