What the WatchTower will never tell you! Aug. 8, 2009


Tuesday Aug. 11, 2009 you will be able to tune in on my International radio/video show “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” and see the documents the Jehovah's Witness do not want you to know about.  The documents that I have obtained were and still are, so powerful against the witnesses that the leaders of the Watchtower out of New York City ordered elders to come to my home and ask me why I am coming against the organization. The proof I have proves beyond a doubt that the WatchTower Society is a false Religion and even the leaders are aware of this fact.  If you are Jehovah Witness or know anyone in this organization you will want to watch this show. The show will begin at 6pm EST.

You can view my radio show by clicking to the link below.



Sunday Aug. 9thy at 2 PM EST I will be interviewed by Timothy Geisler who has a radio show out of New York City. To listen to the show you can call this phone number: 347 426-3651. You can also visit this web site for more information www.RevivalRadio.net.

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