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Aug 9, 2015



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 8, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

543c477e9547e.jpgWe are pleased to announce you can now find us on Twitter ( click the floating Twitter icon)  Please be sure to share and re-Tweet our posts! God bless!

I just wonder how many people who have visited my site recall my warnings concerning the Iran and Russian alliance as it relates to the Ezekiel 38 war?  If you are new to my site and want to know more on this issue just down load my prophecy book today for free and read the chapter on the coming Ezekiel war where I give all the details concerning Russia’s and Iran’s role in the attempted war on Israel. I said attempted because when these nations listed in the Ezekiel war prophecy try to attack Israel God steps in and wipes out 5/6 of the entire attacking force.  As you will see from the report that just came out recently Iran’s Quds commander who was not suppose to go to Russia did in fact go!  You will understand more if you read the report below but the bottom line is this.  Things are heating up and the nations who are listed in that Ezekiel prophecy are coming together for the attack on Israel. 

ruqs  Flag Russia animated gif 240x180Flag Iran animated gif 240x180The shadowy Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani recently visited Moscow to meet with senior Russian leaders, according to two Western intelligence sources, despite a travel ban and U.N. Security Council resolutions barring him from leaving Iran. On July 24, one week before Secretary of State John Kerry testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee and faced questions about the newly struck nuclear deal, Soleimani arrived in Moscow for meetings with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and President Vladimir Putin. It was not immediately clear what the Iranian leader discussed, but the revelation comes as the United Nations and European Union arms embargo against Iran is slated to be lifted in five years as part of the comprehensive nuclear agreement announced July 14 from Vienna.




In Matthew 24 Jesus warns you about famines in the last days.  I have been showing you report after report warning the bees are dying off in mass numbers which is going to have a huge impact on the food you are now buying in the stores.  If this mass die off continues that food you are able to buy will be gone from the shelves!

clip_image0011_thumb.gif Bumblebees Are Dying Out Thanks To Climate Change

Climate change is destroying native bumblebee populations, according to a new study published in Science. The findings suggest that bumblebees have died out en masse, abandoning nearly 200 miles of once-pollinated land in North America and Europe since 1901. If bumblebees continue to retreat at this alarming rate, crops that require pollination may be harder to grow—making food more expensive in a world increasingly plagued by high crop prices, low yields and hunger.




  1. Mercy Hill says:

    Thank you Pastor DiMora for doing God’s work.
    I wanted to ask you what the difference is between the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 war.
    When I read Ezekiel 38:8 it States “now all of them live in safety…”
    so they are not fearing for their lives or have walls, but as of today Israel lives under constant fear of attack.
    My question is this: shouldn’t the Psalm 83 happen way before the Gog (Russia) ect. war? And wouldn’t the third temple already have been built when that happens? I hope you can explain another day and could you tell me where I could buy a copy of your book. I enjoy reading the old-fashioned way. Thanks again and God bless you and keep you.

    • etrm says:

      Dear Mercy, my book is instantly available for FREE on this website. Simply download 🙂 All the information you need on the Psalm 83 & Ezekiel can be found therein. You may also view my Psalm 83 videos on my YouTube channel. God bless-Frank

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