Frank had to take the day off!Today’s post is from Amy


This is a special note to anyone who chooses to read my prophecy documentary. My book was written in the hope that those reading it will be driven to the Bible where they should have been in the first place. This book, or for that matter any other book, should never come or be placed above the Holy Bible. The Last Chronicles was written only to help you see how close we are to the second coming of Christ, and how important it is for you to begin studying the Bible in preparation to meet Jesus. Millions of people know nothing about the Bible or Bible prophecy and will not be ready to meet Christ. My book will help you see exactly what the Lord has shown us about these last days via His Word.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 3, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


We know from chapter two of 2ndTimothy that we are to be good Christian soldiers.

What do good soldiers do? They obey.

And our Commander has instructed us to WATCH

(Luke 21:36, Matt. 24:42, Matt. 25:13, Matt.26:41, Mark 13:33, Mark 13:37,

Mark 14:38, Luke 12:37, Acts 20:31, 1 Cor.16:13, 2 Tim. 4:5)



The World 

*US regulators shut down 2 banks in Georgia and Minnesota

(Economic collapse Rev.6:5-6  & James 5:1-3)

US regulators have shut down two banks in the states of Georgia and Minnesota,bringing the total number of bank closures in the country this year to 11. OnFriday, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) took over the Centralbank of Georgia of Ellaville in Georgia and the Home Savings of America, ofLittle Falls, Minnesota.

Feb. 25, 2012

 *Wyoming House advancesdoomsday bill (Economic collapse Rev.6:5-6  & James5:1-3)
State representativeson Friday advanced legislation to launch a study into what Wyoming should do inthe event of a complete economic or political collapse in the United States. HouseBill 85 passed on first reading by a voice vote. It would create a state-rungovernment continuity task force, which would study and prepare Wyoming forpotential catastrophes, from disruptions in food and energy supplies to acomplete meltdown of the federal government. The task force would look at thefeasibility of Wyoming issuing its own alternative currency, if needed. AndHouse members approved an amendment Friday by state Rep. Kermit Brown,R-Laramie, to have the task force also examine conditions under which Wyomingwould need to implement its own military draft, raise a standing army, andacquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier.


*Oil Price Rise Raises Spectre of Global Recession

*U.S. water bills to triple

(Economic collapse Rev.6:5-6  & James5:1-3)
A jump inenergy prices is jamming the slow-turning cogs of an economic recovery in the West,but that may be nothing compared to the economic shock an Israeli attack onIran would cause. Oil rose to a 10-month high above $125 a barrel onFriday, prompting responses from policymakers around the world including U.S.President Barack Obama, watching U.S. gasoline prices follow crude to pushtowards $4 a gallon in an election year. Meanwhile, in addition to rising gasprices, a shocking new report about the nation's crumbling drinking watersystem says that Americans should expect their bills to double or triple tocover repairs just to keep their faucets pouring. That means adding up to $900a year more for water, nearly equal the amount of the newly extended payrolltax cut. Fixing and expanding underground drinking water systems will cost over$1 trillion in the next 25 years and users will get socked with the bill,according to the AmericanWater Works Association. Families can expect to pay at least$300-$550 more for water in taxes and fees just to keep their current systemsoperating. Add growth and improved systems, and that bill jumps to $900 for afamily of three, said the report.

Feb. 26, 2012


*North Korea Threatens 'Sacred War' Over U.S.-South Drills

(Wars& Rumors of Wars Matt.24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8)

NorthKorea threatened on Saturday to wage a "sacred war" over jointU.S.-South Korean military drills next week, Hong Kong broadcaster RTHKreported. The communist state's National Defense Commission condemned theexercise as a "silent declaration of war" and said its army would"foil" it with a war ot its own style. The annual drill, Key Resolve,will start on Monday and run until March 9.

Feb. 25, 2012


*Car bomber attacks majorchurch in Nigeria (Persecution Matthew24:9 & Rev.6:9)
A suicidecar bomber detonated his explosives Sunday morning outside of the major churchin the heart of a restive central Nigerian city that has seen hundreds die inreligious and ethnic violence, an official said, killing three people andinjuring others. The explosion struck the main headquarters of the Church ofChrist in Nigeria during its early morning service, Plateau state spokesman PamAyuba said. The blast killed the bomber and a father and child near theexplosion, while wounding others, Ayuba said.

Feb. 26, 2012


*Schmallenberg livestock virus hits 74farms in England

(Pestilence& Plagues Luke21:11  & Revelation 6:8)

Adisease which has caused birth defects and miscarriages in livestock has beenfound on 74 farms in England. The Schmallenberg infection has been diagnosed five times in cattle and 69 times in sheep,Defra officials said. But the National Farmers' Union warned cases of thevirus, which first emerged in the Netherlands and Germany last year, were being"under-reported".

Feb. 27, 2012



(Zech.12:3 & 9 – The Burdensome Stone)

Zechariah 12:3“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: allthat burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people ofthe earth be gathered together against it.”

