Signs of the times in Bible prophecy for July 11, 2011

Is it possible that Obama will shut down Christian web-sites?  What’s with all the triple digit heat? Will war break out between the Arabs and Israel over gas and oil rights? What’s the Israel and South Sudan connection for the last days? Is our generation the drug generation?


Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: One sure way to know we are in the last days is to see the birth pain signs of the attack on the Christian faith.  Matthew 24:9 warns us of the following: "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”  There is a report out that if true, will cause a great upheaval. The headline to this report is entitled: US Order To Shutdown Millions Of Christian Websites Shocks World”. Please read the entire report as I am only gives you a section of it.

“A shocking report authored by the office of Russia’s top religious leader Patriarch Kirill I states that this past week the United States ordered over 10 million Christian websites destroyed that they claimed were a “threat” to their National Security and that the American Internet giant Google quickly responded by making them all disappear.

According to this report, Google first came under assault from the US government in June when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that they had launched an investigation into the company, a move defended against by top Google executive Amit Singhal who aside from claiming the attacks against them were baseless said, “At Google, we’ve always focused on putting the user first.”

After weeks of unrelenting pressure upon them, however, this past week Google, which had refused to answer the baseless charges against them, caved to the US government and announced that their Chairman, Eric Schmidt, who had previously said the charges against them were nonsense, agreed to testify before a US Senate Committee under threat of subpoena.

On the very same day that Google caved into these US governments demands, this report continues, they then announced that they had blacklisted and banned over 11 million websites that had been registered for free through the subdomain the world over. Giving as its reason for this largest in history removal of private websites Google asserted that it had the right to pull the plug on sites if they “see a very large fraction of sites on a specific freehost be spammy or low-quality.” is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory. It is administered by VeriSign through a subsidiary company eNIC, which promotes it for international registration as “the next .com”; .cc was originally assigned in October 1997 to eNIC Corporation of Seattle WA by the IANA.

Most important to note about the .cc domain, this report points out, is its being preferred by Churches and Christian organizations around the world as “CC” also happens to be an abbreviation for “Christian Church” or “Catholic Church,” especially in Islamic Nations where due to strict laws against Christianity these free websites were the only way those belonging to this faith were able to communicate with each other.

In this Patriarch Kirill I report as to the “true reason” for the US ordered government shutdown of millions of Christian websites in Islamic Nations it states is the “fundamental shift” undertaken by the Obama regime to support radical Muslim elements instead of the once secular Arab leaders it once did.”

“US author Brad O’Leary in his book “America’s War On Christianity” warns that no one should be surprised about these things as many US regimes, including Obama’s, have waged a decades long war against this faith in their attempt to eradicate it from all forms of public expression, even to outlawing school children from even mentioning the words “God,” “Bible,” or Jesus Christ under threat of imprisonment.”

NOTE: If anyone reading this news knows for sure it is true or false and can verify these facts, would you please contact me at so I can pass the information out to everyone.

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned us to watch for famines. One sure way to see a famine is for crops to be destroyed by the intense heat of the sun.  Fact is, Jesus in Revelation 7:16 gave us more information about what the last days would look like. I quote the Lord. “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.”  Why did Jesus state this?  For one reason that is very clear.  Those who are left behind after the rapture will have to go through the seven year tribulation at which time the wrath of God is poured out on all those who refused Jesus as their Lord and savior. Part of the wrath will come in the form of the 7 Bowl judgments which can be seen in Revelation chapters 15 and 16. It is a this time that we are told the sun will scorch the Earth.  The intense heat we are witnessing a the present time is nothing compared to what you will see if you are left behind. Each year we are witnessing news showing us that heat records are being broken and the triple digit heat is playing havoc with people and crops.  Below are just a few of reports dealing with the issue of Earth’s heat.

“Sweltering summer temperatures in Dallas are expected to top 100 degrees for the 10th consecutive day as excessive heat warnings grip many central and southern states. The National Weather Service reported Monday that heat advisories are in place from Georgia to Illinois and back down to Oklahoma. Temperatures in those places may not reach 100 degrees, but the heat index could make it feel like triple digits.” The report also showed that Cincinnati, was under a heat warning as this city may reach a possible heat index of 104 degrees. Good Morning America today said that Wichita kanas will hit 111, Saint Louis 100, Memphis Tenn. 101.

The states under the heat advisory are:

— Nebraska

— Kansas

— Oklahoma

— Texas

— Iowa

— Missouri

— Arkansas

— Louisiana

— Illinois

— Indiana

— Ohio

— Kentucky

— Tennessee

— Alabama

— Mississippi

 Here is what news from the Capital Weather Gang reported about the heat and drought situation. “Several weeks ago, I called attention to the fact that, throughout this spring and early summer, many Americans have concurrently witnessed some of the worst flooding in recent memory and one of the worst droughts in their lifetimes. The stark juxtaposition of floods and drought is remarkable, and it’s showing no signs of abating. In fact, according to federal forecasters, flood risks are likely to remain high during the rest of the summer in parts of the Upper Midwest and West, while the drought hangs tough – or even intensifies its grip on a portion of the South.


