DiMora’s Warning Coming True!- Prophecy Signs for September 17, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Seminar Sign

  • Trinity Church of the Nazarene
    Address: Lompoc, CA
  • Phone:(805) 736-6415
    The Seminar will begin at 6:45 PM Wed. Sept. 17, 2014 and run to 8:15 PM Pacific Standard Time. All are welcome to come. There is no cost!  I will be posting again on Thursday.


First they take Damascus, not Jerusalem




Dempsey: I know of Arab allies who fund ISIS


Fatah song promotes terror: “Launch your rockets, make the sons of Zion tremble and burn”


caution-signI must caution you: there are links used to report events below that you should use extreme caution in viewing- they are anti-Israel sites and Arabic media sites.  

 Psalm 83 Foto Flexer

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”


Headline:  Syrian rebels seize UN weapons on the Golan

Syrian rebels linked to Al-Qaeda have seized UN weapons, uniforms and vehicles from peacekeepers in the Golan and set up a “safe zone” to wage attacks, the Syrian ambassador said Tuesday. The United Nations on Monday was forced to pull back hundreds of peacekeepers to the Israeli-occupied sector of the Golan after Syrian rebels advanced on their positions. Syrian Ambassador Bashar Jaafari said fighters from Al-Nusra “had succeeded in occupying all of the Syrian side” of the Golan, driving out the troops from the UN Disengagement Observer Force
Sept. 16, 2014


Headline:  Syrian Mortar Explodes in Israeli Golan Heights

Headline:  Syrian rebel calls for new gov’t to make peace with Israel

A mortar shell from Syria exploded in the Golan Heights early on Wednesday afternoon, landing on the Israeli side of the Quneitra crossing that is the only point of access between the two countries. The shell landed in open territory and according to reports did not cause damage or injury. Apparently the mortar shell was a case of stray fire from the intense fighting on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, which has been completely captured by Syrian rebel forces. Wednesday’s spillover is far from the first such incident since rebel forces started their latest successful campaign to wrest control of the region from Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces. There have been numerous rockets and mortar shells in recent weeks that have wounded several Israelis, including cases of supposedly stray gunfire. Likewise Israel shot down a Syrian drone after it strayed into Israeli airspace late last month. Despite the various incursions, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said on Tuesday “the rebels are advancing, but they don’t threaten us. Those close to the border are local militias.” In contrast to his statements, video evidence has shown that not only local militias but the Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, has captured the town of Naba Al-Sakhr in Quneitra along the border with Israel. In capturing the region, the Al Qaeda-linked forces reportedly seized UN weapons, equipment and uniforms, in addition to temporarily holding 45 Fijian UN peacekeepers captive. Speaking to reporters at the UN’s New York headquarters, Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari on Tuesday accused Israel of aiding the rebels in conquering the region from Syria.
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:  Hamas arrests Palestinians who launched mortar from Gaza, Israeli officials say

Headline:  Southern Residents Flee Amid Fears of Hamas Rosh Hashana Attack

Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip arrested the militants who launched a mortar at southern Israel on Tuesday evening, Israel Radio quoted a senior defense official as saying.
Israel made clear to Hamas that if it did not take swift action against those responsible for firing the mortar, the IDF would need to enter the picture, according to Israel Radio.
Hamas told mediators that it was interested in preserving the cease-fire and that it apprehended those responsible for the mortar. Defense sources told Israel Radio that Hamas moved quickly to arrest the perpetrators because the organization is “disturbed by the situation.” A Palestinian shell fired from Gaza landed in Israeli territory, near the southern border on Tuesday evening. There were no injuries or damages in the attack, which occurred in the region between Eshkol and Sdot Negev. It was the first mortar or rocket attack from the Gaza Strip since August 26, when a truce went into effect between Hamas and Israel after 50 days of conflict.
Sept. 17, 2014




Headline:  Poll: Half of Palestinians support armed intifada against Israel

A public opinion poll published on Tuesday showed that half of the Palestinian public supports an armed intifada against Israel. The poll, published by the Nablus-based An-Najah University, included 1,360 Palestinians (860 from the West Bank and 500 from the Gaza Strip) above the age of 18, was conducted during the period from 11-13 September. It has a margin of error of three percent. The poll showed that 49% of respondents favored an armed intifada against Israel as opposed to 44% who said they were against it. Still, 56% said they supported an unarmed and non-violent resistance against Israel, while 35% expressed their opposition. The poll found that 57% of respondents expected the eruption of a third intifada in the West Bank. Only 32% said they did not expect such a thing to happen. According to the results, more than 70% of the respondents believe there will be another military encounter with Israel in the Gaza Strip. Another 84% said they supported the Palestinian Authority effort to join the International Criminal Court.
Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:  ‘Silent Intifada’ Continues as Jerusalem Man Wounded by Rocks

A 44-year-old hareidi Jewish man was wounded Tuesday night and hospitalized in moderate to light condition, after Arab terrorists hurled large rocks at his car in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina. The wounded man was treated by Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics and evacuated to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in the capital, as the police launched an investigation to locate the perpetrators. Yehuda Mizrahi, one of the medics who was at the scene, reconstructed his part in the event to Arutz Sheva, saying “we joined a police vehicle at the entrance to Neve Ya’akov, where the police transferred to us a 44-year-old man who was fully conscious, suffering from a bleeding wound on his face, eye, and a wound to the jaw and teeth.” “He told us that while driving he was attacked with large rocks,” said Mizrahi. “We gave him first aid in the field and evacuated him quickly for continued treatment at the trauma room of the hospital as his status was classified as lightly to moderately wounded.” The latest attack is part of what is becoming known as a “silent intifada” focused particularly in Jerusalem, where attacks have risen exponentially in recent months, in a phenomenon that has been quickly spiraling out of control with lynch-mobs and even live gunfire.
Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:  UN brokers Gaza reconstruction deal

The United Nations has brokered an Israeli-Palestinian deal on delivering construction materials to Gaza that would ensure they will not be diverted by Hamas militants, an envoy said Tuesday. The agreement on monitoring the supply of materials “must get up and running without delay,” Robert Serry, the UN envoy for the Middle East, told the UN Security Council. The deal would allow private companies to move in to rebuild Gaza after a 50-day war ravaged the enclave and left more than 2,140 Palestinians dead. It addresses Israel’s concerns that cement and other materials could be used to rebuild Hamas tunnels by setting up a UN monitoring mechanism of the imports.
Sept. 16, 2014



