July 5, 2017- New Fashion Trend Has Men Dressing Like Women

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 1st Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Abbas to Africa: No Israel ties without end to military rule

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday told African states that improved ties with Israel should be calculated in relation to the Jewish state’s commitment to ceasing its military rule over Palestinian territories. Over the past year, Israel has launched an intensive effort bolster its ties with African states, making inroads in a continent that has long refrained from enhancing such cooperation. “The Israeli state of occupation’s efforts to participate in your regional conferences and organize continental conferences encourages it to continue its arrogance, occupy Palestine and deny the Palestinian people’s rights,” Abbas told the 29th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. “We hope that the advancement of the continent’s relationship with Israel is linked to the extent of its commitment to ending the occupation.” Abbas also urged African states to support international efforts to end Israel’s military rule. “We are looking for you to support the end of [this bitter reality]… by turning to international councils and institutions to preserve our national rights and implement the two-state solution,” he said.
July 4, 2017


Headline: PLO official slams US envoy Haley for leading anti-Palestinian ‘crusade’

A senior Palestinian official on Wednesday blasted US President Donald Trump’s United Nations envoy, accusing her of carrying out a “crusade” against the Palestinian people. Hanan Ashrawi, an senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said Nikki Haley was leading a “one-woman crusade … against Palestine and the Palestinian people individually and collectively.” “Through an obsessive and targeted campaign of intimidation and threats, Miss Haley’s crusade does not miss an opportunity to put pressure on anyone that seeks to challenge Israeli impunity,” she added.  Palestinian officials have privately expressed increasing alarm at the Trump administration’s pro-Israel stance, as the US president seeks to restart peace negotiations. However, until Wednesday, they had publicly refrained from criticizing senior US officials. Haley visited Israel and the Palestinian Authority territories in June. Ashrawi said Haley was “compounding the victimization of the Palestinian people and browbeating the institutions that are meant to defend their rights”. The statement was distributed by the PLO.
July 5, 2017




Headline: Egypt: Suspected militant kills 2 retired officers, soldier

Egypt’s military says a “terrorist” has opened fire on a toll booth south of Cairo, killing two retired officers and an active duty soldier. A statement says a search is underway for the perpetrators of Wednesday attack’s in the Al-Ayat district of the Egyptian capital. A local pro-government television station said the officers were a colonel and a captain. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, which could be the work of either the Egyptian affiliate of the Daesh group or Muslim Brotherhood’s breakaway factions.
July 5, 2017



Headline: Astana Peace Talks Fail over Syrian Safe Zones

The fifth round of Russian-initiated Syrian peace talks taking place Tuesday, July 4, in the Kazakh capital of Astana was designed to prepare the ground for the Trump-Putin summit Friday on the sidelines of the Hamburg G20 summit, by laying out proposals for deconfliction zones in Syria. To support this move, Moscow twisted the Syrian ruler Bashar Assad’s arm to declare a unilateral ceasefire in southern Syria. However, the ploy was soon aborted. The Astana conference quickly broke down when Iran and Turkey, two of the three sponsors along with Russia, rejected the formula for deconfliction zones on Syria’s borders with Iraq, Jordan and Israel, debkafile’s sources report. Present at Astana along with the three sponsors were leading Syrian opposition and rebel groups, as well as UN envoy for Syrian affairs Staffan de Minstura, US Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Stuart Jones, and Jordanian Foreign Ministry adviser Nawaf Uasfi Tal. The Iranina and Turkish delegates had no objections to the two demilitarized zones proposed for the Damascus and Homs areas, but withheld their consent for the zones in eastern and southern Syria, and refused to accept the formula for forces policing the latter deconfliction zones, their identity, powers as truce monitors and the types of arms they were allowed to carry. Iran and Turkey demanded the deployment of their own troops along with Russians in the two safe zones, which border on Israel, Jordan and Iraq, and wanted them armed for “self-defense.” The representatives of the US and Jordan refused, proposing instead that an international force be established to supervise the zones. Turkey and Iran rejected this out of hand.
July 5, 2017


Headline: Raqqa: IS ‘capital’ wall breached by US-backed Syrian forces

US-backed Syrian forces have breached the wall at Raqqa’s Old City as they try to retake the city from so-called Islamic State, the US military says. It says the coalition had helped the advance of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) by firing on two sections of the historic Rafiqa Wall. The SDF, supported by US-led coalition air strikes, has spent months encircling the city. IS seized Raqqa in 2014, proclaiming it the capital of a “caliphate”. The city has been an important hub for the jihadist group’s operations, though as the SDF closed in, key IS officials are believed to have fled from there towards Deir al-Zour province, which is mostly under IS control. About 2,500 IS militants are still in Raqqa, according to the US-led coalition, with about 100,000 people trapped by the fighting in the city.
July 4, 2017