 War soon to be fought:  Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 War

 *Arab MKs to attend Qatar conference on east Jerusalem

*'Unprecedented coalition arrayed against Israel'

*PM: Abbas' speech – irresponsible incitement
Arab membersof Knesset and prominent Arab public officials are scheduled to attend aconference sponsored by the Arab League in support of east Jerusalem on Sunday.The conference is set to take place in Doha, the capital of Qatar. About theupcoming meeting, MK Ahmed Tibi (United Arab List-Ta’al‏) said, “TheArab world is obligated to support east Jerusalem residents and motivate theinternational community against the ever-expanding settlements.” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared that Jerusalem has alwaysbeen and will remain an Arab city and promised to "encourage Arabsand Muslims to visit Jerusalem in order to strengthen our hold on the city, andto establish the Palestinian culture and heritage sites."

Feb. 26, 2012,7340,L-4195119,00.html


*Qatar Says UN Should Investigate 'Judaization' of Jerusalem

Qatarurged the United Nations on Sunday to investigate the “Judaization” by Israelof east Jerusalem and that Israel's “occupation of the Palestinian territories”was unacceptable, AFP reported. The remarks were made by the Qatarileader at the International Conference for Defense of Jerusalem being held inDoha.

Feb. 27, 2012

 *'Iran ready to wipe Israel off the map'

Tehran's deputydefense minister warns Jerusalem against strike on Iran's nuclear facilities,says 'any action by Zionist regime will bring about its destruction'

Feb. 24, 2012,7340,L-4194444,00.html

 *Israel, Kurdish fighters destroyed Iran nuclear facility, emailreleased by WikiLeaks claims

Themega-leaks website, WikiLeaks, has partnered with the hackers cooperativeAnonymous, to publish internal emails of the American strategic intelligencecompany Stratfor. In one of the hacked emails, Stratfor officials discussinformation obtained from one of their sources who reports that Israelicommandos, in cooperation with Kurdish fighters, have destroyed Iranian nuclearinstallations. WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, will hold a press conferencetoday in London where he plans to reveal new details from the Stratfor emails,including details on the company's dealings with the American government andmajor corporations, and its network of paid sources.

Feb. 27, 2012


*Iran, Lebanon talk defense ties, slam Israel

Iran and Lebanon talked up their defence ties and warnedIsrael against any aggression, during a visit to Tehran on Sunday by Lebanese Defence Minister Fayez Ghosn.  Iran'sdefence minister, Ahmad Vahdi, said"reinforcing the Lebanese army is in the strategic policies of the Islamicrepublic" and that Lebanon's security was"an important part of stability in the region," according to anonline report by Iran's state broadcaster IRIB. Ghosn responded that "Iran and Lebanon have always backed one another and wehope that bilateral interaction increases." He warned Israel against"any foolishness in attacking Lebanon," saying if it did so, it wouldface "a strong and unified army and resistance (Hezbollah), and suffer another defeat."

Feb. 26, 2012



 *Iran’s nuclear plant at full capacity ‘in weeks’

Iran’sfirst nuclear power plant will be connected to the national grid at fullcapacity in the coming weeks, the head of the country’s Atomic EnergyOrganization was quoted as saying by Iranian media on Sunday. FereydounAbbasi-Davani told the Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) the plant hadgenerated 700 megawatts from early February and will produce electricity at itsfull capacity of 1,000 megawatts early in the Iranian new year, which begins onMar. 21.

Feb. 26, 2012

 *Iran prepares for kamikaze attacks

Evenas it continued to talk with the U.N. nuclear watchdog, Iran continued toprepare for war over its nuclear weapons program, training for kamikaze attacksin the Persian Gulf with both planes and speedboats, sources within the Iranianarmed forces report.

Feb. 27, 2012

 *Planning for Islamic caliphate to begin

Asenior fellow for a Madrid-based think tank is alerting freedom-loving peopleabout a caliphate-planning conference being held by Muslims soon, a move hesaid was given a boost of support by the Obama administration recently when itallowed a three-day “Istanbul Process” conference in Washington. That event“gave the Organization of Islamic Cooperation the political legitimacy it hasbeen seeking to globalize its initiative to ban criticism of Islam.” The comingevent, Caliphate Conference 2012,is being organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir, which Kern describes as a “pan-Islamicextremist group that seeks to establish a global Islamic state, or caliphate,ruled by Islamic Shariah law.”

Amy’sComment: The Caliphate Conference website I could find (2ndlink) is not in English; I have only been able to ascertain that thisconference will be in Belgium March 4th and Austria March 10th



(Isaiah24:19-20 , Matthew24:7, Mark13:8 , Luke21:11 , Luke21:25 – storms)

  *Earthquakes Rock Russia and Taiwan

There'sa whole lot of shaking going on in the Asia-Pacific region Sunday, as anabsolutely strong magnitude-6.7 earthquake hit southwestern Siberia in Russia and a relatively strong magnitude-5.9 quake strucksouthern Taiwan, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Feb. 26, 2012

 *5.6-magnitude quake hits SW Pakistan

Feb. 26, 2012

 *Latest Earthquakes Up to the Minute

 *LatestVolcanic Activity

*LatestWeather Up to the Minute

 The ArabSpring in Prophecy

(Perilous Times Luke21:9 & Nation against Nation, Kingdomagainst Kingdom Matt.24:7)

(Revelation6:3-4   Revelation6:8)  



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