Headline:  Fatah Accuses Hamas of Stealing Millions in Gaza Aid

“Show me the money:” A Palestinian Authority (PA) official claimed Tuesday that $700 million in international aid designated for reconstruction and humanitarian use in Gaza was taken by Hamas, “over the blood of the children of Palestine,” Israel’s NRG News reported. Fatah spokesman, Ahmad Assaf, claimed that, during Operation Protective Edge, Hamas’ leadership in Gaza absconded with the money before it reached its destination. “They raised funds from the Arab world in the name of the martyrs in Gaza, and on behalf of women, children and elders, and they talked about rebuilding the Gaza Strip and Israel destroyed mosques,” Assaf said in an interview with Arab media. The Fatah spokesman insisted that Hamas’ leadership must “return the money they stole from the families of the dead and wounded refugee families whose homes were destroyed by the war,” and warned against the Islamist group “taking advantage of the circumstances of the war of destruction…”
***He says “show me the money”…I say ‘show me the divorce papers! Tear up your reconciliation agreement, then we’ll listen”

Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:  Israel recognizes Aramean minority in Israel as separate nationality

Israel’s interior minister signed an order on Tuesday recognizing Aramean as a separate national identity in the country’s population registry. The decision will allow about 200 Christian families who identify themselves as belonging to the ancient nationality to register as Arameans rather than as Arabs. Saar based his decision on three professional opinions, which concluded that the nationality met the conditions required for official recognition, including a historical heritage, religion, culture, origin and common language. The interior minister’s decision is expected to add fuel to the fire brewing in the Knesset over attempts to separate Muslim Israelis from Christian Israelis. MK Yariv Levin, the coalition chairman who was one of the driving forces behind recognizing the Aramean minority, declared he intended to promote a series of measures meant to distinguish between Christian citizens of Israel and Muslim citizens of Israel, to deepen the involvement of the Christian population in Israeli society and to encourage Christians to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces.
****Look at the number of Arabs compared to the number of Jews. They are now surrounded by their enemies and who better to bring in to help them than their Christian allies? It proves Israeli’s can live in peace with Christians unlike Muslims.

Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:    Militants holding Lebanese soldiers release video

Headline:    Nusra threatens to kill Lebanese soldier

An Al-Qaeda-linked militant group holding Lebanese soldiers and police released a video of the captive men on Sunday, as officials continue mediation to release the men. In the two-part, 20-minute video released Sunday by the Nusra Front, one Lebanese soldier enquired after his mother, and another burst into tears as he spoke to his family. The video was spliced with montages of dead Syrian children and others suffering from hunger, as the words “Who will pay the price?” flashed across the screen. Lebanon is negotiating for the men’s release through mediation by officials from Qatar. The Nusra Front is demanding the release of accused Islamic militants from Lebanese detention, as well as money. They are also demanding that the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah stop fighting in Syria alongside the forces of President Bashar Assad. On Sunday, Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam traveled to the Qatari capital of Doha and held talks with senior officials there. Qatar is a major backer of Syrian rebel groups. Meanwhile, The Nusra Front threatened to kill one of the Lebanese soldiers it is holding Tuesday, an indication that Qatari-brokered negotiations to end the hostage crisis have reached an apparent deadlock.
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:    Lebanese soldier kidnapped from Arsal’s outskirts

Militants Wednesday kidnapped a Lebanese Army soldier as he went to visit his family in Wadi Hmeid on the outskirts of the northeastern border town of Arsal, security sources said. According to eye witnesses, gunmen in two pickup trucks snatched First Adjutant Kamal Mohammad Hujeiri, taking him by surprise, and fled to Arsal’s outskirts. The Army has not yet released any statement on the incident, while a high ranking commander refused to disclose any details in a phone call with The Daily Star. Media reports mentioned that groupings of militants appeared near the town’s entrance from the outskirts, but no clashes have been reported yet. Some locals spoke of a personal dispute between Hujeiri’s brothers and a group of Syrian men. Islamist militants from ISIS and the Nusra Front are holding at least 22 Lebanese soldiers and policemen captive after they fought five days of heavy battles with the Lebanese Army last month in Arsal. The militants have released seven servicemen and executed two soldiers. Swapping the hostages with Islamist prisoners held at Roumieh Prison has been the militants’ key demand, while the Lebanese government refuses such exchange deal.
Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:    5 Tripoli Men Joined IS in Arsal Plains, 2 Involved in Troops Beheading

Five Lebanese citizens have joined the extremist Islamic State group in the outskirts of the Bekaa border town of Arsal and two of them played a role in the recent decapitation of two captive Lebanese troops, a media report said on Wednesday. “Five individuals who hail from (the northern city of) Tripoli have joined the IS group in Arsal’s outskirts,” LBCI television reported. It identified them as “Ahmed Miqati and his son Omar — who are wanted by Lebanese security agencies — Bilal Miqati, Mohammed al-Eter aka Abou Yaacoub, and his brother Bilal al-Eter.” The TV network said the five men left Tripoli as the implementation of a strict security plan got underway on April 1, when several other top fugitives went on the run. “Bilal Miqati was behind executing one of the Lebanese troops as the investigations of security agencies have revealed, while Mohammed al-Eter was present during the beheading of the other soldier,” LBCI said. On Tuesday, the TV station reported that “a computer comparison has proved that the features of the terrorist who stood over martyr Ali al-Sayyed’s body are identical to those of Bilal Miqati.” The security agency probing the case has become confident that “Miqati is the one who executed a-Sayyed,” LBCI said on Wednesday.
Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:    Lebanon Under Fire: Two Years of Syrian Spillover

***Excellent pictorial explanation going back all the way to April 2013


Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia



Headline:  Saudi Arabia’s top clerics speak out against Islamist militancy

Saudi Arabia’s top clerical council, the only body in the country authorised to issue fatwas or Islamic legal opinions, declared on Wednesday that “terrorism is a heinous crime” under Sharia, and perpetrators should be made an example of. The statement, days after Saudi Arabia and other Arab states pledged in Jeddah to combat militant ideology, was the most comprehensive attack the kingdom’s conservative clergy have made so far on Islamist radicalism and the Islamic State group. In a statement carried on state media, they did not specify particular punishments, but said they should act as a deterrent. Saudi Arabia applies the death penalty, usually by public beheading, for many serious crimes. Signed by all 21 members of the council and quoting extensively from the Koran and sayings of the Prophet Mohammad, the statement also prohibits militant financing or encouraging young people towards militant acts. It said people who issued fatwas or other opinions that “justify terrorism” were not permissable in any way and were “the order of Satan”.
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline: Roadside bomb kills 7 Egyptian policemen in Sinai

