What is happening to America? The China connection-April 16, 2009


You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's radio show link to the edge:


I just finished taping my 2nd radio show on the International Internet on radio program called The Edge.  I will post the time my show will be airing as soon as the studio informs me of this information. You can also just go to the link below to see if it is up yet.  I will be giving proof that the Ezekiel prophecy is coming soon.


From time to time I have a Brother in the Lord help me write up a post. I use him because he and I are on the exact same page and I want to make sure you keep getting my posts.  He is a blessing to me when I have to visit the doctor out of town or get sick and sometimes to weak to search and write.  Yesterday after posting my up-date he sent me a email. I want to share what he stated in that letter.

I just read the post in your update for today on what the Dept of Homeland Security has to say about extremists and this is absolutely alarming!   They have laid the groundwork for future arrests when Martial Law is declared – which it will be sooner or later.  I just can't believe what I'm reading in this article.  Unbelieveable that they mention teachers of end-time prophecies among these "extremists."  You want to know what this report is REALLY saying?  This report is saying that anybody who is against our government is an extremist.  Anybody who disagrees with the President of the United States is an enemy.  You know what the definition of this type of government is?  It's called Communism.  For the first time in my life, I'm witnessing a communistic socialistic society being put in place.  Actually, Communism and Socialism are pretty much one and the same. 



The United States is on the very edge of being a communistic socialist society.  Was this economic armeggedon the world is experiencing a fluke?  No.    This is right off the drawing boards of those who are preparing the way of the antichrist.  This is exactly what us so-called "conspiracy theorists" have been saying was going to happen for the last 20 or 30 years based on what the Bible has to say about it.  This is the antichrist system of government being born right in front of our very eyes.  This is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are in the closing days of the Age of Grace!  

I spend a lot of time in the Jewish blogs and there is an expectation of "a Messiah" appearing like never before.  I say "a Messiah" because they don't believe that Jesus is the real Messiah.  It will be this way until the Ezekiel war.  After that war then they will finally believe.  But all of the Jews who write in these blogs recognize the natural disasters happening in the world as warnings from God and that something is about to take place.  And they are more aware than most others – except those of us who study end-time events – that these disasters are increasing in frequency and intensity.  I'll start sending you some of the things they write about them. 


Now I'm going to share something with you that I worked on a long time ago.  I did a pretty thorough study on this and it seems like the appropriate time to finally share it with you.  I found a link that tells it better than I can and so I'm including that as well. 

Rev 12:1-4: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:  And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.  And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.  And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.


What John is describing here is a constellation.  Go to this link and when you get there click on the very first picture which is the Hydra and the Virgo diagram.  After you get there then scroll down to where it says "A great wonder in heaven"  and read what it has to say.  There will also be a picture of a woman with a yellow sky in the background.  It is a very good description of this constellation.  But as you will also read in the following link; the only time of the year when these 2 constellations line up in the positions described in Revelation is the time period September/October during the Feast of Trumpets.  Is something going to happen this year – the first year of the new sabbatical cycle during this time?  One can only hope and pray that it does.  Even though we can't be sure, it does give us renewed hope that this just might be the time when Jesus takes us home.  But whether it happens or not at this time, it looks as if something will happen.  Here is the link and make sure you read both parts.  This might just blow your mind.   http://philologos.org/bpr/files/Sky_Signs/ss022.htm.


I know I say this a lot, but we are so close to our redemption.  God is getting ready to close the door to the Ark.  The Age of Grace is about to come to an end.  We can't be sure of God's timing but the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" – or Daniel's 70th week – is going to last 7 years.  We are in the first week of this new 7 year cycle.  We are just now beginning to see the antichrist system come to life.  Can it wait another 7 years for this to happen?  It just isn't possible.  This antichrist one world government is going to spring to life very quickly now.  And when it does then there will be a peace covenant signed – even if it has to be done at gunpoint!  And we won't be here to witness it.  I know last year, there were many very well-known prophecy scholars who believed we would be raptured last year during the Feast of Trumpets.  Boy was I excited.  I even wrote a farewell letter to close family who may not be going in the rapture.  I'm praying for them and I keep sharing with them as much as I can to try to help them see the truth.  But I wrote a farewell letter with my bank acct info and other information they would need in case they are left behind.  I will be doing the same thing this year.  Now that I've written this letter to you and I've reviewed all this info that I've had saved up; I'll probably to it tonight.  I will tell them not to take the mark of the beast – no matter what.  It hurts me deeply to think that I have family who may have to go through this.  Please put my sister Nancy and niece Sarah on your prayer list for salvation.  I have done all I can and it is now up to them.  God won't force them.  They must surrender their free will to God.  My sister is more open than my niece is.  So please pray for them.


