Author's posts

Nibiru or Elenin?/The number 29 in the Bible stands for departure: Gold set new record high/July 25, 2011

What is happening this September that should cause every Chrisitian to pay special attention to the signs Jesus has given us for these last days?  Here is one reason why Israel is waiting to attack Iran in September. Why is Genesis 1:14 important for us in these last days? Why could the Bibical number 29 …

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Is the Holy Spirit showing signs in the stars for the rapture of the Church (A MOST SEE!)

What is happening this September that should cause every Chrisitian to pay special attention to the signs Jesus has given us for these last days?  Here is one reason why Israel is waiting to attack Iran in September. Why is Genesis 1:14 important for us in these last days?    Download Last Chronicles of Planet …

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Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars, Elenin?

Is the Elenin Dwarf Star, Comet or whatever it is fulfilling bible prophecy?   The signs coming onto the world right now are literally overwhelming for the person watching and keeping on the watch for end-time bible prophecy fulfillment. It is amazing me how many things are beginning to converge onto the world, the detail …

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When you see all these things know that is it close even at the door: July 21, 2011

    Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE)  Prophecy Sign: Joel 32, Genesis 12:3, and Zechariah 12:3 warns a curse on anyone who curses Israel, divides up the land of Israel, or even burden themselves over Jerusalem all of which the USA is doing now.   This is …

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Does God Speak to us Today?

Does God actually speak to Us as believers today? I was given an article from a close friend of mine last night. She told me that she had read the article and suggested that I do the same. The article was on the topic of This: “What is at issue for me is whether the …

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Could the Rapture of the Church happen this September? Find out why it is possible

  When we watch the news what do we see?  Are you seeing the many last day signs Jesus told us to look for? Can you connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events?    Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE)           What …

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  When we watch the news what do we see?  Are you seeing the many last day signs Jesus told us to look for? Can you connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events?    Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE) Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and …

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Many last day signs-July 19, 2011

When we watch the news what do we see?  Are you seeing the many last day signs Jesus told us to look for? Can you connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events?    Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE) Prophecy Sign: The coming Psalm 83 …

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Intense heat wave and droughts/Getting ready for war/ Banks failing in EU/ Earthquake news/ Israel and Iran in prophecy, Gold’s new record high, Silver climbing again/ Storms and flash flooding/II Timothy 3 signs/ July 18, 2011

Why is drug use up? Have you noticed the number of news reports dealing with the intense heat, the droughts, a starvation lately?  Why all the flash floods lately? Do you believe the Ex-CIA officers warning that war between Israel and Iran will take place this September?  Why won't the PLO stop launching rockets into Israel?  Can …

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Storms frequencies/ Prophecy signs leading up the tribulation/ Earthquakes/Intense Heat/ Psalm 83 signs/Gold and Silver skyrocketing/ Decline of the dollar and of the US/ Diseases

 Do you think God is showing signs that the Psalm 83 war will be fought soon?  Do you know why Syria and Iraq are now forming a new friendship? Will the UN vote on a Palestine State bring on war this September?  Did you know that the sun's intense heat is breaking new recording?  Can you tell …

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