Headline:  Jihadists claim bomb that killed six Egypt police

At least seven Egyptian policemen have lost their lives and two others sustained injuries when a powerful explosion ripped through their convoy in the violence-plagued Sinai Peninsula of the North African country. Egyptian Interior Ministry said the bomb was hidden deep under the asphalt of the highway linking the city of El-Arish, situated 344 kilometers (214 miles) northeast of the capital, Cairo, to the border town of Rafah early on Tuesday. Security forces cordoned off the area after the attack and launched an investigation into the incident. A security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the blast shredded one of the armored personnel carriers and tore the policemen’s bodies to pieces.
Sept. 16, 2014



Headline:  Report: Russia, Egypt seal preliminary arms deal worth $3.5 billion

Russia and Egypt have reached a preliminary deal for Cairo to buy arms worth $3.5 billion from Moscow, Interfax news agency quoted the head of a Russian state arms agency as saying on Wednesday. Speaking during an arms trade exhibition in South Africa, the head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Alexander Fomin, did not give further details. Russia, the world’s second-largest arms exporter, has sought to boost its military ties with Egypt after relations between Cairo and its long-standing ally Washington soured, causing some defense cooperation between the two countries to be frozen. The head of Rosoboronexport, a state body that deals with arms exports, said the value of the agency’s order book was high in spite of Western sanctions against Moscow over Ukraine.
Sept. 17, 2014


 Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan



Syria Headline:    Islamic State shoots down Syrian war plane

Islamic State fighters shot down a Syrian war plane using anti-aircraft guns on Tuesday, the first time the group has downed a military jet since declaring its cross-border caliphate in June, a group monitoring the civil war said. The plane came down outside Islamic State’s stronghold of Raqqa city, 400 km (250 miles) northeast of Damascus, during air strikes on territory controlled by the group, a resident said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group which gathers information from a network of activists on the ground, reported five air raids on Raqqa on Tuesday. Rami Abdulrahman, who runs the organisation, cited sources close to Islamic State as saying the plane had been shot down.

Headline:   ISIL hit U.S. F-15 with anti-aircaft batteries captured from Iraq


Sept. 16, 2014



Syria Headline:   Clashes escalate around Damascus

Clashes have escalated around Damascus in the last week after rebel forces ignited fronts south and east of the city, ending a lengthy period of calm for the capital. Rebel mortar shells rained in the center of Damascus, with 12 shells simultaneously striking several areas of the city on Sept. 16. The mortar shells on the city center came as fighting raged in the area of al-Dukhaniyya, 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) southeast of Damascus and within the Druze-Christian town of Jaramana. Al-Dukhaniyya is important as it is the main entrance to the towns of Ain ​​Tarma and Kfar Batna in eastern Ghouta. It’s also a gateway to Damascus, specifically the old city — and to the road to the international airport. Rebel fighters have managed to control al-Dukhaniyya and are trying to advance further westward. In a phone conversation with Al-Monitor, a rebel fighter known as Abu Ammar said controlling al-Dukhaniyya “is very important because it would ease the pressure on eastern Ghouta and would probably open the supply line toward the city of Jobar.” He added, “We are fighting under the unified command of the military factions in Ghouta, and regime forces were not ready for this surprise operation.” For 11 days now, about 10 rebel mortar shells fall daily on the eastern areas of the capital. Half of them fall on Jaramana and the other half on Kabas. So far, 11 civilians have been killed in the eastern part of Damascus and Jaramana, including a child and a woman, while dozens others were wounded, according to Majd, a Jaramana resident.
Sept. 17, 2014


Syria Headline:   Al Qaeda groups urge warring militants in Iraq, Syria to unite

Two al Qaeda branches urged warring militant factions in Iraq and Syria to stop fighting each other and unite against a US-led alliance preparing to attack the ultra hardline Islamic State armed group, according to a joint statement posted online. “Stop the infighting between you and stand as one rank against America’s campaign and that of its satanic alliance that lies in wait for all of us, to break us stick by stick,’ al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) said in a rare joint statement.
Sept. 16, 2014



Syria Headline:   Syria conflict: Dozens killed in strikes on Talbiseh

Almost 50 people have been killed by Syrian government air strikes in an opposition-held town, activists say. Six children were among those who died as Talbiseh, in Homs province, was bombarded for two days, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. The air strikes of Talbiseh reportedly began on Monday and continued into Tuesday. State media said the army had targeted a meeting of “terrorists”. The death toll from the bombardment was expected to rise because bodies were still being pulled out of the rubble and dozens of people, including children, were critically injured, the Observatory said
Sept. 17, 2014



Syria Headline:   Fresh surge of violence hit Syria’s Kobane

The Islamic State (IS/ISIS), an al-Qaeda offshoot, took control of two villages in the western countryside of the city of  Kobane in Aleppo province, northern Syria, on Monday evening. However, the Kurdish forces of the Popular Protection Units (YPG) regained control of the villages after clashes with IS militant fighters on Tuesday, local sources told ARA News. One of the displaced villagers stated to ARA News that the YPG (military arm of the Democratic Union Party ‘PYD’) withdrew from the village of Zeerik and parts of Taalik in the western countryside of Kobane, after violent clashes with militants of the Islamic State, to counter-attack the militants on Tuesday. “These villages evacuated the women and children, while the majority of men remained to defend their villages, where they were able ــ with the support of the YPG forces ــ to regain control of the villages after hours of IS control,” the source added. Meanwhile, militant fighters of IS reportedly bombarded with artillery and heavy mortar the YPG-held villages of Dhakirman and Handrails in western Kobane on Tuesday evening, causing extensive structural damage, but no casualties were reported. On the other hand, local activists from the city of Kobane told ARA News that the eastern countryside of Kobane experienced a heavy assault by the Islamic State group with tanks and machine guns. “The shelling (which targeted the villages of Serzouri, Koperlik, Qaza Ali, and al-Jirin) was coupled with violent clashes during which one of the IS-led tanks was destroyed by the YPG fighters,” activists said. In related developments, IS continued shelling the village of Tel Seifi and the surrounding areas in the southern countryside of Kobane with heavy guns for the third consecutive day. Observers described the recent attacks by the Islamic State on the countryside of Kobane as the heaviest since the start of the battles between them and the YPG six months ago.
Sept. 17, 2014


Syria Headline:


Jadida map

Syria Headline:   US strikes in Syria won’t turn locals against Islamic State

Hell is inescapable. With the terror of living under regime or rebel bombing, Islamic State (IS) barbarism and the nightmarish destitution of refugee camps and death boats adrift at sea, hell is the price of being Syrian today. “This is the Syrian’s lot,” Abu Riad told Al-Monitor, “we are destined never to find peace except in our graves.” Abu Riad is a relative I recently visited near the town of Al-Bab east of Aleppo in the heart of IS territory. He echoed the fear of many others now that the United States has put together a collation to wage war on the terror group, a war that will likely involve airstrikes against targets in Syria and inevitably cause more carnage and loss of innocent life. In Abu Riad’s words, “We have been living in absolute terror for a week now under regime airstrikes. Now we have the Americans coming to bomb us too. Where do we go? Why is everyone killing us; what have we done to deserve this?” Indeed, Al-Bab has suffered heavy barrel bombing in the past few days, resulting in many casualties, which prompted me to avoid going to the town altogether and remain in the relative safety of rural areas. Caught between the hammer of regime bombings and the anvil of imminent US airstrikes, many people have started doing the same, fleeing the towns for safer areas. Even IS, as reported by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, has begun to evacuate its headquarters to avoid putting people’s lives at risk, or at least that is what the group claims. Regardless, it would be foolish to believe that US military action against IS is popular here or will go down well, especially when civilian casualties start to mount. On the contrary, it will most likely prove counterproductive, stoking anti-Western resentment among the population and increasing support for IS, driving even more recruits to its ranks.
Sept. 17, 2014


Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights


Syria Headline:     ISW Syria Update  September 4-12, 2014

Syria Headline:   Control of Terrain in Syria September 11, 2014

***Unfortunately- as does the rest of the world- they still list Quneitra Golan Heights as part of Syria



Iraq Headline: Top general says half of Iraqi army incapable of working with US against ISIS

The U.S. military’s top officer said Wednesday that almost half of Iraq’s army is incapable of working  against the Islamic State militant group, while the other half needs to be rebuilt with the help of U.S. advisers and military equipment. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey made the remarks to reporters while traveling to Paris to meet with his French counterpart to discuss the situation in Iraq and Syria. The general said that U.S. assessors who had spent the summer observing Iraq’s security forces concluded that 26 of the army’s 50 brigades would be capable of confronting the Islamic State, also known as ISIS. Dempsey described those brigades as well-led, capable, and endowed with a nationalist instinct, as opposed to a sectarian instinct. However, Dempsey said that the other 24 brigades were too heavily populated with Shiites to be part of a credible force against the Sunni ISIS.
Sept. 17, 2014


Iraq Headline: Coalition should strike ISIS in Syria also: Iraq PM

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said on Wednesday the international community must stop militants belong to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the two countries it is operating in, not just Iraq. “The fight will go on unless ISIS is hit in Syria,” he said, using an acronym for the group. “This is the responsibility of the international community – on top of them the United States government – to do something about ISIS in Syria,” he told the Associated Press in an interview. His comments come a day after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met in Damascus with Iraq’s National Security Adviser Falah al-Fayadh, who updated the embattled leader “on efforts by the Iraqi government to confront terrorism.” “We cannot afford to fight our neighbor, even if we disagree on many things,” Abadi said. “This is our neighbor. We don’t want to enter into problems with them. For us sovereignty of Syria is very important.”
Sept. 17, 2014


Iraq Headline: Iraqi PM says no to foreign ground troops in Islamic State fight

Iraq’s new leader told the Associated Press on Wednesday that foreign ground troops are unwanted and unnecessary in his country’s fight against the Islamic State militant group. Prime Minister Haider Abadi’s comments came a day after Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, repeatedly raised the prospect of sending U.S. troops to fight alongside Iraqi soldiers against the Islamic State, despite President Obama’s vows not to do so. Dempsey told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he would recommend using U.S. ground troops if he deemed it necessary to rescue a downed pilot, to call in airstrikes to assist Iraqi and Kurdish forces, or to help achieve a key military objective, such as freeing the captured city of Mosul. “If we reach the point where I believe our advisors should accompany Iraqi troops on attacks against specific ISIL targets, I’ll recommend that to the president,” Dempsey said at the top of his prepared testimony, using one of several abbreviations for Islamic State. Abadi told the AP that U.S. airstrikes have been helpful in the country’s efforts to stem the attacks of the group, which has taken over parts of Iraq, but said the help of ground soldiers is “out of the question.” Abadi took office on Sept. 8. “We don’t want them,” he told the AP. “We won’t allow them. Full stop.”
Sept. 17, 2014



Iraq Headline: Iraqi army launches offensive on Islamic State in three cities

Iraq Headline: Seven killed in suicide attack in Ramadi Iraq

Iraqi forces launched an intense military operation against Islamic State insurgents in three cities in central Iraq on Wednesday, fighting to regain control of lost ground, security sources said. The offensives in Ramadi, Falluja and Haditha in the western province of Anbar started before dawn, security sources in the three cities said. Sunni tribes revolted in these areas in late 2013 when Iraq’s former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki moved his forces into the cities to suppress a year-long anti-government protest movement. Islamic State insurgents then entered the cities and became the dominate force over the course of several months’ fighting against the Shi’ite-led government. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi promised last week to end Iraqi strikes on cities to reduce civilian casualties. Wednesday’s attacks were on outlying suburbs of the three cities.
Sept. 17, 2014



Iraq Headline:    Institute for the Study of War Iraq Situation Report: September 15-16, 2014


Kurdish Headline:    Exclusive: Iraqi Kurdistan oil heads to Asia, in talks with China

Kurdish Headline:    Erbil and Baghdad Close to Oil Agreement

At least 3 million barrels of Iraqi Kurdish oil are on ships heading to Asia, with trade sources naming China as a possible destination as the autonomous region expands efforts to establish independent oil sales in defiance of Baghdad. Two sources with knowledge of the matter said Iraqi Kurdistan was in talks to potentially supply China with 4 million barrels of oil. Reuters was unable to identify the Chinese parties involved in the talks, which the sources declined to name, and it was not clear if the cargoes currently on the water were part of the discussions. A deal could place Beijing on a collision course with Baghdad, one of its major crude oil suppliers, which has tried to block the Kurdish sales that it says are illegal. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) argues they are allowed under the Iraqi constitution. “The Kurds are in the process of negotiations with the Chinese,” said one of the sources, who asked not to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter. “China is buying up multiple origins of oil. So, there is not an issue from that side,” the source added. “It will come down to price.”
Sept. 17, 2014