In this post, I’m going to focus on the drought, which is a far less visible, but no less damaging force of nature compared to the Mississippi and Missouri River floods.

At a drought conference in Austin, Texas last week, climate forecasters delivered unwelcome news to water resource managers and other policy makers – the chance for significant drought relief during the next three to six months is extremely low in Texas, and many other portions of the expansive drought area that stretches from Arizona to Virginia.

Even if a tropical storm or hurricane were to make landfall in Texas during this hurricane season, it would be unlikely to dramatically lessen the drought’s severity in the Lone Star State, said Dan Collins, a forecaster for NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, who took part in a media conference call from the drought meeting.”  “Drought conditions currently extend from Arizona eastward across the Gulf Coast into Florida, and up the Southeast coast. In Texas and many other areas, the drought began back in October, when drier than average conditions set in, and rainfall has been well below average ever since. Many longstanding records for precipitation and temperatures have fallen during this period.”

Seasonal US Drought Outlook, showing some improvement in parts of the large drought area. (NOAA)

Like I said, the heat is taking a toll on the crops. “Corn rose, capping the first weekly gain since May, and soybeans climbed on concern that hot, dry weather in the next two weeks will erode crop prospects in the U.S., the world’s biggest producer and exporter. Temperatures will approach 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) next week from Nebraska to southwestern Indiana with overnight lows expected to be above average, increasing stress on crops, Commodity Weather Group LLC said in a report. Dry, hot weather will continue from July 19 to July 23, the forecaster said. “The U.S. forecast is a little more threatening today,” said Dax Wedemeyer, a broker at U.S. Commodities Inc. in West Des Moines. “Heat will rob yield potential from crops.” Corn futures for December delivery jumped 21.5 cents, or 3.5 percent, to close at $6.37 a bushel at 1:15 p.m. on the Chicago Board of Trade. The most-active contract gained 6.7 percent this week, the first advance in seven weeks, and is up 61 percent in the past year.”  In chapter 5 of my book I have given you a detailed list of reports showing you how the cost of food is going up as a result of many things of which includes intense heat, and droughts.  As you can see from today’s report prices are going up again and this falls in line with Christ’s warning found in Revelation 6:6 where people will have to work all day for one small meal.  Food is going to rise in prices even worse as we move closer to the seven year tribulation, so get used to reports like the one you just read about today.

 The heat just doesn’t affect people and crops but just about everything.  Here is a look at what is happening in the ocean. “Warming ocean waters are causing the largest movement of marine species seen on Earth in more than two million years, according to scientists. In the Arctic, melting sea ice during recent summers has allowed a passage to open up from the Pacific ocean into the North Atlantic, allowing plankton, fish and even whales to into the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific. The discovery has sparked fears delicate marine food webs could be unbalanced and lead to some species becoming extinct as competition for food between the native species and the invaders stretches resources. Rising ocean temperatures are also allowing species normally found in warmer sub-tropical regions to into the northeast Atlantic. A venomous warm-water species Pelagia noctiluca has forced the closure of beaches and is now becoming increasingly common in the waters around Britain.”

If you want a complete look at what has happened over the years concerning this issue I suggest you download my free book and read chapter Nature Gone Rampant.

Gaza rocket fire resumesProphecy Sign: One of the last day signs I have been watching closely is the warning Paul gave us concerning the sudden destruction that would come while Israel was calling for peace and safety.  You will find this prophecy in 1 Thess. 5:3.  I am also keeping tabs on the Psalm 83 war prophecy. We know that Israel will face off with her bordering neighbors in that war, No one can tell you for sure what will be the final strew that will start this war, but history has a way of repeating itself.  In 2006 Israel went to war with Lebanon as a result of close to 6,000 rockets being laughed against them by the PLO.  After that war I told you to watch the news because you will see more rockets laughed on Israel.  Was my warning correct?  Here is the headline to one of yesterday’s reports. “Gaza rocket fire resumes”. “Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired three rockets into southern Israel Saturday night. Two rockets hit open fields near communities in southern Israel, causing no injuries or damage. The third landed inside Gaza. Last week, an Israeli soldier was lightly wounded when a bomb planted by Palestinian terrorists along the Gaza security fence exploded near his tank.”

Every time the PLO sends these rockets raining down on Israel, Israel responds to these attacks with much greater force than was used against them. Israel has the right to protect their citizens.  The only problem is, when the news hits the press, Israel is made out to be the bad guys for using such force.  This is exactly what the PLO is looking for! 