As you can see from his letter to me, he was blown away by what he is seeing.  I think most people who are informed and read the news, know something is very wrong with America.  What you are witnessing is a nation declining because Jesus has all but been kicked out of the good old USA!  Once again I ask all of you who really love Christ to begin to pray and pray hard for America.  Jesus will return and bless this nation if we turn to him.  We saw God turn away for destroying Nineveh when they repented from sinning against God.  It can happen with America!  God would have destroyed Nineveh but look what the Word tells us in Jonah 3:10. “ When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God relented concerning the calamity which He had declared He would bring upon them. And He did not do it.”  I suppose the question to ask now is this, is America to far gone that she won’t repent?  If it is going to happen it has to start with each one of us. Examine yourself, if you are not part of Jesus’ Kingdom ask Him to receive you today and repent from all your unrighteous ways.  Jesus will hear your voice and millions just like you.  If people don’t call out to Christ from America He will surely come upon this nation and pass judgment.

Prophecy Sign: On April 14, 2009 I wrote a piece on the Bird Flu. As you know Jesus in Matthew 24:7 warned diseases would be a sign we were in the last days.  Just two days after I warned you about watching for these disease another report was issue out of the UK. I quote, “First the good news: bird flu is becoming less deadly. Now the bad: scientists fear that this is the very thing that could make the virus more able to cause a pandemic that would kill hundreds of millions of people. This paradox – emerging from Egypt, the most recent epicentre of the disease – threatens to increase the disease's ability to spread from person to person by helping it achieve the crucial mutation in the virus which could turn it into the greatest plague to hit Britain since the Black Death. Last year the Government identified the bird-flu virus, codenamed H5N1, as the biggest threat facing the country – with the potential to kill up to 750,000 Britons.”

I think that this Bird Flu just may be one of many diseases that will begin to cause the nations a lot of trouble.  All you have to do is watch the news!  From time to time you will see new reports warning us this Bird Flu is going to make a jump from how it spreads.  I do believe the nations leaders are preparing for this jump. What do I mean by jumping.  For the most part the Bird Flu spreads from bird to bird.  People who are touching the sick birds are coming down with the disease.  When a human passes this disease on to another human is where it the pandemic will take hold.  Once this begins to take place God help us all!  I can’t tell you exactly what diseases Jesus was referring to for the last days.  All we can do is follow the news and watch which diseases are getting out of control.  When you read my book you will learn there are many of these diseases.




Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & 7 again show us America will not be a major power in the last days.  Knowing that we need to watch for signs of her decline.  China has just shown us one of these sings today.  China is sending an alarming message that the dollar is on it's last leg.  Here is the latest news from The Telegraph out of the UK.  "Nobu Su, head of Taiwan's TMT group, which ships commodities to China, said Beijing is trying to extricate itself from dollar dependency as fast as it can. China has woken up. The West is a black hole with all this money being printed. The Chinese are buying raw materials because it is a much better way to use their $1.9 trillion of reserves. They get ten times the impact, and can cover their infrastructure for 50 years. The next industrial revolution is going to be led by hybrid cars, and that needs copper. You can see the subtle way that China is moving into 30 or 40 countries with resources, he said."  According to this article, China has opted to invest in copper rather than in our Treasury Bills.  It is easy to see that the dollar crash is coming sooner rather than later.  John Reade, metals chief at UBS, said Beijing may have a made strategic decision to stockpile metal as an alternative to foreign bonds. "We're very surprised by Chinese demand.

They are buying much more copper than they will need this year. If this is strategic, there may be no effective limit on the purchases as China's pockets are deep."  According to the article, it isn't only copper that they are investing in.  "The SRB has also been accumulating aluminium, zinc, nickel, and rarer metals such as titanium, indium (thin-film technology), rhodium (catalytic converters) and praseodymium (glass)."  What is China's motivation for this sudden turn from the dollar?  The following quote from the same article sums it up right to the point.  " One thing is clear: Beijing suspects that the US Federal Reserve is engineering a covert default on America's debt by printing money. Premier Wen Jiabao issued a blunt warning last month that China was tiring of US bonds. "We have lent a huge amount of money to the US, so of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets," he said.  If China stops buying or treasuries then we have no way of financing our mounting debts. 

Currently, we are using the money that China pays us for our T-bills to pay for our stimulus packages and also for paying our debts which are increasing daily. And just as this article has already stated:  China has woken up!  The "handwriting is on the wall."  China knows that we are bankrupt and that it is only a matter of weeks or months before we default on our debt to them.  Our dollars will suddenly be worth less than toilet paper and our economy will crash!  This just may be the generater crisis Vice President Joe Bidon was taking about when he stated to the press that Obama was going to face a generated crisis within his first six months.  Could it be that our Vice President was sounding the alarms that America would go broke in 6 month?  Knowing know what China is doing it might be the case.  We are going to find out shortly.

You have heard it said many times in this site already.  In order for the revived Roman Empire – which is the European Union – to take over as the leader of the world in finance and all other aspects of leadership; then the United States must be brought to it's knees and be made less influential so that the Antichrist system of government can replace it.  This is exactly what is taking place.  If you missed yesterday's post about this then make sure you read it.  If you are paying attention to the stock market then make sure you don't believe what the "experts" have to say about how "good" things seem to be getting.  And isn't it ironic that as Obama see a "glimmer" of progress on our economy; that China is hurriedly switching from dollars to metals.  I think he has China in mind when he makes these kinds of statements.  He is trying to put them at ease and the rhetoric isn't working.

If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe  and except Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.


My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


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