Kurdish Headline:    Fight against IS helps PKK gain global legitimacy

Kurdish Headline:    Syrian Kurds join Iraqi Peshmerga to fight Islamic State

As the United States presses ahead with assembling an international coalition to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State (IS), two potentially critical players are coming to the fore: the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and its Syrian Kurdish franchise, the People’s Protection Units (YPG). The PKK and YPG have proven to be the most effective forces in the battle against IS both in Iraq and in Syria, never so much as when they shepherded tens of thousands of Yazidi Kurds marooned on Mount Sinjar, in northwestern Iraq, to safety and helped Iraqi peshmerga retake the town of Makhmour. The PKK and YPG are pro-secular, if quasi Marxist, in ideology. The latter has never targeted the West, and although the PKK has been fighting Turkey, a NATO member, on and off since 1984 for Kurdish self-rule, a cease-fire declared in March 2013 remains in effect. Moreover, both groups claim they are eager to cooperate with the West. So, what better local partners for the anti-jihadist alliance than them? This question is being pondered by European Union (EU) governments and US officials, senior Western officials speaking on condition of anonymity told Al-Monitor. All stressed, however, that for now the debate was, as one put it, “of a purely ‘what if’ nature.” “The problem is Turkey,” explained one of the officials, echoing concerns of a likely backlash from the Turkish government. Turkey branded the PKK as “terrorists,” and the label was adopted by the EU and Washington. The PKK is on both their lists of officially designated terrorist groups and has been accused of money laundering and drug trafficking. IS’ dizzying gains, however, have dramatically altered the security landscape across Syria and Iraq. “You’ve got to pick your poison. It’s either [IS] or the PKK,” the same official stated.
Sept. 17, 2014



rise of ISIS

Headline:    New IS video warns US over Iraq deployment

The militant Islamic State group has released a video warning the United States that fighters await it in Iraq if President Barack Obama sends troops there, as he and his top general said may happen. The 52-second video entitled “Flames of War” shows militants blowing up tanks, wounded U.S. soldiers and others about to killed. It then shows a clip of Obama saying that combat troops will not return to Iraq, ending with a text overlay that reads “fighting has just begun.”
Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:    New Recruits Flock To ISIS Following Obama Speech

Headline:  U.S. airstrikes boost Islamic State, more hostages possible: FBI

The Islamic State terrorist group has seen an uptick in recruits following president Obama’s address last week, when he indicated that airstrikes to combat the extremists would be expanded from Iraq to Syria. The intelligence comes via The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an independent group monitoring all aspects of the conflict within the country. The group indicated that 162 people had attended two separate training camps set up by ISIS in Aleppo province in the last week alone. Among the recruits, according to the Observatory, were four Australian nationals, as well as 15 non-Syrian Arabs who entered the country across the Turkish border. The remaining new recruits are Syrians, and most former fighters with the Syrian al Qaeda affiliate The Nusra Front, which has been going up against ISIS in a battle for regional supremacy. As was widely reported last week, ISIS militants and so called ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels signed a non-aggression pact. In addition, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have set about a campaign to unite the rival militant groups in Iraq and Syria against the U.S.-led alliance and Shi-ite fighters. According to Rami Abdulrahman, the head of the Observatory, ISIS now has more than 50,000 fighters in Syria alone. That figure is double the estimate of Western intelligence agencies which have pitched the number of fighters at 20,000 to 30,000 in BOTH Syria and Iraq combined.
Sept. 17, 2014



Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.


Headline:   Shelling kills two civilians, injures 3 in Ukraine’s east

Headline:   East Ukraine casualties rise as rebels reject deal

At least two civilians have been killed and three others wounded in renewed shelling in Ukraine’s restive east, despite a truce between the Kiev government forces and pro-Russians. Officials in eastern city of Donetsk said the deadly shell fire hit a residential neighborhood north of the city on Wednesday. According to the Donetsk city council, the two civilians were killed near a market located just a few kilometers away from the city’s airport. Heavy shelling has been reported almost daily around Donetsk in recent days. On September 15, four people were killed when a car repair shop was hit by an artillery shell in Donetsk. A day earlier, six people were killed and another 15 wounded by artillery shell shrapnel in the northern districts of Donetsk.
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:   Defense Minister: Russia To Deploy Reinforcements To Crimea Area

Headline:    Russian Says The US ‘Is Pushing The World To The Verge Of A New Cold War’

Russia is to reinforce its troop deployments in annexed Crimea and southern Russia because of the worsening crisis in Ukraine and the buildup of foreign forces nearby, the country’s defense minister said on Tuesday. Sergei Shoigu told a meeting of defense ministry top brass it was a “priority” to deploy a “full and self-reliant group of troops in the direction of Crimea,” Russian news agencies reported. He said the “situation in Ukraine has sharply worsened and the foreign military presence has increased very close to our border.” Shoigu said the “military and political situation” in southwest Russia had “changed significantly since the start of this year.” Russia is deeply concerned at NATO’s move eastwards and President Vladimir Putin has accused the West of provoking the crisis in Ukraine in order to “revive” the military bloc.
Sept. 16, 2014



Headline:    Russia: ‘Free Syrian Army No Longer Exists’; Rebels Are Coordinating With Terrorists

Russia on Tuesday accused the West of ignoring its warnings about the growing terrorist threat in Syria, and claimed that the moderate rebel front – the one the Obama administration wants to arm as part of its anti-ISIS strategy – “no longer exists.” The remarks by Russia’s ambassador in Geneva Alexey Borodavkin came during a session of the U.N. Human Rights Council, which was discussing the most recent report by a U.N.-mandated independent commission of inquiry into the conflict. The report, released late last month and roughly covering the first half of this year, recorded atrocities by the Assad regime and by some of its opponents, including the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL). “The commission in its report,” Borodavkin told the council through a translator, “recognizes that the Syrian government is working against a huge army of trained armed terrorists.” “The Free Syrian Army no longer exists,” he continued. “Armed groups qualified as ‘moderate’ are closely coordinating their activities with terrorist groups.”
Sept. 17, 2014



Cooltextprophecysign Iran: Jeremiah 49:34-39 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, The foremost of their might. 36 Against Elam I will bring the four winds From the four quarters of heaven, And scatter them toward all those winds; There shall be no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go. 37 For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies And before those who seek their life. I will bring disaster upon them, My fierce anger,’ says the Lord; ‘And I will send the sword after them Until I have consumed them. 38 I will set My throne in Elam, And will destroy from there the king and the princes,’ says the Lord. 39 ‘But it shall come to pass in the latter days: I will bring back the captives of Elam,’ says the Lord.”

