Many reasons for famines/June 2, 2010


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned us that famines would come upon the people in the last days.  In my book I point out many reasons that are causing famines around the world.  One thing I did not mention in my book was what would happen to the economy and the food if a major oil spill ever took place.  As we watch the worse oil spill of all time we can see that this disaster is already forcing people out of the fishing industry and many others are on the verge of going bankrupt over the oil spill.  We still don’t know how many fish and animal life will be destroyed as a result of the spill, but it is bad really bad.  Below you will see some of the latest reports on this spill.

Oyster Beds Closed
More oyster beds closed to harvesting

By Times-Picayune Staff
May 23, 2010, 9:47PM
Confirmed reports of oil further west along the Louisiana coast are forcing the immediate closure of more oyster harvest areas, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals said Sunday. The affected areas include 9, 10 and 11 in Plaquemines Parish; 12 in Plaquemines and Jefferson parishes; 14 and 15 in Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes; and 17, 19, 21, 22 and 23 in Terrebonne Parish.
Meanwhile, employees with DHH’s Office of Public Health Molluscan Shellfish Program have continued regular testing of 8 million acres of coastal waters along the Louisiana shoreline. DHH scientists and engineers also are conducting enhanced testing of oyster meat taken from the closed beds to monitor the presence of oil, called hydrocarbon testing. Additional testing is also being conducted in unaffected oyster beds. Oysters being harvested in open areas are considered safe. Areas 8, 13 and 28 remain closed.
The public is encouraged to call a toll-free hotline, 800.256.2775, to report the presence of oil or an oil sheen.

Oil spill nears Florida beaches as BP tries risky cap move
By The Associated Press
June 02, 2010, 8:35AM
Fisherman Hong Le, who came to the U.S. from Vietnam, had rebuilt his home and business after Hurricane Katrina wiped him out. Now he’s facing a similar situation.
"I’m going to be bankrupt very soon," Le, 53, said as he attended a meeting for fishermen hoping for help. "Everything is financed, how can I pay? No fishing, no welding. I weld on commercial fishing boats and they aren’t going out now, so nothing breaks."
Le, like other of the fishermen, received $5,000 from BP PLC, but it was quickly gone.
"I call that ‘Shut your mouth money,’" said Murray Volk, 46, of Empire, who’s been fishing for nearly 30 years. "That won’t pay the insurance on my boat and house. They say there’ll be more later, but do you think the electric company will wait for that?"
Gulf of Mexico oil spill closes more oyster beds, forces shrimping restrictions

By The Times-Picayune
May 08, 2010, 8:50PM
The Times-Picayune archiveLouisiana oysters are harvested near Empire in this picture from 2003.
The massive BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico has forced state officials to close additional oyster beds and cancel the central coast of Louisiana’s shrimp season.

This is only the beginning of the bad news.  Wait till you see what the cost of fish is going to be soon!


    • dude on June 2, 2010 at 6:50 pm
    • Reply

    dude, no famine with oysters
    i mean come on, only libs eat oysters
    men eat steak

    • O on June 8, 2010 at 6:17 am
    • Reply

    Don’t be ignorant dude…This is just the beginning…It would be best if you warn people of the disaster that is to come instead of mocking the people who are doing the Lord’s work.

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