Working on the problem

See full size imageJust so that you know, I am working on the problem on why so many of you are not getting my updates even though you did subscribe to them at my site.  I just wrote Type pad for help.

Many people are emailing me telling me they are not getting my
daily updates and yet they did subscribe to them at my site. Even
my own son has told me he is not getting my updates any longer.
Why is this happening and what can we do to correct this problem?
Thank you for your help.

Frank DiMora

As soon as they get back with me I will fill you in as to what is being done to correct this problem.  However, until then place check my site daily to see if I posted a new update.  Thanks so much.

Frank DiMora


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    • Meg Lucier on March 31, 2010 at 10:51 am
    • Reply

    Praying about this with you all. Please know all who are in need of Prayer, I have lifted you and your needs up to the one true and faithful God. God Bless, YSIC, Meg

    • Debra Chandler on March 31, 2010 at 12:39 pm
    • Reply

    Mr. DiMora – Thank you for all your hard work and the many hours of faithfullness you put into this website on a daily basis! I appreciate all that you do and enjoy reading your daily posts! Your the BEST!
    Debbie Chandler

    • Daniel N on April 1, 2010 at 4:08 pm
    • Reply

    Mr. DiMora – I have been reading your book for a couple days now and I cannot put it down. I have been in church since I was 3 days old but left as a teen and recently came back into the church. I have been under heavy conviction over the last couple years and have now found my way back and I cannot get enough of his word. I love your book and cant put it down. I am learning alot that I new nothing about. I have always been fascinated with the end times and didn’t realize we where that close to the glorious end.

  1. Daniel,
    I am glad to hear you are back with Christ. You picked
    the best time to come back.

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