Headline:   Iranian Commander: U.S. Not Sincere About IS

The commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, on Tuesday claimed he is doubtful that the real objective of the United States against the “Islamic State” (IS) is to eliminate the group. According to the Iranian Shafaq News website, Jafari said in a news conference that America “feels despair” over what IS does and its influential role, so it is trying “to establish this alliance and we doubt its seriousness about eliminating ISIS.” Jafari further claimed that the United States declared war on IS only yet still supports some of the opposition groups in Syria, stressing that the United States will “regret its attack on Syria.” He also said that he considered the presence of Americans in Iraq as aiming to support the Kurds in the north. The comments come a day after Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said his country had rejected a U.S. request for cooperation against the IS because Washington has “dirty hands”. “Right from the start, the United States asked through its ambassador in Iraq whether we could cooperate against [IS],” Khamenei said in a statement on his official website. “I said no, because they have dirty hands,” said Khamenei, who has the final say on all matters of state in Iran.
Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:   Iranian General Commander: US Presence in Iraq is Only to Protect Kurds

The general commander of the Iranian force sees the action of the US against the Islamic State (IS) militants with suspicion, and the believes that US presence in Iraq is only to protect Kurds, and presents no threat to Iran. Now, with the US and its international allies are fighting terrorists in Iraq, the US is about to establish a military air base in Erbil. Some Iranian leaders are concerned  at the proximity of the base to their borders. On Tuesday, Iranian Forces General Commander Mohammed Ali Jaafari presented a speech in Tehran in recognition of Armed Forces Day. “The US feels they were defeated in Iraq in the past, so they have now formed an international alliance against these IS militants. The presence of the US in Iraq is only to protect Kurds,” said Jaafari.
Sept. 17, 2014





Headline:   War News for Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Reported security incidents
#1: A provincial security official said on Wednesday that Taliban fighters killed six Afghan policemen in an ambush in western Afghanistan. Raouf Ahmadi, spokesman for the provincial police chief in Herat province said that six other police were wounded in the assault late Tuesday. Mr. Ahmadi said that eight Taliban fighters were also killed in the battle.

#2: The Pakistan army Wednesday said fighter jets bombed positions of militants in the North Waziristan tribal region and killed 40 local and foreign militants.

#3: Two militants were on Wednesday killed in an encounter with security forces near the Line of Control (LoC) in Macchil Sector of Kashmir Valley. “In the wee hours today, two unknown terrorists were killed in Macchil Sector in an encounter with troops,” an Army spokesman said.

#4: At least three Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were martyred following improvised explosive device (IED) explosion, defense officials said Wednesday. Defense ministry spokesman, Gen. Zahir Azimi said the three Afghan soldies were martyred in the past 24 hours.

#5: A female journalist was murdered by unidentified men in northern Balkh province of Afghanistan. The female journalistm – Palwasha Tokhi Miranzai was reportedly working for Bayan-e-Shamal new network. According to reports, Miranzai was repeatedly stabbed by unidentified men inside her house in Mazar-e-Sharif city.


Headline:    Two American troops among dead in Afghanistan suicide bombing

Two American troops and a Polish service member were killed Tuesday when a Taliban suicide car bomber attacked a foreign motorcade just a couple hundred yards from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Fox News confirms. The NATO-led international military coalition in Afghanistan said five others were wounded in the attack. Security forces in full battle gear administered CPR to wounded comrades shortly after the 8:10 a.m. blast, which rattled nearby neighborhoods and sent a plume of smoke high into the sky. The attack – which the Taliban claimed responsibility for — happened on a main Kabul road that leads to the airport, next to an ISAF base that houses many Americans.
Sept. 17, 2014





Headline:  South Sudan wants to kick out foreign aid workers, even as a devastating famine looms

On Tuesday, South Sudanese authorities announced that they are planning to ban foreign workers by Oct. 15 — a move that could also affect foreigners employed by aid agencies. The report comes amid a rapidly deteriorating food security situation in the East African country, which has suffered through months of civil war. In late July, the U.N. Security Council expressed “grave concern” about the situation and described it as “currently … the worst [food insecurity situation] in the world.” About 50,000 children could die, the United Nations warned, and more than one-third of South Sudan’s population is dangerously threatened. Despite being heavily dependent on foreign aid, the South Sudanese government made the surprising announcement that it would attempt to fill many jobs currently occupied by foreigners with “competent South Sudanese nationals,” according to the Agence France-Presse news agency. Foreign aid agencies, hosting the world’s largest humanitarian operation, would be strongly affected by the proposed rule. Tensions between aid agencies and the South Sudanese government have risen for months. Matthew Herrick, a spokesman for the U.S. Agency for International Development, told The Post in August that the government of South Sudan and the opposition had utterly failed and put millions of people on the brink of famine. Only their commitment to true peace, reconciliation and accountability will end this crisis and give donors access to the affected conflict areas, Herrick said.
Sept. 17, 2014





Headline:  Nine killed, 30 wounded in fresh clashes in Benghazi

Headline:   Libya Islamists launch new assault on Benghazi airport

At least nine people have been killed in Libya in heavy fighting between forces loyal to renegade General Khalifa Haftar and armed Salafi militiamen in the restive eastern city of Benghazi. A hospital medic, speaking on condition of anonymity, said nine soldiers were killed and 30 were wounded when militiamen made a new push to approach the civilian and military airport of the city on Tuesday. “We are still controlling the airport,” Saqer al-Jouroushi, Haftar’s air defense commander said, adding that his troops had managed to ready four old helicopters and four MiG fighter jets. Militiamen are trying to snatch the Benghazi airport from the control of government troops allied with Haftar. Islamist fighters launched another offensive Wednesday on the airport in Libya’s Benghazi, the final redoubt in the eastern city of an ex-general who has been waging war on them, an AFP correspondent said. The fighters of the Shura Revolutionary Council, which includes the Islamist Ansar al-Shariah group, have been trying since early September to capture the facility, which houses both civilian and military airfields.
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:  Libya, neighbor nations snub military intervention

Libya’s struggling elected government and representatives of 15 neighboring nations on Wednesday unanimously rejected the idea of military intervention as a way to restore stability in the oil-rich nation, which some say is on the brink of civil war. Meeting in Madrid, officials from countries surrounding Libya and to its north across the Mediterranean concluded “there is no military solution to the current crisis.” But Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo warned that the status quo puts Libya in a position where it could slide into a Syria-style civil war. Libya currently has two rival parliaments and governments. One is recently elected but based in Tobruk, where it moved after Islamist militias took control of both Tripoli and Libya’s second-largest city, Benghazi. The previous Islamist-led parliament remains in Tripoli and is backed by the militias. Libya Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdulaziz offered no specifics on how his government could regain control of Tripoli but said he did not believe a recent series of mysterious airstrikes in Libya or future airstrikes would shift the balance of power. “We are convinced that is impossible for us to overcome terrorism only through air strikes,” Abdulaziz told reporters.
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:    Tunisian forces and militants clash near border, one killed

Tunisian police killed an Islamist militant during clashes near the Algerian border, the interior ministry said on Wednesday, after the government raised the security alert level before elections next month. Since April, thousands of troops have been deployed in Tunisia’s mountainous Chaambi region on the border with Algeria, where Islamist fighters – some of them linked to al Qaeda – have taken refuge . “Security and army units killed a terrorist and wounded another late on Tuesday in clashes in Kasserine city,” Mohamed Ali Aroui, an interior ministry spokesman said. Aroui said security forces continued to pursue militants in Kasserine but gave no further details.
Sept. 17, 2014