Headline: Syrian Army and allies achieve major advance against ISIS in Homs

With most of the anti-ISIS efforts of pro-government forces being directed against the terrorist group in far eastern Homs Governonate, eastern Hama Governonate, Raqqa Governonate and in the Syrian Badia, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defence Forces (NDF) have now further increased military pressure on the Islamic State by attacking its forces south of Jib Jarrah in central Homs. Today, the SAA and various national militias, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces (RuAF), advanced south of the town of Jib Jarrah and captured three new points situated 8 kilometers east of the Jbab Hamd area. The advance was by no means without event. Resistance was encountered from ISIS who is heavily embedded in the semi-mountainous, partial desert region. With the conclusion of clashes for the day and the resulting withdrawal of ISIS forces from the combat zone, the terrorist group left behind at least 15 dead fighters.
July 5, 2017



Headline: Iraqi PMU repels massive ISIS offensive near border with Syria

The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) have repelled a massive ISIS offensive near the Iraqi-Syrian border. The attack by ISIS was a cross-border operation, being launched out of Syrian territory towards PMU forces in the area of Tal Saffuq. ISIS appears to have undertaken the offensive against the PMU at Tal Saffuq from three directions, employing a large contingent of storming troops, motorised vehicles (namely Toyota pickups) and fire support weapons. The PMU reacted efficiently to the shock attack, holding their positions and inflicting heavy casualties on ISIS to the point where the terrorist group was forced to withdraw.
July 5, 2017











Headline: Kurdish YPG militia says Turkey “declaring war” in northwest Syria

The head of the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia told Reuters on Wednesday that Turkish military deployments near Kurdish-held areas of northwestern Syria amounted to a “a declaration of war”, signalling the risk of a major confrontation. Asked whether he expected a conflict with Turkey in northern Syria, where the two sides have exchanged artillery fire in recent days, Sipan Hemo accused Turkey of preparing for a military campaign. “These (Turkish) preparations have reached level of a declaration of war and could lead to the outbreak of actual clashes in the coming days.” he said. “We will not stand idly by against this potential aggression.”
July 5, 2017



Headline: U.S. soldier dies in Afghanistan after attack: Pentagon

A 19-year-old American soldier has died in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province from wounds received in an attack, the Pentagon said on Wednesday. Private First Class Hansen Kirkpatrick of Wasilla, Alaska, died on Monday when he was struck by “indirect fire,” a military term that usually encompasses rockets, mortars, or artillery, the U.S. military command in Kabul said in a statement. Kirkpatrick was assigned to the U.S. Army’s 1st Armored Division, which is based in Fort Bliss, Texas. Two other American soldiers were also wounded but their injuries were not expected to be life threatening and they were receiving medical treatment, the statement said.The Trump administration is considering adding several thousand troops, largely in a training and support capacity. A delegation of U.S. senators visited Kabul on Tuesday and called for a new strategy ahead of an expected Trump review later in July on the United States’ longest war, now in its 16th year.
July 5, 2017



Headline: East Libya forces say they’ve taken full control of Benghazi

Libyan forces in the country’s east say they have cleared the final remaining pockets of the city of Benghazi of Islamist militiamen and armed opponents. The head of the self-styled Libyan National Army, Gen. Khalifa Hifter, says that all that remained were some land mines and bombs to clear. He spoke in televised comments Wednesday. He says his army “congratulates the Libyan people and thanks all the backing forces and neighboring who supported us.” He says: “Benghazi will enter a new era of security, stability, prosperity and peace. Displaced people will return home.” Celebratory gunfire and fireworks rang out in the city’s streets.
July 5, 2017



Headline: Govt supporters storm Venezuela congress, injuring lawmakers

Pro-government militias wielding wooden sticks and metal bars stormed congress on Wednesday and began attacking opposition lawmakers during a special session coinciding with Venezuela’s independence day. Four lawmakers were injured. One of them, Americo de Grazia, had to be taken in a stretcher to an ambulance suffering from convulsions, said a fellow congressman. “This doesn’t hurt as much as watching how every day how we lose a little bit more of our country,” Armando Arias said from inside an ambulance as he was being treated for head wounds that spilled blood across his clothes. The attack, in plain view of national guardsmen assigned to protect the legislature, comes amid three months of often-violent confrontations between security forces and protesters who accuse the government of trying to establish a dictatorship by jailing foes, pushing aside the opposition-controlled legislature and rewriting the constitution to avoid fair elections. Tensions were already high after Vice President Tareck El Aissami made an unannounced morning visit to the neoclassical legislature, accompanied by top government and military officials, for an event celebrating independence day.
July 5, 2017


