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~This post will will continue to add and show all the reports dealing with the prophecy below concerning intense heat. droughts, lack of water and famine.
Intense Heat
“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a). “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). Matthew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
When you read Matthew chapter 24 you will see Jesus warned about the birth pains that would happen in the last days. We are in the midst of those birth pains now and the heat and fires we see are part of those birth pains. When you read Matthew 24:7 we see famines. What causes famines? Many things but two of the major elements to famines are lack of water and heat that scorches the earth.
September 27, 2021- Paraguay on the brink as historic drought depletes river, its life-giving artery
September 13, 2021 – Summer 2021 edges out ‘Dust Bowl’ summer as hottest ever for contiguous US
September 6, 2021 – Prized trout streams shrink as heat, drought grip US West
Aug. 20, 2021 – It’s Official: NOAA Declares July 2021 Earth’s Hottest Month on Record
Aug. 13, 2021 – Global sizzling: July was hottest month on record, NOAA says
Aug. 13, 2021 – Destructive wildfires leave at least 65 dead in northern Algeria
Algerian authorities are reporting at least 65 lives were lost in wildfires raging through the mountainous region in the country’s north over the past couple of days. As many as 50 fires broke out in a short period of time and spread rapidly due to high winds, very hot temperatures, and tinder-dry conditions.
Aug. 12, 2021 – Extreme heat may have produced a new all-time high temperature record in Europe
Aug. 18, 2021 – California farms face collapse as unprecedented droughts sizzle crops
Aug. 9, 2021 – “It’s A Biblical Catastrophe” – Are The Cataclysmic Fires All Over The World A Preview Of What Is Comingby Michael Snyder
Aug. 6, 2021 – Oroville Reservoir at record low level, California shuts down their second-largest hydroelectric plant
Have you noticed that apocalyptic wildfires have been erupting all over the globe this summer? Of course every year there are wildfires, and that has been true all throughout human history. But what we are witnessing this year has truly been unprecedented. In just the past couple of weeks, we have seen historic fires in the United States, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon and Russia. Hundreds of colossal fires are currently raging around the planet as you read this article, and we are only about halfway through the summer at this point. Authorities are warning that more gigantic fires are surely coming during the second half, because much of North America and Europe is dry as a bone right now.
Intense and long-lasting heatwave expected over Europe
A massive heat dome over the Mediterranean Sea is set to bring another long-lasting, intense heatwave across parts of southern Europe this week. High temperatures are expected to spread into central Europe and continue through August 22.
California is burning up like it did last year. 2021 we are again in the midst of intense heat waves and major wild fires around the world.
Dixie Fire becomes largest single wildfire in California history
The Dixie Fire burning in two Northern California counties is now the largest single wildfire in recorded state history, exploding in size overnight as drought-stricken lands continue to fuel the flames.
The Argentine River That Carries Soybeans to World Is Drying Up
Snaking its way through thousands of miles of South American rainforest and pampas and past sprawling soybean and corn farms, the Parana River is the main thoroughfare for Argentine commerce. Some 80% of the country’s crop exports flow through its muddy waters en route to the Atlantic Ocean.
Severe drought and heat turns arid area in Kazakhstan into grave for horses
Images of dead horses show the severity of a drought plaguing an area in Kazakhstan. Animals in the country’s Mangistau peninsula have been left without food or water, as unusually high temperatures persist, according to the Reuters news agency.
Headline: ‘Leave now!’ a California town is told as the Dixie Fire shows no signs of slowing down.
Portions of a small Northern California town were engulfed by the Dixie Fire on Wednesday evening, leaving stretches of the community unrecognizable and covered in rubble.
Greenville, Calif. — with a population of about 800 about 150 miles north of Sacramento — was placed under a mandatory evacuation order on Monday. By Wednesday night, amid worsening weather conditions, the Plumas County Sheriff’s Office had underscored the warning: “If you are still in the Greenville area, you are in imminent danger and you must leave now!!” county officials said on Facebook. “If you remain, emergency responders may not be able to assist you.”
The link below will show you all the fires from 2000 to April of 2021.
Jesus warned us to watch for droughts in the last days. Of course droughts alone would not mean Jesus is near however, Christ did say when you see all these thing know that it is near. Yes, the droughts are taking place as we are seeing all these last days signs at once. Get the picture?
Drone captures startling footage as Lake Oroville reduced to trickle
Lake Oroville, California’s second-largest reservoir, looks like a shell of its typical self as the drought across the western United States continues to toast the region. The reservoir has hit its record low level, dropping to just 643.5 feet above sea level,
Wildfires rage near Athens as brutal heat continues
Dozens of wildfires have ignited across Greece this week, including one right outside of Athens that forced thousands of residents to flee their homes amid an extreme heat wave that has baked southeastern Europe. Officials stated that 188 wildfires were reported in a span of just 24 hours across Greece.
Greece wildfires spread, causing mass evacuations
‘Massive melting event’ sinks billions of tons of ice amid heat wave
Scientists are raising alarms that ice has vanished from the Greenland ice sheet in a dramatic melting event in recent weeks. So much so that the liquid released could cover the entire state of Florida with 2 inches of water.