Headline:    Algeria offers to host dialog between rival Libyan parties

Headline:   Algeria on a ‘state of alert’ along Libya border

Algeria has officially expressed readiness to host negotiations between rival Libyan parties aimed at working out a solution to the lingering crisis in the North African country. “Algeria welcomes any solution to the crisis proposed by the Libyans, and if the Libyans believe that Algeria, as a sister and neighboring country, could host… talks, then Algeria will not mind,” Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra said during a press conference with his Portuguese counterpart Rui Machete in Algiers on Monday. Lamamra added, “Algeria’s position is clear. It calls for a national dialogue and national reconciliation in Libya, and to give the elected institutions the chance to gain more legitimacy through reunification.” “The Libyan crisis is a complex one and Algeria considers it an internal matter and will not interfere in it; however Algeria, out of its rich history with Libya, will not stand idle at a time when the crisis in Libya deepens,” he said.
Sept. 17, 2014






Headline:  Qatar and Turkey — backers of Muslim Brotherhood — formalize strategic ties

Headline:    Turkish sanctuary for MB leaders may further strain regional relations

Qatar and Turkey, the two leading supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, have formed a strategic alliance. Qatar and Turkey agreed to establish a strategic cooperation council that would enhance coordination in the Middle East. The council was decided during the visit to Doha by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hosted by Qatar’s Emir Tamim. This marked the third visit by Erdogan to Qatar since he became president in August 2014. “They agreed to set up a supreme strategic cooperation council under the co-chairmanship of His Highness the emir and the Turkish president to discuss means of promoting relations between the two countries and to follow up issues in various fields,” an official statement said on Sept. 15. Officials said the strategic council would develop cooperation between Ankara and Turkey. They said all issues would be addressed, including conflicts throughout the region. Qatar and Turkey have been among the last Middle East supporters of the Brotherhood, outlawed in Egypt and several Gulf Cooperation Council states. Officials said Erdogan and Tamim also discussed Turkish assistance for Qatar’s military and security forces. They said Turkish officials reviewed proposals with Qatari Interior Minister Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa. Turkey has also pressed Qatar to supply 1.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas. “During the session HH the emir and the Turkish president reviewed relations between the two counties and means of developing them,” the statement said. “In addition, they reviewed areas of mutual cooperation at various levels and to develop them for the good of the two peoples.”
Sept. 16, 2014






Headline:     NATO will continue cooperation with Armenia – envoy

Headline:    At American Military Exercises In Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia In; Armenia Out

“We highly appreciate cooperation between Armenia and NATO. We are looking forward to strengthening Armenia-NATO partnership by the next summit,” UK Ambassador to Armenia Katherine Leach said at a discussion on “Influence of NATO Summit on Armenia and South Caucasus.” As a member of CSTO, Armenia has its unique role of a partner country of NATO, said the envoy. Katherine Leach stressed that NATO will continue cooperation with Armenia and Armenia will continue to take part in NATO missions.
Sept. 17, 2014



nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)


Headline:  U.N. to dump flood of Muslim refugees on U.S.

Headline:   New York man accused of trying to recruit, aid ISIS militants

Displaced Syrians will likely make up the next big wave of Muslim refugees coming to America. Since the early 1990s, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees has selected 200,000 to 250,000 refugees from Islamic countries to be resettled in the United States. Most of them have come from Somalia and Iraq. Syria could soon be added to the mix in the midst of that country’s brutal civil war. The Obama administration has been greasing the skids for the Syrian refugees for months, WND has learned, and the refugees will soon be dumped on American cities throughout the U.S. In February, the State Department moved to ease the rules that protect the U.S. from accepting refugees with potential ties to terrorist organizations. The rules were seen as “too strict” by the refugee-resettlement groups that lobby Congress and the administration to continuously let in more Muslims from the war-torn Middle East. Then on Sept. 4, a U.S. State Department spokeswoman hinted at her daily press briefing that a new wave of refugees will soon be coming from another predominantly Muslim nation – Syria. “The United Nations high commissioner for refugees just this year started referring Syrian refugees to the United States for processing,” said Marie Harf. “Obviously, we have several thousand in the pipeline, and that number will continue to go up.” Obama’s State Department is expected to present Congress with a list within the next two weeks that shows the total number of foreign refugees it wants to accept into the country over the next year and the countries from which they will come. The new fiscal year begins Oct. 1.
|Sept. 17, 2014




Headline: Nigeria college attack leaves 13 dead

At least 13 people were killed and 34 others wounded when police fought a battle with suspected Boko Haram suicide bombers in Kano, northern Nigeria, the state’s police chief said on Wednesday. Kano State police commissioner Adelere Shinaba said the gunmen, whom he described as “insurgents”, ran onto the grounds of the Federal College of Education after exchanging fire with police outside. “They were obviously suicide bombers. One of our officers shot at one of the gunmen and the explosives on him went off, killing him on the spot,” he told AFP. “Another gunman was also killed. Thirteen people were killed by the gunmen and 34 others have been taken to hospital with injuries.”
Sept. 17, 2014


Africa Islamic Militants Map

Headline:  Yemen army attack kills 4 Houthis in Jawf Province

Headline:    Clashes in Yemen capital suburb kill at least 20: sources

At least four members of Yemen’s Houthi community have been killed and several others injured in an army attack in the country’s troubled north. Local security officials say Houthis were killed in a military air raid in the northern province of Jawf on Wednesday. The casualties come after Yemeni air force hit the house of a pro-government tribal leader which was stormed and held by Houthi fighters. In a separate development, at least ten people were killed and dozens more injured in a confrontation between government forces and protesters southern Sana’a.
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:    Al Qaida’s new South Asian arm claims major attack

Al Qaida’s South Asia wing has claimed responsibility for hijacking a Pakistani naval ship and trying to use it to fire rockets at U.S. vessels in the Arabian Sea, in the first major assault by the newly created group. The SITE monitoring service quoted its spokesman, Usama Mahmoud, as saying a group of militants had succeeded in seizing control of the Pakistani frigate PNS Zulfiqar and tried to use it to attack nearby U.S. vessels. “These mujahideen had taken control of the Pakistani ship, and they were advancing towards the American fleet when the Pakistani army stopped them,” he said. “As a result, the mujahideen, the lions of Allah and benefactors of the Ummah, sacrificed their lives for Allah, and the Pakistani soldiers spoiled their hereafter by giving up their lives in defence of the enemies of the Ummah the Americans.” SITE said Mahmoud’s statement also provided a picture and a detailed layout of the PNS Zulfiqar. The navy and the army’s press wing were not immediately available for comment.
Sept. 17, 2014


star222222333333_thumb2.jpg CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3– Worldwide “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline: Moscow warns against panic as ruble plunges to historic lows