Headline: Somali militants kill 2 police during extended raid on Kenyan town

Somali al Shabaab militants killed two police officers on Wednesday during a raid on a northeastern Kenyan town that sparked a day-long gunbattle, a police official said, the latest in a spate of militant attacks on Kenyan security services. Al Shabaab gunmen attacked the police station in the town of Pandanguo in the coastal district of Lamu around 6 a.m. (0300 GMT), forcing villagers to flee, according to residents. The area is near Kenya’s long, porous border with Somalia. The militants raided a dispensary for drugs and houses for food items, clothes and other valuables, witnesses said. Smoke could be seen rising from the village later in the day.
July 5, 2017



Headline: North Korea launches ballistic missile

North Korea launched an unidentified projectile into the sea off its east coast on Tuesday (local time), South Korea’s military said, according to Reuters. The projectile, which the South Korean military also described as a ballistic missile, was launched from the North’s western region. North Korea has violated international sanctions and UN revolutions, and has continuously carried out nuclear tests and ballistic missile tests. The isolated country has conducted five nuclear tests since 2006, including two last year. Last week, U.S. officials said North Korea conducted another rocket engine test which could potentially be used on a future intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The latest test comes several days after U.S. President Donald Trump declared that the U.S. had “run out of patience” with North Korea over its nuclear drive.
July 4, 2017



June 22, 2017–Massive die off of cattle due to snowfall in the Plateau, Argentina

June 24, 2017–Hundreds of nutria wash ashore on Mississippi beach

June 24, 2017–Nine dead turtles found along the coast, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

June 25, 2017–Several dead dolphins wash ashore in Anapa, Russia

June 25, 2017–Six right whales dead in Gulf of St. Lawrence Canada

June 26, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Saone-et-Loire, France

June 26, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish wash ashore in Radazul, Tenerife, Spain

June 26, 2017–Thousands of dead fish hit the ground in Bursa Turkey

June 27, 2017–Almost five tons of fish dead due to pollution in the Guadalquivir river in Spain

June 27, 2017–South Africa’s neighbors ban poultry imports after bird flu outbreak

June 27, 2017–Dead seagulls found on Gallagher Beach Buffalo New York

June 28, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Copan, Honduras

June 28, 2017–Large number of dead fish found floating near Gopalpur port Ganjam, India


Headline: A Hot New Fashion Trend Has Men Dressing In Skirts, Dresses And 8 Inch Heels

Headline: Transgender ‘Sam Doll’ Aims to Teach Children in Canada About ‘Gender Identity’

In recent years we have been hearing a lot about “gender fluidity”, and this is yet another example of that phenomenon. The distinctions between men and women are being blurred, and there are many that would like to eliminate them altogether. Given enough time, could we eventually get to the point where it is just as acceptable for men to wear skirts and heels as it is for women? Apparently Thom Browne wants us to have these kinds of conversations… Gender fluidity in style is no longer a thing for only women, but men too. Thom Browne, an American designer seems to think men should embrace the trend too and rock a few pieces ‘borrowed from the girls’. His spring summer collection presented at the ongoing Men’s fashion week had a slew of dress shirts, tunics, maxi dresses and skirts all worn with pointy toe heels. Who says what a man should and shouldn’t wear? The collection seems to drive a conversation many of us never want to have. And, if a woman can wear a pantsuit, why can’t a man wear a skirt suit? Probably, this is what the designer wanted to us to talk about.
July 4, 2017




Headline: 102 shot, 14 fatally, in Chicago over July 4 holiday weekend

The violence plaguing Chicago made international headlines Wednesday, after a violent and bloody Fourth of July weekend. Of the 102 people shot since Friday night, 14 have died. Police said most of the shootings happened Monday night on the South and West sides of the city. Detectives said they believe several of the shootings were motivated by gang retaliation, and alcohol was a factor in many others. Police across Chicago worked around the clock over the holiday weekend. There was a surge in the July 4 death toll. Since midnight, six people died in shootings.In one of the most recent shootings early Wednesday morning, two men were shot and killed and two were injured after several men in a black SUV fired shots at people on a porch near East 110th Street and South Eberhart Avenue in the city’s Roseland neighborhood. Police carried out anti-violence raids over the holiday weekend, hoping to prevent this kind of bloodshed. But the numbers reflect a very sad weekend.
July 5, 2017



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    • Helen Bilowus on July 6, 2017 at 12:01 am
    • Reply

    Men in skirts? Gotta be kidding. Frank, when you order your skirt I hope you post a picture…..LOL

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