Israel-Lebanon tensions rise over natural gas rightsCould the Psalm 83 war break out over oil and gas rights?  I won’t rule anything out as this point. Right now Israel and Lebanon are at each others throats over natural gas rights, which could spark the next war.  I quote from a report entitled:Israel-Lebanon tensions rise over natural gas rights.” “Israel and Lebanon have become embroiled in a legal and diplomatic battle over rights to undersea natural gas fields that could potentially turn violent. Dispute over natural resources has long been a catalyst for war, and few would be surprised if Lebanon's dominant Hizballah terrorist militia used this latest quarrel as justification for a fresh attack on the Jewish state. "Lebanon has warned that it insists on protecting its borders and resources," a spokesman for Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri told Bloomberg.”

Israel recognizes, welcomes South SudanProphecy Sign: Isaiah chapter 18 is a prophecy telling us that (Cush) which is Modern day Sudan and Ethiopia  would be purged and out of this purging would come a new nation with a new flag. This prophecy was just fulfilled and this weekend Sudan celebrated the new nation of South Sudan and their new flag.  Isaiah 18 also tells us that Ethiopia will be a blessing to Israel.  Here is exciting news about Israel and Sudan from a report entitled: “Israel recognizes, welcomes South Sudan”.  “ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday officially recognized the new Republic of South Sudan, and welcomed it into the global family of nations. "Yesterday, a new state was born, South Sudan. I hereby announce that Israel recognizes the Republic of South Sudan," Netanyahu said at Sunday's cabinet meeting. "We wish it success. This is a peace-seeking country and we would be pleased to cooperate with it in order to ensure its development and its prosperity."  South Sudan's first president, Salva Kiir, hinted months ago that the new nation would establish diplomatic ties with Israel. The Arab-dominated northern Sudan has a long history of hostility toward the Jewish state. But the black African residents of the south are by and large not Muslim, and therefore do not harbor the same enmity for Israel. Some Israeli politicians also hope the new Republic of South Sudan will provide a solution to the Sudanese refugee situation in Israel.”

Cannabis at a medical marijuana shop in Los Angeles (AFP)Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug's. The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. This generation was to be labeled a drug generation and we are. 

MEXICO CITY — Battles between the vicious Zetas gang and other drug cartels killed more than 40 people in a 24-hour span, a government official said Saturday. At least 20 people were killed when gunmen opened fire in a bar late Friday in the northern city of Monterrey, where the gang is fighting its former ally, the Gulf Cartel, said federal security spokesman Alejandro Poire.  Eleven bodies shot with high-powered rifles were found earlier Friday, piled near a water well on the outskirts of Mexico City, where the gang is fighting the Knights Templar, Poire said. That is an offshoot of the La Familia gang that has terrorized its home state of Michoacan.  He said another 10 people were found dead early Saturday in various parts of the northern city of Torreon, where the gang is fighting the Sinaloa cartel headed by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.  "The violence is a product of this criminal rivalry … surrounding the intent to control illegal activities in a community, and not the only the earnings that come with it, but also with transporting drugs to the United States," Poire said in a news conference.  He repeated the government insistence that the criminals, not the government's crackdown on organized crime, are causing the violence. More than 35,000 people have died since President Felipe Calderon stepped up the attack on organized crime in 2006, according to official figures. Some groups put the number at more than 40,000.”

Prophecy Sign: God’s Curse pattern strikes again this time on the Malaysian Government.  On May 16, 2011 news from Jerusalem reported that “Israeli naval forces fired warning shots at a Malaysian aid ship as it approached the Gaza Strip on Monday, forcing the vessel to retreat to Egypt, organizers and the Israeli military said.” This ship has been in Egypt since Israel shot at her.  Then on July 9, 2011 news was reported on the civil unrest in Malaysia. “Malaysian police fired repeated rounds of tear gas and detained over 1,400 people in the capital on Saturday as thousands of activists evaded roadblocks and barbed wire to hold a street protest against Prime Minister Najib Razak's government.”  Only July 11, 2011 only two days after the riots begin news today shows the Malaysian Government is expecting more violence. The headline More Protests to Come in Malaysia?”. It is clear to me God gave a warning to Malaysia when Israel shot at her. Malaysia did not heed the Lord’s warning to back off from giving aid to Israel’s enemies.  Malaysia looks for another route to get the PLO the aid, and in the process the curse falls on the Malaysian Government in the form of the civil unrest against Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government. 

If you have followed the the pattern of the curse you would see that with in days the nation who aids Israel’s enemies finds themselves in some type of chaos. The chaos can be brought on by some natural disaster or man made problems such as these riots.  If you doubt the curse, read my newest chapter in my book entitled “The Curse of God”. Once you see the dates the nations came against Israel, and you see the dates that they were hit by some type of disaster, you hopefully will know God’s curse is real.

Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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    • sue crawford on July 12, 2011 at 7:28 am
    • Reply

    Check sources. Google has actually “shut down” a large number of phishing sites hosted theoretically but actually in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. There are millions because the domain name suppliers sell domain names in batches of 1000 for a few dollars, so that scamming companies and individuals can misuse them. And they have not unfortunately shut the sites down, they can’t do that, they simply exclude any domain names ending in from their Google searches. The idea that these were “Christian” websites was added by a mischief maker perhaps….. It is not true.

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