Headline:  Russia Takes Double Punch as Vanishing Workers Fan Prices

Russian authorities told people not to panic on Tuesday as the battered ruble plunged to record lows, floored by tensions with the West over Ukraine, new sanctions and falling oil prices. The national currency fell to 38.82 rubles per dollar after weakening on Monday to below 38 against the dollar for the first time. It also broke through the symbolic level of 50 rubles per euro for the first time in several months. The ruble has slumped as investors fret about the impact of ever more stringent Western sanctions on the economy, which is already teetering on the verge of recession. Ordinary Russians said they were concerned that a weaker ruble would drive up inflation and make foreign trips and foreign currency-denominated purchases an increasingly unaffordable luxury. Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseyev sought to put on a brave face, saying authorities were taking steps to curb inflation. “Don’t panic,” he said.
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:  New Record: Pound of Ground Beef Tops $4 for First Time

Although the overall Consumer Price Index dropped by 0.2 percent in August, the price index for food rose 0.2 percent, with the average price for a pound of ground beef rising to $4.013 per pound–the first time it has ever topped $4 per pound. In July, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average price for a pound of ground beef had been $3.884 per pound—which was the record price up to that point.  From July to August, the average price jumped 12.9 cents, an increase of 3.3 percent in one month.
Sept. 17, 2014


Ebola-virus-pink-jpgCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Obama: US military to lead medical response to Ebola, now posing a global threat

Headline:    Ebola Poses a New Challenge for U.S. Military

Headline:    First Volunteer Receives Ebola Vaccine in U.K. Trial

Headline:    Ban: UN ‘Taking Lead’ on Ebola Response

President Obama said Tuesday the United States will launch a major, military-led response in West Africa to the deadly Ebola outbreak that has reached epidemic proportions and now poses “a potential threat to global security.” Obama announced the stepped-up effort against the virus, which has killed at least 2,400 people in five West African countries, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. He said the response was the largest in the Centers’ 68-year history and that the Defense Department was chosen to lead field operations because it was “better that any other organization on earth” in such efforts. “It’s spreading out of control,” Obama said. “We have to act fast. We cannot dawdle on this one. We have to move with force.” Published reports earlier in the day said Obama would announce that he was sending 3,000 military personnel. But he did not say in his roughly 15-minute announcement how many people would be deployed.
Sept. 17, 2014





Headline:    Enterovirus reaches Pennsylvania; at least six cases reported in Erie, Philly

Headline:    List of states with Enterovirus D68 grows

Four children in the Philadelphia area and two children in Erie have tested positive for enterovirus D68, a virus that can cause severe respiratory illness, according to health officials. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia on Tuesday confirmed the four cases in Philadelphia. In Erie, two children treated at Saint Vincent Hospital’s emergency room have tested positive for enterovirus, said Dr. Howard Nadworny, Saint Vincent’s chief of infection control. “The lab results have come back positive for enterovirus,” Dr. Nadworny said Tuesday. “We can’t tell for certain yet that it’s D68, but both patients have respiratory illness and wheezing, and that’s what D68 causes. … Other enteroviruses cause diarrhea and viral meningitis.”
Sept. 17, 2014



Headline:  HealthMap

Global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site ‘healthmap.org’ and mobile app ‘Outbreaks Near Me’ deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers.





September 14, 2014 – Public onlookers see a lot of dead fish in Quanzhou, China


September 14, 2014 –Dead fish in the canal – It is a mystery about the cause Vicenza, Italy


September 14, 2014 – Hundreds of Chicken Dead Indonesia



September 15, 2014 –Dead fish odor affect residents Huangshi, China


September 15, 2014 – Carcasses float on flooded roads, Srinagar India faces epidemic outbreak


666increase in knowledgeCooltextprophecysign Increase in Knowledge/Mark of the Beast Daniel 12:4 and Revelation 13:16-17 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Daniel) “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation)

Headline:     FBI’s facial recognition system will combine faces of criminals and ordinary citizens

THE FBI has launched its “next generation” facial recognition system — and the implications are terrifying. It not only draws on a database of criminal mugshots, it searches through ordinary people too. Anyone who has ever had a background check when applying for a job could be identified in a police hunt. And the system is hardly infallible — a search will pull up 50 faces, with only an 85 per cent likelihood that the suspect will be on list, by the FBI’s own estimation. The Interstate Photo System is expected to have reached 50 states by the end of the year, and have collected 52 million faces by 2015. “This effort is a significant step forward for the criminal justice community in utilising biometrics as an investigative enabler,” the FBI said in a statement. And it may not be long until Australian biometrics become this far-reaching.
Sept. 16, 2014



Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring”


Headline:    Tropical Storm Odile expected to hit Arizona with heavy winds, rain

Mexico’s government airlifted thousands of stranded foreign tourists out of the hurricane-ravaged resort of Los Cabos, as a weakened Odile headed over the Gulf of California Wednesday on a path toward the U.S. state of Arizona. The remnants of Odile, which has been downgraded from a Category 3 hurricane to a tropical storm, were expected to reach Arizona Wednesday evening and strike hardest in the Tucson area, though forecasters said Phoenix could get lashed with rain and heavy winds as well. In Mexico, military and commercial planes were carrying travelers out through the Los Cabos international airport, which remained closed to commercial flights due to damage suffered when Odile tore through the area late Sunday and Monday. Travelers were being flown free of charge to airports in Tijuana, Mazatlan, Guadalajara and Mexico City to catch connecting flights and, in the case of foreigners, receive consular assistance.
Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:  It’s Already Erupting, But Not Explosive’: Lava Flows From Philippine Volcano; Thousands Flee

The Philippines’ most active volcano has sent more huge lava fragments rolling down its slopes in an ongoing gentle eruption that has prompted authorities to evacuate thousands of villagers, officials said Wednesday. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology has warned that a “hazardous eruption” of Mount Mayon, located in the eastern Philippines, is possible within weeks. Increased restiveness was recorded overnight, including 270 incidents of lava fragments and super-hot boulders rolling down from Mayon’s crater — nearly four times the number recorded the previous day. Some reached the upper portion of a gully on the volcano’s southeastern side, indicating that the lava dome has breached that side of the crater. The number of low-frequency volcanic earthquakes also increased. Molten lava has accumulated at the top of the 2,460-meter (8,070-foot) volcano’s crater, creating a glow in the night sky that sparked both awe and fear among spectators. “It’s already erupting, but not explosive,” said Renato Solidum, who heads the government’s volcano monitoring agency. “Currently, the activity is just lava coming down. If there is an explosion, all sides of the volcano are threatened.”
Sept. 17, 2014


Headline:    What’s erupting? List & map of currently active volcanoes



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